Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 550

Chapter 481 What kind of person is Beckett?

The feather number where Xufeng and Jack are located is the biggest decoy.

The Black Pearl is the second bait.

With these two decoys, Xiao Feng can firmly grasp the initiative of this naval battle.

Of course, he knew that his fleet would not be able to compete with the Sunburst Fleet, but he had received information before that the Endeavour was rushing towards the waters of Malacca. There were only a few frigates around him, and the Sunburst fleet had not yet been assembled .

Tactically speaking, this is a very good time.

The enemy has come from a long distance, and they are not familiar with this sea area yet, and their large forces have not assembled well. Taking advantage of this time, lure the enemy into deep and hit them by surprise. This is the best way.

Even if Beckett can't be destroyed, he can give Beckett a stab at him, making him afraid to set foot in the waters of Malacca easily.

So, from this point of view, Xiao Feng is not mindless to avenge Lin and Park. He has his own very detailed attack plan and a very safe retreat plan.

The waters of Malacca here are different from other waters. There are many small islands scattered here, just like a whole piece of land has been randomly torn apart by a huge creative force.

Therefore, the waters of Malacca are very suitable for pirates to ambush. This is also the most troublesome place for East Indu Trading Company.

The Hongmao stopped in a relatively narrow channel. The Chinese sailors on the ship destroyed the rudder, and then walked over, bowing and bowing to Xufeng.

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "Well, let's go."

Only then did the Chinese sailors put down the escape boat and rowed away.

Only Xufeng and Jack were left on the huge Feather.

Of course, there is a decent table of wine and dishes.

Jack shouted loudly: "Hey, don't go! Let us loosen the tie first! Don't loosen the tie, how can we eat vegetables and drink!"

The Tang Dynasty sailors simply ignored Jack's yelling, and quickly disappeared from sight.

Xufeng moved his arm, and easily broke free of the rope tied to him.

This is not because he has a lot of strength, but because the ropes that bind him are not tight.

After breaking free, he threw the rope over, then sat down at the wine table, smiled and picked up the chopsticks.

Jack said quickly: "Xufeng! Afeng! My first mate! My best friend! Don't rush to eat, first help me untie it."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Jack, I'm starving. You can let my food cushion it first, and then you have the strength to help you untie the rope."

"You..." Jack wanted to cry without tears.

Xu Feng picked up his chopsticks and added a piece of braised Spanish mackerel, ate it beautifully, and enjoyed it extremely.

Jack opened his mouth, "Afeng, you have the energy, hurry up and untie me."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Don't worry, how can one piece, let me eat another piece of chicken."

Xu Feng took another piece of spicy chicken nuggets and ate it beautifully.

Jack's saliva was about to flow out, "Xu Feng, brother! Let me loosen your tie first!"

"Wait, I'll take a drink first." Xu Feng picked up the flask and took a sip.

"Yes, good wine!" Xufeng touched his mouth, then stood up, walked in front of Jack, showed off his pirate scimitar, and cut away the tight rope on Jack with a single knife.

Jack flexed his muscles quickly, then ran to the table and grabbed the chopsticks

He can't use it.

I tried it twice, but I couldn't get any meat.

And Xu Feng slowly, eating piece by piece.

Jack roared in annoyance, and directly took out his machete, inserted a piece of meat with the tip of the knife, and sent it into his mouth.

"Ah." Jack said with great enjoyment: "It's so delicious, the food of the Tang Dynasty is really heavenly."

Xufeng poured a glass of wine for Jack, "Come on, taste our liquor."

Jack took a sharp sip, then coughed heavily, "It's spicy!"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Is it fun?"

Jack tasted the aftertaste, and then ordered him, "Not bad, with a mellow aftertaste. Compared to rum, rum is just alcohol mixed with water."

"Know the goods!" Xu Feng said with a smile.

Jack inserted a few more pieces of meat to eat, and asked as he ate, "Xufeng, we have also drunk the wine, and we have almost eaten the food, should we run away?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "There is the sea all around, the rudder is broken, and the only boat was rowed away by them, where are we going to escape?

Jack asked: "Is it possible that we really want to be used as bait? Such a broken ship, I am afraid that it will not withstand a round of artillery fire from the Endeavour."

Xufeng asked, "Jack, what kind of person do you think Beckett is?"

Jack glanced subconsciously at the pirate brand on his wrist-this was the mark Beckett personally branded on him fifteen years ago.

Jack used to be a crew member of Beckett. Beckett discovered him and promoted him to captain by exception. At that time, he was only in his early twenties. Among all the captains of East Indu Trading Company, he was the most The young one.

Jack had a very good future in the Eastern Trading Company. He only needed to follow Beckett's requirements.

However, Jack did not.

Jack discovered that the East Indu Trading Company was not a company that really engaged in formal trade, but a company that carried out cruel and barbaric plunder under the banner of trade. Therefore, he let go of the black slaves who had been captured on the ship and took him with him. The ship left the East Indu Trading Company.

For this reason, Beckett was very annoyed and personally led the sun never set fleet to encircle Jack in the Caribbean.

Jack has shown his cleverness, disguised as the Spanish Navy and the Portuguese Navy in the Caribbean, and attacked the lone fleet ships when the sun never sets.

In the end, Beckett had to use diplomatic relations to order ships of other countries not to sail into the relevant waters, and then conduct a carpet search, which finally surrounded and sank Jack's "Bad Girl".

Also on that occasion, he caught Jack and branded Jack a pirate.

When Jack was about to be executed, Jack asked for help from David Jones. David Jones sent someone to rescue Jack and fished out the Bad Girl from the seabed, and repaired it to the point where it was stronger than before. After being reborn, it became the current Black Pearl.

It can be said that the grudge between him and Beckett is the root of all this.

As for the question of "what kind of person is Beckett", he should be the one who has the most say among the pirate kings.

Jack didn't answer right away, but picked up the glass and drank the wine in the glass, savoring the spicy sensation of the tip of the tongue, the bitterness of the tongue, the burning sensation of the throat and the warmth of the stomach.

When he breathed in oxygen, these tingling sensations, bitterness and burning sensations, under the action of oxidation, all turned into tingling sweetness and bursts of comfort.

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