Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 561

Xufeng patted Taihong on the shoulder, "Okay, Taihong, come on."

The two maids, Lian and Park, looked at Xufeng with tears in their eyes. One of them said: "Boss, do you want us?"

Another said: "If the boss doesn't want us anymore, we will now be hit to death."

Xufeng said quickly: "Don't make trouble, don't make trouble, good, why do you say these things? When did I say I don't want you?"

The maid on the left quickly wiped away her tears, "Then the boss, where are you going, you can take us wherever you go! Our sisters only recognize you as the boss in this life, and we will never leave the boss."

"This..." Xu Feng suddenly got a little troubled.

This is the story world of "Pirates of the Caribbean". It is impossible for Lian and Park to leave this world and travel to the plane of Survivor. Even if Xufeng wants to take them both away, it is impossible.

What's more, Xu Feng didn't plan to take them away.

Xufeng smiled and said: "The place I'm going is a place you can't go, but don't worry, I won't give you to others again. Before I leave, I will settle you down properly. Well, I will also give you a lot of money. When you get older, you can find a reliable man to marry..."

Before Xufeng finished speaking, the two maids ran into the prison wall at the same time.

Xufeng exclaimed, and quickly activated the crane-shaped body technique, holding the two maids tightly.

These two maids weren't playing fakes, but they tried to knock themselves to death.

Xu Feng frowned and shouted, "Are you two crazy?"

One of the maid said with tears: "Master, we are your people, our body will never be given to other men."

Another maid said: "If the master insists that we marry another man, then let us die now."

"You..." Xu Feng didn't know what to say for a while.

Chapter 493: You Know My Name?

Elizabeth next to her said with emotion: "They are all women from the Tang Dynasty who are fierce and chaste, and I finally saw it today. Xufeng, I think you are not polite. Since the little girls have treated you this way, if you still refuse them, Then you are really a beast."

Xu Feng smiled helplessly, "Well, you two, it's not allowed next time. Isn't it just not marrying? All right, everything is according to your own wishes."

The two maids turned their grief to joy, and both curtseyed to Xu Feng, and said at the same time, "Thank you, Master!"

Taihong asked in a low voice, "Boss, what should we do next?"

Xu Feng said faintly: "Tell my brothers, raise your spirits and prepare to escape the flying Dutchman before dawn."

Tai Hong asked, "How to escape? Our weapons were all taken away."

Xu Feng said lightly, "Don't ask too much about this. In short, there will be a way."

"Yes!" Taihong immediately followed Xufeng's order and whispered it to others.

The two maids found some hay, spread it on the damp prison floor, and helped Xufeng to lie down to rest.

The two maids, one on the left and the other on the right, lay beside Xufeng, their bodies close to Xufeng.

Xu Feng suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

After all, we are a big boudoir.

Elizabeth couldn't sleep at all. She found that she was really unlucky. She came out of a cell and then went into a more terrifying cell.

Elizabeth stood beside the iron fence and tentatively said to a hammerhead shark passing by: "Old Bill?"

The hammerhead shark water ghost was startled, and then he laughed wildly: "Old Bill? Hahaha! Someone knows Old Bill!"

After speaking, the hammerhead shark water ghost walked into the distance.

"...Do you know my name?"

A gloomy voice came from the walls of the prison.

Elizabeth was surprised to see an old man with a shell full of shells, slowly struggling out of the wall, looking at him indifferently.

Elizabeth suppressed the fierce heartbeat, lowered her voice and said, "Yes, I, I know your son."

Old Bill looked at Elizabeth dullly. "My son?"

"Yes, Will Turner." Elizabeth prompted.

Old Bill laughed, "Yes! Will Turner! My son! He succeeded, he is still alive! He sent you to tell me that he will come to rescue me soon, right?"

Elizabeth didn't know how to answer for a moment.

At this moment, she finally understood why Will was desperate to save his father.

Old Bill smiled happily: "Haha, thank you, thank goodness, he is finally coming!"

Elizabeth said in a deep voice: "Yes, he is still alive, he will come to save you."

Old Bill's laughter stopped abruptly, "No, he can't come, he can't help me."

Elizabeth said: "You are his father."

Old Bill said: "I know you, Will once mentioned you to me. He loves you, he loves you very much, so he can't save me, he can't come because of you."

Elizabeth quickly said, "No, I want to save you just like him."

Old Bill asked, "Are you Elizabeth?"

Elizabeth nodded and said, "Yes, I am Elizabeth."

Old Bill sighed: "Will can't save me. He has to kill David Jones to get rid of the curse on me, but if he kills David Jones, then he will replace David Jones. After becoming the captain of the flying Dutchman, and after becoming the captain of the flying Dutchman, he can no longer be with you."

"The flying Dutchman must have a captain. If he comes to save me, he will lose you." Old Bill said with a wry smile.

Elizabeth said sadly: "I understand."

Old Bill smiled bitterly and said: "He won't choose me, he won't. But I don't blame him, tell him I don't blame him, because if it were me, I wouldn't choose me."

After speaking, Old Bill stepped back to the wall and murmured: "Tell him, don’t come, tell him, stay away, tell him, it’s too late...I'm already part of the ship It's..."

Old Bill's body slowly blended into the wall.

Elizabeth walked over cautiously, "...Old Bill?"

Old Bill opened his eyes suddenly, and asked with a bewildered face: "Do you know my name?"

Elizabeth's tears were almost streaming out, and her voice choked and said, "Yes, I...know your son, Will Turner."

Old Bill said happily: "Will! He came to save me! Haha, he came to save me! I'm waiting, I'm waiting..."

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