Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 551

"Becket... is a very powerful person." Jack said solemnly.

Chapter 482 Beckett's Ambition

Beckett is their enemy.

In addition, Beckett was the one who personally branded Jack as a pirate.

It stands to reason that Jack should hate Beckett.

However, "hate" is an emotion, and it is wrong to evaluate a person based on emotion.

In fact, Beckett is indeed a very powerful person.

He came from a poor man, and his appearance is not good. With such a strict aristocracy, it is difficult to develop with his background.

In this era of great voyages, many poor people like him fell into trouble and became pirates, but he became a director of the East Indu Trading Company, and was even made a lord by the Queen.

The veteran nobles in the country rejected him, but they had nothing to do with him, because he knew that as long as he could grab wealth for the empire, the queen would always love him.

Such a person who started from the difficulty of hell, step by step on the blood and bones of others, climbed to the pinnacle of power, how could it not be great?

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "Yes, I have met Beckett, and I also think that he is a very powerful person."

In the last episode of "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Coffin of Souls", Xufeng rescued Elizabeth from prison and forced Beckett to sign a privateer permit. At that time, Beckett invited Xufeng to join His subordinates, therefore, they have indeed communicated with each other.

"At that time, I pointed the gun at him, but he was in danger, he didn't mean to be surprised, and he didn't mean to be afraid at all." Xufeng smiled and said, "He is not tall and his fighting strength is not strong. Even at that time, it was easy for me to kill him. However, he was not afraid of me at all. The first time he saw me, he was ready to judge that I would not kill him. of."

Jack shrugged, "You talk to me about this, do you want to convince me to surrender Beckett at this time?"

Xufeng smiled and shook his head, "Of course not! I mean, that guy Beckett is a personal spirit. As such a powerful person, would he be fooled by Xiaofeng?"

Jack frowned slightly, "...well, what you said makes sense. But after all, he came, and a large-scale naval battle will inevitably happen soon, and we...can only be victims."

Xufeng smiled and said, "No, Jack, we are not victims. As I said earlier, Beckett is a smart man. The reason why a smart man is smart is that he knows what he wants every moment, and what he does Everything is also striving to achieve one's own goals."

Jack shrugged, "What does Beckett want? He should want my head? Hahaha!"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Jack, you still underestimate Beckett. Beckett really wants your head, but your head is not the most important to him. What he wants is to eliminate everything. Pirates, so that the sun never sets the fleet to completely control the hegemony of the seven oceans. With this hegemony, any country in the world will become a colony of the British Empire. As long as this is done, he will Becoming the number one person of the East Indu Trading Company, you will also become the Queen’s favorite minister, and then stay in the history."

Jack took a deep breath, "...Well, this guy is really ambitious."

Xufeng smiled and said: "So, for you, he is just a personal grudge, and what he really wants is to get rid of all pirates-of course, we have to understand a definition, that is, what is a pirate."

Jack shrugged, "What is the definition of this? I am a pirate, so are you, and a good pirate."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Thank you for the praise, but in Beckett's view, whether it is a pirate depends on whether you are obedient. Is David Jones a pirate?"

Jack nodded and said, "Yes."

Xufeng shook his head, "In Beckett's opinion, it is not. Otherwise, according to the piracy law, David Jones' reward amount should be 10 million gold coins. But now David Jones is accepted by Baker. Special control, so in Beckett’s view, David Jones is not a pirate."

Jack asked suspiciously: "You mean that if we surrender Beckett, we won't be recognized as pirates?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Yes, but of course we will not surrender Beckett, but from Beckett's point of view, he will feel that we can be persuaded. Because, in order to achieve his goal of maritime hegemony, we There is still use value."

Jack said immediately: "I see, he wants to know where the pirate convention is held."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Yes, the pirate conference, only the pirate king knows where it will be held, no one else knows, Beckett will definitely want to find a breakthrough in our two abandoned [bait] and convince us Tell him the location of the pirate conference, and then he can take the sunless fleet and eradicate all the pirates once and for all."

Jack grinned and said: "When you say this, I feel relieved, Beckett will not kill us, and will politely invite us to his struggle number, ah, I have not... 15 or 6 years He was on his struggle number."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Come on, let's eat and drink."

"Okay, haha." Jack was completely relieved.

In the evening, a sea of ​​fog rose on the sea, and visibility was greatly reduced.

A huge Western-style wooden battleship passed through the sea fog and headed towards the Hongmao.

The hull of the Hongmao is similar to that of the Empress, and it is considered a big sea ship, but in front of this Western-style warship, it looks like a little brother.

Jack held on to the ship's side of the Hongmao, looked at the ship on the opposite side solemnly, and muttered: "...Endeavor."

The marines on the Endeavour were all loaded with live ammunition, and the muzzles on the sides of the ship were all opened. The black hole cannons aimed at the tattered Feather.

Sure enough, just as Xufeng analyzed, don't look at the scene as scary, but the Struggle did not fire the cannon, but instead sent a small boat and a team of soldiers led by Mather.

Mather boarded the Struggle triumphantly and glanced at Xufeng and Jack contemptuously, "What, just you two?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Isn't two people enough?"

Mather grinned and said: "Enough, come on board with me, Lord Lord called to see you two."

Jack waved his hand exaggeratedly, "It's good here. I'll stay here. If you insist on asking us to board your boat, then I will send my first mate as my representative."

Mather sneered: "Jack, haven't seen you for many years, you are still so afraid of death."

Jack smiled and said, "I haven't seen you for many years, Mather, your face is really getting uglier."

The flesh on Mather's face twitched slightly, and then he took out a short gun, "Go! Don't be verbose! Don't force me to shoot you."

Chapter 483

Xufeng took a closer look at Mather.

Mather is Beckett's adjutant and the most trusted person around Beckett, who often helps Beckett do some unseen evils.

This guy's strength should not be bad, relative to his level, at least about 38, he is extremely difficult to deal with.

With Xufeng's strength, if he suddenly attacked, he still had a chance to kill Mather.

But... this is not the purpose of their trip.

Xufeng nodded slightly to Jack, and Jack shrugged, "Okay, then I will try to meet him."

The two immediately boarded the boat and headed to the Struggle.

At this time, the Black Pearl, hidden in the nearby island area, also received news, and began to slowly drive out of the island area, blocking the back road of the Endeavour.

This time, the Endeavour only brought two frigates, and according to this situation, the Black Pearl and Xiaofeng's Tang People's pirate fleet seemed to have hope to fight the Endeavour.

The spirit of the pirate is to fight if you can't fight, and run away if you fail.

Now that there is a chance to kill Beckett, Barbosa will naturally not give up this opportunity.

The entire Black Pearl is actively preparing for battle, and all the cannons have been filled. Their primary goal is to sink a frigate before the opponent finds them. When the Struggle enters their range, they Then confront the Fight, and at this time, Xiaofeng's fleet can rush to destroy the other frigate and kill the Fight.

It can be said that this battle plan is still very good.

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