Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 540

Jack the Cruel was killed by himself, and in the end there was no "Jack" he was satisfied with on the entire ship.

Jack’s personality split has finally come to an end. However, every day when the sun rises again, he will continue to split. In places like the end of the world, neither the underworld nor the sun, there is only Jack. In this case, anyone can be driven mad.

Captain Jack grabbed a hanging rope and stood on the side of the ship and said, "I don't want to do it anymore, I want to leave here!"

As he said, he swung under the boat by the rope and stepped on a white sandy beach.

This beach is the sand of time.

There is no time limit, no death, no vitality here.

After Jack landed, he threw away the rope, dipped his finger in his mouth, and tried the wind direction—there was no wind at all, and the Black Pearl was completely stranded on the sands of time.

He murmured to himself as he walked: "There is no wind, of course there is no wind here. If there is wind here, it would be strange."

Then he said again: "No, it's windy, I clearly felt a breeze blowing on my face just now, cool, refreshing."

"How could it be, that's the airflow that was stirred up when I walked."

"Isn't the air current the wind?"

He was talking to himself, and after walking a few steps, he stopped.

He smelled a fishy smell of marine life.

He looked down and found that there was an oval-shaped pebble the same color as the Sand of Time beside his feet.

Jack frowned slightly, picked up the pebble, looked at it carefully, and then threw the pebble out like a water float.

"...Yes, I know, but why? Why the hell?" Jack murmured.

His spirit is obviously still in a state of chaos.

As he walked, he stopped suddenly.

He slowly turned his head and saw the same pebble under his feet.

Jack frowned and picked up the stone, looked again and again, and then licked it on his mouth, his mouth full of strong smell of sea.

Jack curled his lips and threw the stone away.

After throwing it far, the stone suddenly cracked, and a crab leg was stretched out. Then, all the crab legs stretched out.

The stone crab moved slowly and continued to follow Jack.

Jack murmured to himself: "I was followed by a stone, I'm crazy."

He walked to the rope, grabbed the rope, and pulled hard, trying to pull the Black Pearl into the sea.

Although he cannot see the ocean for the time being, he still believes that there must be an ocean here.

However, his strength alone is impossible to pull the entire Black Pearl on the beach.

The stone crab thrown away by him stood beside him, watching his almost "stupid" behavior.

Captain Jack looked at the stone in surprise, unable to hold it mentally anymore, and fainted directly on the ground.

When he opened his eyes again, hundreds of stone crabs had gathered in front of him.

These stone crabs walked mightily to the bottom of the Black Pearl, using the principle of rollers to move alternately one after another.

The huge Black Pearl immediately began to slide on the sands of time.

Captain Jack stood up in astonishment and murmured: "I must be dreaming! Well, even dreaming, at least I am in a dream and can sail!"

He hurriedly caught up with the Black Pearl, climbed onto the ship, and stared at the front as if he was really sailing.

On the other side, the Empress Gemini was hit by the abyssal waves on the coast. At least half of the crew died in the abyss, and the survivors were also very embarrassed.

Xufeng climbed to the shore, looked around, and saw that the main members were still alive. This was a long sigh of relief.

This is the end of the world.

This is the sand of time.

Xufeng grabbed the white sand on the beach and put it into the alchemy crystal bottle that had been prepared a long time ago.

This is the alchemy task requested by Uncle Mi Xiu, and if he came here with such a big risk, this task must be completed, otherwise it would be too bad.

Gibbs sighed long on the side, "This is really barren land."

Elizabeth shivered and said, "I haven't seen Jack, nor anyone!"

Barbossa shook the water in his hat and grinned: "He must be here because I can feel myself starting to feel unhappy."

Will came over and complained and said, "What's the use of saying this now? We are stuck here! Our boat is gone, we can't go back! And this! It's all you killed!"

At this time, a group of stone crabs crawled past these embarrassed sailors and got into Tia Dorma's dirty skirt.

Tia Dorma bent down and picked up a stone crab, stroked the shell of the stone crab, grinned and said, "Jack is far in the sky, right in front of you."

With that, she looked at the sand dunes in the distance.

Everyone looked at her, and saw a familiar black mast exposed on the high sand dunes. Then, the huge Black Pearl, surrounded by a large group of stone crabs, quickly slid towards the beach. come!

Jack stood at the bow, looking like he was about to ride the wind and waves!

The golden sun shines on him, and his firm expression is as if it were made of gold!

The pirates present were all shocked.

They never thought that they could really see Jack again, moreover, such a respectable Jack!

Chapter 472

The Black Pearl rushed straight down from the high sand dunes, and with the force of inertia, rushed into the sea.

Lao Lei and Xiao Pi had tears in their eyes, and they hugged tightly.

"Oh my God! It's a ship! And it's the Black Pearl!"

"I saw it, haha! It's really the Black Pearl!"

Will lifted up and let out a long sigh of relief, "Thank God! I found the Black Pearl! With this ship, I can rescue my father!"

Gibbs said excitedly: "Haha, this is just like a dream! When I told everyone to save Jack, it was just a determination. Unexpectedly, we actually met Jack! Haha! Jack! Captain! ,I am here!"

The pirates all rushed to the Black Pearl, and Elizabeth rushed a few steps happily, and then flinched.

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