Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 554

The guard replied: "I found it, and it's within our range!"

"Very good." Beckett smiled triumphantly. "Send a red signal."

"Yes!" The guard saluted and retreated.

Jack asked: "What is a red signal?"

Beckett laughed and said, "Don't worry, a good show shouldn't be spoiled. You will understand after watching it."


A red firework soared from the Endeavour, exploding a big red circle in the sky, and then gradually dissipated.

On the Empress, howl stood up, frowning and said: "No... Order all the pirate ships into a defensive formation, and then prepare to retreat!"

"Boss?" Tai Hong next to him looked at Xiao Feng with a puzzled face.

Xiaofeng frowned and said, "We may be in trouble."

As soon as the voice fell, a Chinese pirate stumbled in, "Boss! Boss! Behind us, we found a large number of western warships!"

"What?!" Tai Hong suddenly exclaimed, "This, how is this possible!"

Xiaofeng subconsciously touched his bald head, and said grimly: "We have a traitor! He revealed my plan and location to Beckett! I used Xufeng and Jack as bait, but Beckett Even worse, he actually used himself as bait!"

Tai Hong said angrily: "Boss! Who is that traitor?"

Taihong's eyes rolled around, "...I don't know. Anyone may betray me."

Tai Hong quickly said, "No, boss, I will not betray you! My brother Tai Huang died for you. I am proud of my brother. If I betray you, how can I? Face my brother under Jiuquan?"

Xiaofeng nodded, "I know you will not betray me, you don't know my plan. When I assembled all the pirate ships, you and Xufeng were at the end of the world."

Tai Hong gritted his teeth and said: "Boss, tell me who you suspect, I will kill him now! This kind of thing, I would rather kill a hundred by mistake than miss one!"

Xiao Feng thought for a while, "Now, the situation is urgent. We will clear up the rape, and take it slowly. Beckett's fleet is well prepared, and the number is huge. We are being counter-encircled again. At this time, other ships are on board. The captains must be panicked. If we can twist into a rope, regardless of the warships behind, we can attack Beckett's flagship with all our strength, maybe we can win by danger, but... I know my team, this The team is not much higher than the crowd. When we dominate, of course everyone can unite. When a disaster is approaching, everyone wants to fly away."

Tai Hong asked, "Then what should we do now?"

Xiao Feng took a deep breath, "Sigh, I could have helped the world get rid of a big disaster. Now, everyone will end up miserably because of the traitor's betrayal. Taihong, let's hit the flag. , Order the pirate ships to fight separately and break out with all their strength."

Tai Hong said in horror: "Boss! Just gave up like this?"

Xiao Feng smiled bitterly and said: "We also need to save our lives. As long as I'm still alive, I still have a chance to fight Beckett again."

Tai Hong sighed helplessly, rushed to Xiaofeng, clasped his fists, and then hurried out.

Soon, the other pirate ships received semaphores from the Empress.

They had no desire to fight, and after seeing the words of chess that could escape, they immediately turned the bow of the ship and scattered and fled.

The Empress also began to turn the bow, preparing to break through.

The Empress’s hull is very large, and it’s not easy to turn around, while other pirate ships are small and relatively flexible.

As a result, the Empress was at the end instead, and the other pirate ships all ran ahead of the Empress, and there were only a few pirate ships guarding the Empress.

Tai Hong roared angrily: "These bastards!"

Xiao Feng said lightly: "Taihong, don't blame them, this is a pirate, I am a little regretful now that I didn't listen to Xufeng's words... Hope, I have a chance to see Xufeng again."

At this time, the Black Pearl also sank the second frigate, but it also suffered some damage.

Through the telescope, Barbossa saw that all the pirate ships in Howling Wind had collapsed, and immediately realized that the situation was not good.

Barbossa ordered Gibbs: "Full rudder right! Raise the sails and evacuate quickly!"

They have no feelings for Xiaofeng. Since Xiaofeng's own pirate ship has been withdrawn, there is no need for them to fight the powerful Struggle.

Gibbs had been waiting for this order, he immediately turned his head and shouted: "Right full rudder, raise—"

Before he could say anything, a musket hit Barbosa's head.

A Tang pirate with a moustache and a moustache roared fiercely: "Who dares?"

Chapter 486: The Fate of the Betrayer

The muscles on Barbossa's face twitched slightly, "My friend, I know you are very loyal to your Xiaofeng boss, but now that your boss is gone, why don't you give yourself a way out?"

The pirate leader grinned, "Barbosa, I'm afraid you are misunderstanding. Let me monitor you. It is indeed Boss Xiaofeng, but it is not Boss Xiaofeng who wants you to stay here, but My true boss of Ma Mingyi."

Barbossa frowned. "Your real boss?"

Ma Mingyi grinned and said, "Yes, my real boss is Lord Beckett."

Will suddenly roared angrily: "So it was you! You betrayed your boss!"

Ma Mingyi grinned and said: "Betrayal? This is what I call a report of justice! Even me as a pirate knows that history is written by a victor. If the leader of Xiaofeng can become the founder of a dynasty and be respected by thousands of people, then , I am the most contemptible traitor, but if Lord Beckett unifies the Seven Seas and becomes the true maritime hegemon, then I am the righteous whistleblower."

Gibbs said angrily: "You are so shameless!"

Ma Mingyi sneered: "Don't say that. Everyone is a pirate. In your life, who has never betrayed others? For example, you, Barbosa, haven't you betrayed your Captain Jack? You also lived well. Is it? How come it's my turn, do you think I am shameless?"

Barbossa said coldly: "Ma Mingyi, I did betray Jack. That's because Jack Kong has a powerful ship, but he doesn't know how to use it. The pirate with the Black Pearl will not take long. Black Pearl All the pirates on the ship would be starved to death. Jack’s kind of person, free and romantic, and a little crazy. He is a good man, but he is not a good captain. Even if I don’t initiate a mutiny, others will do it. Based on my friendship with Old Jack, I will not really kill Jack. Every time I catch him, I will only exile him. Hmph, no one knows, I exiled his island, it was originally The island of the bootlegger I know! I never had the mind to kill Jack."

Gibbston's eyes widened when he said, "So...Barbosa, I misunderstood you."

Barbossa said loudly: "No, you are not misunderstood. I am still a ruthless, unfaithful pirate. If necessary, I will exile Jack again, but I will not do it for Jack's head. A reward of 500,000 gold coins was offered and he sold him to Beckett. Ma Mingyi, do you understand the difference between the two of us? I betrayed Jack and snatched the Black Pearl simply because I felt that Jack could not be the captain of the Black Pearl. And you betrayed the boss of Xiaofeng, not for justice in the ocean, but for the reward of that 1 million gold coins! So you are a villain!"

Ma Mingyi said with a full face of sullenness: "Whatever you say! Anyway, I have already embarked on this road, and I can't look back anymore! My heart master Lord Beckett ordered me to take down the Black Pearl and take you all. Give it to him, if you are willing to take refuge in him, he will let you continue to control the Black Pearl, but you must be controlled and supervised by him, and you will not be able to attack the merchant ships of the English Empire in the future, but will attack the merchant ships of other countries. Of course, if you If you dare to resist, then I have the right to kill you on the spot! Therefore, you better not to upset me, because if I am upset, I will kill you directly and say that you have resisted!"

Barbossa sneered and said, "Yes, a despicable villain like you, I know, you can do it!"

Ma Mingyi said grimly: "Smart, so, just be obedient!"

Barbossa sneered, "I believe you can do it, but I also believe that you underestimated the capabilities of our Black Pearl."

Ma Mingyi sneered and said, "Your crew are all under the supervision of our people. What can you do with me? If you act rashly, I will pierce your head!"

Barbossa grinned and said: "Really? All under your supervision? Jack!"

Ma Mingyi was startled, and laughed randomly: "Is it too late to call Jack now? Jack Mingming has already been on the Struggle number with Xufeng——"


Before he finished speaking, a monkey suddenly jumped off the mast, scratching his eyeball with a paw.

Ma Mingyi screamed suddenly and pulled the trigger immediately.

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