Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 562

After speaking, old Bill reintegrated into the wall.

Elizabeth was very sad, but she couldn't find anyone to confide in. Finally, she leaned against the corner of the wall and fell asleep faintly.

Towards dawn, the door of the prison was opened.

With the key in his hand, James whispered to Elizabeth and Xufeng, "Hurry up, while they are all asleep."

The Tang pirates in the prison all awoke and looked at James suspiciously.

Xufeng said to Taihong, "Be careful, don't make any noise, and climb back to the Empress along the rope."

Taihong nodded, "Yes, boss."

The Tang pirates immediately took action, while Xufeng and Elizabeth stayed behind the final break.

Elizabeth frowned and asked James, "What are you doing?"

James said in a deep voice: "Choose, before we set sail, your father once approached me alone and asked me to return to Dundon with him and complain to the parliament of Beckett's willful behavior. But... I chose to refuse, I think If I don’t refuse, I might die. And now, I suddenly realized that I am the meat on the chopping board at all. Even if I choose to refuse, I will be killed by Beckett. Instead of dying like that, I want to let go. you guys."

Elizabeth pursed her lips, "It's too late for you to ask me to forgive you now."

James said: "No, Elizabeth, I don’t ask for your forgiveness. In fact, I can’t forgive myself. I did not participate in your father’s death, but your father’s death is indeed related to me. This is what I will always do. I can’t forgive myself. I also know that my release of you this time is not enough to make up for the crimes I committed before, but I will try my best to make up for it.”

Elizabeth thought for a while and said, "...Come with us, you let us go, Beckett knows, and I will definitely not spare you."

James looked at Xufeng very tangledly.

Xufeng said lightly: "Sorry, this is your own destiny, you have to decide on your own, Lian, Pu, let's go."

"Yes, master," the two maids said together.

As soon as they walked out of the prison with their front feet, old Bill Turner awoke from the wall, "...Prisoner, where's the prisoner?"

Chapter 494 The Queen's Feat

When James saw old Bill awake, he quickly pulled Elizabeth out and ran out.

Elizabeth said: "James, I know him, it doesn't matter."

James eagerly said: "No, Elizabeth, he is now in the stage of fusion with the hull. At this stage, his own will will slowly disappear. It will not take long before he will completely become a part of the hull, so , He won't know you! Even if Will is here, he won't know Will!"

Elizabeth quickly followed James to the stern when she heard it.

And old Bill limped in and murmured, "Where's my prisoner? Where's my prisoner?"

At the stern, dozens of thick ropes were tied, and the captured Empress was tied to the other end of the rope.

Now, most of the Tang pirates have climbed the rope and returned to their ships.

The two maids, Lian and Park, have also climbed halfway.

Their physical stamina is a bit poor, so they climb slowly.

Xufeng stood at the stern, waiting for Elizabeth and James.

Elizabeth grabbed the rope and went back to James and said: "James, you have been found, come with me!"

James said without looking back: "Elizabeth, don't waste time, you go first, I'll be there later!"

Elizabeth shook her head and said, "No, James! You are lying to me!"

James turned his head and looked at Elizabeth affectionately, "Elizabeth, I am entangled with your destiny, but we are always undestined and unable to get together. Take care, my little girl."

Elizabeth said sadly: "James..."

"Hurry up, or it's too late!" James urged.

Elizabeth gritted her teeth, climbed up the rope, and quickly climbed towards the Empress.

Xufeng looked at James, "It seems that you have already decided."

James smiled bitterly: "I decided not to decide. I can only do this. Even if I follow Elizabeth, the pirates can't tolerate me. After my hand, too many pirates were hanged, and many of them were innocent people. I think it’s time for me to pay my debt."

Xufeng nodded, "I can accompany you for a while."

James smiled and said, "Thank you. I didn't expect that at the end of my life, you would be by my side. Thank you."

Xu Feng felt a warm current in his heart.

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At this time, old Bill Turner walked over with a gloomy face.

James drew his sword and said coldly, "Go back to your post, sailor!"

Old Bill Turner said coldly: "No one can escape from the flying Dutchman."

James said majesticly: "I am the captain of the flying Dutchman. I order you to return to your post!"

Old Bill Turner said coldly: "Whoever has his heart in the soul gathering coffin is the real captain. The crew and the ship are one, and the crew only obeys the orders of the real captain."

James shouted angrily: "Your captain, now under my control!"

Old Bill Turner said coldly: "No one can escape from the flying Dutchman-attention! Attention! Someone has escaped!"

He pulled up his throat and yelled loudly.

The sleeping water ghosts immediately jumped up and hurried over.

James immediately greeted him and dealt with a group of fierce water ghosts with one person.

And Xufeng also pulled out the scimitar and cut off a few cables that no one had climbed, leaving only the last one.

Elizabeth crawled with Lian and Park desperately, not dare to delay any time.

Seeing that there were more and more water ghosts, Xufeng didn't have a love for battle. When the time was almost the same, he cut the last cable, pulled the end of the cable, and left the flying Dutchman by inertia.

Behind him, James screamed.

Although his strength is strong, it is difficult to resist a large group of water ghosts who are not afraid of death.

Seeing Xufeng leaving the flying Dutchman, Taihong immediately commanded the helmsman: "Left full rudder! Left full rudder!"

"Yes! Zuo Man Ruo!"

"Pull up the rope!"

"Yes! Pull up the rope!"

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