Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 567

"Is this the Shipwreck Island?" Lian asked in amazement.

After such a long day and night, Xufeng can roughly tell which is Lotus and which is Pu.

Lian... is always the most active one.

Keke, the one who spoke first.

And Pu is the one who is slightly shy.

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "No, this is not Shipwreck Island, this is just Shipwreck Bay."

Park asked, "What is the difference between Shipwreck Bay and Shipwreck Island?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "The Shipwreck Island is in the Shipwreck Bay. Only through the long and narrow rotating Shipwreck Bay can you reach the Shipwreck Island."

Chapter 499 Ocean Overlord

Starting from Shipwreck Bay, the Empress suppressed its speed and maintained its slowest speed.

The Chinese pirate ships at the back also all learned the appearance of the Queen one after another, slowly sailing into the Wreck Bay.

From a strategic point of view, this shipwreck bay is the easiest sea fortress to defend and attack.

The shipwreck bay is full of islands and large reefs, and these islands and large reefs are arranged in a circle in a whirlpool. Whether it is in and out, there is only this channel, and the surrounding is full of large reefs and islands. , The big rocks and islands are also the defensive force of pirates.

If someone really intends to attack the Shipwreck Island, unless there are modern aircraft or a nuclear strike, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to kill the Shipwreck Island by relying solely on the fleet.

The Empress sailed slowly in the narrow revolving waterway, circled inward for a full nine times, and finally passed through Shipwreck Bay and reached Shipwreck Island.

It is an island, but it is not.

This is a completely still inner lake. In the center of this huge inner lake, there is a Chuanshan built up by the accumulation of sunken ships. Each floor is a residential area, and the higher the level, the higher the level.

Chuanshan has 18 floors, and the pirate kings can go up to the 17th floor. The top floor is reserved for the pirate emperor.

Now, with the opening of the pirate conference, the entire Chuanshan is brightly lit, and a beaming situation.

So many pirates from all over the world gather together without fighting civil strife, which is also a very miraculous thing.

Xufeng raised his head and looked at the extremely spectacular Chuanshan. With the help of the guide of the Shipwreck Island, the Queen slowly anchored in the harbor.

"Look, it's the Black Pearl!" a Tang pirate yelled.

Xu Feng looked in the direction and saw that the Black Pearl was mooring quietly in the harbor.

In other ports of the port, there are six other large pirate ships with completely different styles.

These ships are obviously the flagship ships of the Pirate King.

Lian moved her fingers and counted, "Master’s Queen, plus Jack’s Black Pearl, plus the other six Pirate King’s flagships, hey, this is only eight, shouldn’t it be the Nine Pirate Kings? ?"

Park next to him said with a smile: "You are so stupid, this can only show that we are not the latest to arrive."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a man dressed in a medieval monk's robe approaching from the pier with a smile, "Excuse me, who is the pirate king of Tang Dynasty?"

Xu Feng said lightly: "I am."

The monk was startled, "...I am afraid you are too young."

Xufeng smiled and said, "I just took over."

"What about Captain Howling before that?" the monk asked.

"He has passed away." Xu Feng replied.

"Hmm." The monk looked a little regretful. "I heard that Captain Xiaofeng is a legend. I really want to see him with his own eyes. However, his successor is young and promising. He can become a pirate king at such a young age. To you, I am also lucky for Sansheng. May I ask, what do you call it?"

Xufeng said lightly: "My name is Xufeng."

The monk hurriedly saluted, "My name is Adams. I am one of the managers of this pirate king meeting. Captain Xufeng, on behalf of Shipwreck Island, welcome your visit. You are the last pirate king to visit. Other pirate kings are It’s already in place in the parliament hall on the 17th floor, waiting for you. If possible, please allow me to lead the way now and take you to the parliament hall."

Park on the side blinked, "Isn't it? I think there are only eight flagships of the Pirate King here, shouldn't we be the last to come?"

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "We are the last to come. Don't forget, Barbosa is also on Jack's boat."

"Oh!" The two young maids suddenly realized at the same time.

There are two pirate kings in the Black Pearl, one is Jack the Pirate King of the Caribbean Sea, and the other is Barbosa, the Pirate King of the Caspian Sea.

The monk Adams smiled and said: "Yes, Captain Barbosa, the Pirate King of the Caspian Sea, and Jack, the Pirate King of the Caribbean, took the same boat. Barbossa said that the Black Pearl belongs to him, and Jack said that the Black Pearl belongs to him. Yes, this...it’s also difficult for us to define. After all, the Black Pearl belonged to Jack before and now, but according to the longest and most famous era, Barbossa controlled it. ."

Lian asked puzzledly: "Isn't Barbosa the pirate king of the Caspian Sea? Why did he go to the Caribbean Sea?"

Adams smiled and said: "If someone asks this question, I will never answer it, but you are the woman of the Tang pirate Captain Wang Xufeng. Since you are curious, I will answer you."

Lian's pretty face suddenly blushed.

Captain Xufeng's woman... She loves this name to death.

Adams led Xufeng and others in front, while explaining: "Barbossa is the pirate king, and it was obtained from the fourth-generation Caspian pirate king. If you are familiar with nautical charts, then you should know that Caspian That place, hahaha, can only be regarded as a lake, not a sea. The reason why it is called the sea is because the Caspian Sea is considered the largest lake among the lakes, but if it is counted as the sea, it is completely unqualified."

"The location of the Caspian Sea lies in the crevices of Eurasia, surrounded by five countries: Rocha, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, and Persia. The water in the Caspian Sea is salt water, and the water quality and marine life are basically the same as those in the Mediterranean. , So the Caspian Sea is likely to be an inland lake separated from the Mediterranean by the squeeze of continental plates. This is a place with no outlet to the sea."

"So... there are no boats in the Caspian Sea, some are fishing boats used by residents, and there are almost no merchant ships."

"Being a pirate king in the Caspian Sea is very lonely and has no future." Adams laughed: "So, about twenty years ago, Barbosa, who had just inherited the position of the Caspian Pirate King, chose to leave the Caspian Sea. Go to the most powerful pirate king at the time-the Pirate King of the Caribbean."

Hearing this, Lian couldn't help asking: "The most powerful pirate king twenty years ago, isn't it the captain of our Tang people?"

Adams laughed and said: "This lady, Captain Howling is indeed legendary, but I'm sorry. Twenty years ago, almost all pirate ships were concentrated in the Caribbean Sea. Because of the discovery of America, the Caribbean Sea is simply a paradise for pirates. Therefore, at that time, who can dominate the Caribbean Sea, who is the real maritime hegemon."

Lotus asked: "... Twenty years ago, Captain Jack was just a child, right? He dominated the Caribbean at that time?"

Adams laughed: "No, the Pirates of the Caribbean King of the Caribbean 20 years ago was not Jack Sparrow, but someone else."

Lian asked, "Who?"

Adams laughed and said: "The fourth generation of Pirates of the Caribbean: Teague Sparrow."

Chapter 500

Lian murmured: "...Teague Sparrow? It's all Sparrow? Is it?"

Adams smiled and said, "Yes, Teague Sparrow is Jack’s father, the strongest pirate king of the year, and none of them. After all, Xiaofeng hadn’t become the pirate king of the Tang Dynasty twenty years ago. At that time, the pirate king of the Tang Dynasty was still Xiao Feng's father."

Lian nodded convincingly, but then said: "However, if anyone is the strongest pirate king right now, it should be our master, Captain Xufeng."

Adams laughed and declined to comment.

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