Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 553

Xufeng smiled and said: "Becket, if you are smart enough, you should know, don't say it so early."

Beckett laughed, "It seems that you still hope for the pirate ship of Xiaofeng, or, after tonight, you will fully understand that I am the real overlord at sea, and you still have to choose to follow me. Cooperative. However, if you choose to be loyal to me now, your status will be high, but if you wait for the fleet of Xiaofeng to be destroyed by me, you will be loyal to me again, then your status will not be that high. ."

Xufeng smiled and said, "I'm not in a hurry to make a decision."

Beckett smiled: "Yes, when you finally have to make a decision."

Jack asked: "Becket, why don't you ask me? What if I promise you all at once?"

Beckett smiled: "Will you? Jack?"

Jack spread out his hands exaggeratedly, and said with a grin: "It may not be, but it may not be. How can you know if you don't try?"

Beckett laughed and said: "Jack, in fact, I am also very entangled with you now. You betrayed me and stole the best ship that originally belonged to our Eastern Trading Company, the Black Pearl. I should kill. It’s right for you, but... I heard a news that the nine pirate kings are going to meet in some place to discuss things that are right for me. If you can tell me where these pirate kings are meeting, I think I will do it again. I’ll give you a chance to know what you’re lost.

Jack laughed and said, "The Pirate King's Conference? Do you want to be the Pirate King too?"

Beckett laughed coldly: "Jack, it's meaningless to pretend to be crazy and stupid in front of me. I'm giving you a chance. If you don't cherish it, you won't have a chance to survive. I want to find the Pirate King Conference, not Only you can tell me. I can kill you and use your wish compass to find the meeting point of the Pirate Kings Assembly."

Jack smiled and said: "Yes, after you find it, you find that the place turns out to be a natural fortress. The supplies inside are enough for a large group of pirates to survive for three to five years. Even your fleet cannot break through if the sun sets. Can your fleet last for three to five years? I'm afraid, the Queen will not be able to sit still until the Parliament impeaches you? At that time, you will remember that you shouldn't kill me.

Beckett frowned slightly, "So, what can you do for me?"

Jack grinned and said, "I can help you draw out all the pirates and fight you."

Beckett smiled and said, "Jack, don't you mean declaring war with me?"

Jack laughed and said, "How come? For pirates, hiding in a safe lair is the most cost-effective, and for you, using your invincible fleet to fight pirates head-on is the most cost-effective. .Unless, you are afraid that your invincible fleet will not be able to defeat the pirates."

Beckett smiled: "I'm not worried about that at all."

Jack smiled and said: "Look, the problem has not been solved? I will help you lead the pirates to fight you decisively. You killed all the pirates. Remember, you must kill Barbosa, right, you must kill. For Will, as for Elizabeth, hum, it's better to kill it too. In short, you kill all the pirates and leave me alone."

Beckett pondered slightly, "How do I feel that you want to fight a decisive battle with me, but you want to buy yourself a life-saving charm in advance?"

Jack grinned and said, "You are not afraid of decisive battles. Pirates are afraid."

Beckett pursed his lips and didn't answer immediately.

He really needs Jack, because it's useless to know the location of the pirate meeting. It must be able to lead the snake out of the cave.

However, for Jack this person, he is really uneasy.

At this moment, there was a burst of gunfire outside.

The Black Pearl suddenly opened fire on one of the frigates.

The dense cannons blasted at the frigate at close range, and the frigate did not respond at all. Before the hull could be straightened, it was sunk by the Black Pearl.

Another frigate hurried up to meet him and opened fire on the Black Pearl.

Then, on both sides of the bay, a large number of Chinese warships appeared!

Xiaofeng’s pirate fleet is finally here!

Beckett walked to the window, watched the battle, and said faintly: "Hehe, a good show, it's finally on."

Mather said in a deep voice, "Lord, can we start?"

Beckett said with a faint smile: "Don't worry, wait a second, Xiaofeng, that guy, it's impossible to rush to the front."

Mather nodded, "Yes."

On the Empress Gemini, Xiao Feng had a gloomy face, sitting in the captain's seat, staring at the battle before him.

The Black Pearl attacked the first frigate and successfully sank the other side. At this time, it was in a stalemate confrontation with the second frigate.

But Beckett's Struggle did not retreat from the back in a panic, but turned the ship sideways, seeming to prepare for a battle with hundreds of pirate ships.

Is this Beckett really desperate?

The veteran Xiao Feng felt a little uneasy.

Chapter 485 We Have A Traitor!


Outside of the captain of the Struggle, a guard rushed over and set up a salute report: "Lord, the first ship of the Tang Dynasty pirates has entered our fire coverage!"

"Well, the gunner is in place, once the opponent fires, immediately counterattack." Beckett said lightly.


The guard got the order and turned and ran away.

Soon, the Tang People's pirate ship began to fire at the Endeavour, and steel shells in the sky smashed towards the Endeavour.

The Struggle also fought back immediately.

It is a pity that although the two ships are within range, the distance is so far, the accuracy of the shelling is very difficult to control, so basically in the first round of shooting, both sides have a goalless draw.

After another five minutes, the two ships had entered the middle distance, and the artillery fire from both sides really began to take effect.

The Endeavour is the flagship of the sun never set fleet. Not only the hull is the largest, but it is also covered with iron. It is considered a semi-steel battleship. It can basically carry cannons at medium and long distances.

The armed pirate ship of Xiaofeng is different. Although the impact speed is the fastest, the accuracy of the firepower is much worse. Moreover, the large wooden ship is easily penetrated by cannon shells.

By the time of the third round, the Endeavour did not suffer much damage, but the armed pirate ship that rushed forward was sunk by the Endeavour.

Another guard came to report: "Report! Lord Lord, we have successfully sunk an enemy ship!"

"Well, what about the other pirate ships?" Beckett asked.

The guard immediately replied: "Other pirate ships have also entered our range."

As soon as the voice fell, the sky full of shells smashed into the Endeavour.

Xiaofeng adopts a pack of wolves strategy.

You Beckett is a tiger, a lion, and my Xiaofeng is a hyena and a jackal.

No matter how fierce tigers and lions are, they will be bullied by hyenas and jackals when they are alone.

No matter how fierce your Struggle is, no matter how strong your defense is, it will not be able to withstand my more than 100 packs of wolves.

A boat fires a round of cannonballs, and your Endeavor can't hold it.

Beckett asked faintly: "Have you found the Empress?"

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