Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 559

Elizabeth saw Xu Feng, and said in surprise: "Xu Feng? Is that you?"

Xufeng nodded and said, "That's right."

"Quickly, release me from this damn place." Elizabeth said eagerly.

Xufeng took out the pirate scimitar and smashed the lock of the prison with a single knife. Elizabeth immediately opened the prison door and walked out of it.

"Thank you!" Elizabeth said gratefully.

Immediately afterwards, she looked at the two maids in confusion, "Why are they here?"

One of the maids replied coldly: "Boss Xufeng is now our new owner, and we are Boss Xufeng's personal maids."

Elizabeth opened her mouth wide in surprise, "Xufeng, when are you?"

Xufeng said: "Elizabeth, this is not the place to speak. We are now being attacked by the flying Dutchman. I'll take you hostage for a while."

Elizabeth asked in astonishment: "What? Take me hostage? Wait, the flying Dutchman is a murderous water ghost, what is the use of holding me?"

Xufeng grabbed Elizabeth's arm and twisted her arm back involuntarily, "Anyway, you just need to cooperate."

Elizabeth frowned and said, "It hurts, Xu Feng, you can be gentle."

Xufeng said apologetically: "I'm sorry, I thought you would resist, so I used a little bit more strength."

Elizabeth sighed and said: "We are good friends who can give back to each other. Although I don't know why you want to do this, I believe you, don't worry, I won't resist, you just do it lightly."

"Okay." Xufeng relaxed a little bit, making Elizabeth more comfortable.

He took Elizabeth and the two maids out of the bottom deck and onto the deck.

On the deck, the fierce battle continued.

The Empress is very large and there are many pirate crews. There are about 500 Chinese pirates in the entire ship, and there are only about 300 water ghosts transmitted to the Empress. Therefore, the battle between the two sides at the beginning was quite fierce. And stalemate.

But as the battle progressed, the team of English marines on the flying Dutchman also boarded the Queen, and the Tang pirates became more and more difficult to support.

Nearly half of the Tang pirates have been killed, and the remaining Tang pirates can only shrink their formation and keep retreating.

"Kill them all!" The water ghost's sailor said with a grinning laugh.


Chapter 491 I Don't Want To Be Saved By This Person

"Wait!" Xu Feng shouted, pulling Elizabeth onto the high deck.

The two maids also stood behind Xu Feng.

They are Xu Feng's personal maids, so no matter where Xu Feng goes, they have to follow, even if it is very dangerous.

The water ghost pirates present were all startled.

The Tang pirates were also stunned.

They saw the inheritance ring on Xufeng's little finger, which of course meant that Xufeng was now their new boss.

But this also confuses them. Most of them don't even know that Xiaofeng is dead.

Xufeng shouted in a deep voice: "Elizabeth is in my hands. If you dare to act rashly, I will kill Elizabeth!"

The water ghosts looked at each other, and then laughed wildly.

Elizabeth said anxiously: "Xufeng, what are you stupid? They won't give up killing. Is it possible that you really want to kill me?"

Before the words were over, I saw a familiar figure stand up, "With Elizabeth released, I can guarantee that you will not die."

Elizabeth was taken aback, and then recognized the familiar figure-James Norrington.

Elizabeth felt happy first, then angry.

James stole David Jones’ heart, which led to a series of troublesome incidents. If James hadn’t stole the heart at that time, David Jones would be subdued by Jack and obey Jack’s orders. With David Jones and his flying Dutchman, Jack can directly challenge Beckett.

And if Beckett is defeated by Jack, then Port Royal will still be his father's Port Royal, and her father Governor Swann will not die under Beckett's assassination.

Elizabeth gritted her teeth and said: "Xufeng, you might as well kill me with a single knife! I don't want to be saved by this person!"

James approached Elizabeth's side and said with a face full of regret: "I'm sorry Elizabeth, you gave me a new life at the beginning. Later, I have a chance to resume my post. Don't worry, I will not let you. Something."

Immediately, he turned his head and said to the water ghost sailor captain: "These people on the scene cannot be killed. All of them will be caught on the flying Dutchman. This is an order."

After speaking, James turned his head and asked the Tang pirates: "Which one of you is the captain, let him come out and negotiate with me."

Taihong immediately pointed to Xu Feng and said, "He, he is!"

Before, Taihong felt very wronged. Now, when faced with the need for the captain to stand up, he suddenly felt that it was actually good not to be the captain.

James raised his head and looked at Xufeng with a look of surprise, "Are you actually the captain of the Queen?"

Xu Feng grinned and said, "James, haven't you also become the captain of the Flying Dutchman?"

James smiled and said: "Then it will be easy, let your people put down their weapons, I can guarantee that they will not die."

Xufeng smiled and said: "What can you guarantee? You escort us back to Port Royal, and Beckett will still execute them. They are all Xiaofeng's most loyal subordinates. Before his death, Brother Xiaofeng entrusted them I, I can't lead them on the path of no return."

James pondered, "But if you want them to resist desperately, then they will die anyway."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Okay, then I will rely on you first, but you have to promise that you must protect the safety of each of us."

James nodded and said: "Well, I will. You let Elizabeth go first. I know you won't really hurt her."

Only then did Xufeng let go of Elizabeth, and then turned to Taihong and said, "Put down your weapon."

Taihong hesitated, but finally decided to obey Xufeng. After all, Xufeng was Xiaofeng's designated successor. If he did not obey Xufeng, it would be treachery.

Taihong's family has always been loyal to the Southeast Asian pirate king and has never done anything betrayal.

This time is no exception.

Seeing that Taihong had lost his weapon, the other pirates also dropped their weapons one after another, and were arrested.

The water ghost pirates actually want to kill all of these people. With their strength, they can kill all the pirates of the Tang Dynasty in half an hour at most, but... the flying Dutchman is now under James control. Therefore, even if the water ghost pirates are unwilling, they can only choose to obey.

The Tang pirates were escorted to the flying Dutchman by the water ghost pirates, and the entire bottom compartment became a prison.

James said to Elizabeth: "Elizabeth, come with me to the captain's room."

Elizabeth said coldly: "No, I want to be with Xufeng."

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