Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 558

Xufeng smiled and nodded.

...Unfortunately, we are not out of danger.

Because it is real and dangerous, it will come soon.

Xiaofeng smiled and said, "Brother Xufeng, are you willing to join my pirate team? I know that with your ability, being a captain is wronged to you. If you are willing to assist me, I can make you a pirate. The deputy head of the regiment, the two of us work together to ensure that the East Indu Trading Company will be turned upside down."

Just as Xufeng was about to speak, he heard the roar of cannonballs outside.

Immediately afterwards, a cannon shell directly penetrated the wall of the captain's chamber, and the huge impact of the shell hit Xiao Feng!

Xiao Feng's body soared into the air, and fell heavily on a broken wooden thorn.

The wooden thorns passed through his chest, and Xiao Feng screamed in pain.

Chapter 490: Successor

In terms of Xiaofeng's strength, it is no problem to single out David Jones.

However, the world is full of chance.

Who could have guessed that after basically breaking out of the encirclement of the sun never set fleet, how could Xiaofeng be directly hit by a shell and be penetrated by a wooden thorn?

If just hit by a cannonball, Xiaofeng might still survive. Even if the bones of his body are broken, he can only be used as a wheelchair in the next half of his life, and he is still alive. However, the broken wooden thorns pass through the chest, This is beyond the reach of gods.

Xufeng hurriedly ran to Xiaofeng's side, and took Xiaofeng's hand and said, "Brother Xiaofeng!"

Xiao Feng's expression was painful and ferocious, and he used all his strength to squeeze Xu Feng's hand.

Xufeng felt that his hand was about to be squeezed off, but at this time, he was Xiaofeng's only comfort, and he could not let go.

The two maids ran in in exclamation, and knelt down in front of Xiao Feng in tears, trembling all over, at a loss.

It can be seen that they really care about Xiaofeng, Xiaofeng is good for their whole family, and on this alone, they can't live up to Xiaofeng.

Today, the big tree Xiaofeng is about to fall, and their future fate is unknown.

Xiaofeng opened his mouth with difficulty, "Xu Feng...brother."

Xu Feng said quickly: "I'm here, Brother Xiaofeng!"

Xiaofeng said with difficulty: "Take care of them. From now on, Lian and Pu...will be yours. Take care of them for me..."

Ren and Park?Are they dead?

Xiaofeng's consciousness confused?

Xufeng was puzzled for a while.

The two maids were crying dimly.

Xufeng didn't think much about it, and said quickly, "Don't worry, Big Brother Xiaofeng, I will take care of them for you."

"Boss! Boss! It's the flying Dutchman! We were stunned by the flying Dutchman..." Tai Hong hurried in, and he was stunned before he finished speaking.

He couldn't believe what he saw before his eyes.

When the Empress needed the captain most, Xiao Feng was beaten like this with a cannon.

Xiaofeng glanced at Taihong. He had a lot to say to Taihong, but he had no strength anymore.

He tremblingly took off the token ring on his little finger, and put it into Xufeng's hand in front of Taihong.

He said in a weak voice: "Xufeng, you are...the boss now."

After speaking, Xiao Feng's head tilted, and his whole body was completely silent.

Xufeng closed his eyes and forcibly held back the tears in his eyes.

The two twin maids were lying on Xiao Feng's body, so painful that they couldn't control themselves.

Taihong also burst into tears of grief, "No, no, it shouldn't be like this! It shouldn't be! Boss, Boss, how can he pass the captainship to an outsider! I don't agree! I don't accept it!

Tai Hong's grievances and dissatisfaction, Xu Feng is actually understandable.

In terms of loyalty and ability, Tai Hong can take over the position of the Malacca Pirate King.

The premise is that Xufeng is not here.

Since Xufeng is here, Xufeng is naturally the best candidate in Xiaofeng's mind.

Xufeng held this heavy ring and said in a deep voice: "Taihong, now is not the time to argue over power. You should order all the crew to fight back immediately. You must not let the corpses of the Empress and Brother Xiaofeng fall on Beckett's hands."

Taihong gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "I should be the captain, and I should be the one who gave the order!"

After speaking, Tai Hong turned and ran out.

On the deck, the water ghosts have teleported to the Empress, and the pirates on the Empress started fighting with the water ghosts.

Xu Feng knew in his heart that the Empress could not stop this wave of battles. He alone was unable to take the Empress’s crew and escape from more than 500 water ghost pirates. Therefore, he did not waste time fighting with the water ghost.

He said to the two maids who were crying about to twitch, "Don't cry, you two."

The two maids immediately stopped crying obediently.

Xufeng asked, "What are your two names?"

"My name is Lian and her name is Pu," said one of the maids.

Another maid said: "But if the master calls me Lian, then I am Lian, if the master calls me Pu, I am Pu."

"..." Xu Feng suddenly realized.

It turned out that Xiaofeng gave these two new maids the same name as Lian and Pu.

Sometimes Xiao Feng can't even tell who is Lian and who is Pu, but it doesn't matter who is called Lian, who is Lian, who is called Pu, and who is Pu.

Xufeng said in a deep voice, "Lian, tell me if there is still a woman named Elizabeth in your cabin."

The maid who was questioned by him immediately nodded and said: "Yes, in the prison in the bottom cabin."

"You take me to see her."

"Yes, master." Lian and Pu immediately led Xufeng from the secret passage of the captain's room to the bottom compartment.

There was no one in the bottom cabin, and all the Chinese pirates went to the deck to fight.

The two maids took Xu Feng and found Elizabeth very smoothly.

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