Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 568

After all, he hadn't seen Xu Feng's strength yet, and Xu Feng's reputation in Shipwreck Island was almost from scratch.

Adams continued: "In short, 20 years ago, Barbosa walked out of his Caspian Sea and went to the lively Caribbean Sea. He was cast by the strongest pirate king at the time, Teague Sparrow. Ge Sparrow’s men have learned a lot, just like a man who came out of the village and finally set foot on the upper class, so he is very grateful to Teague Sparrow."

"It's just that with the rise of naval fleets in various countries, the situation in the Caribbean Sea is becoming more and more difficult to control. Teague discovered this early, so he chose to retreat to the wreck island and became the caretaker of the Code of Pirates. ."

Adams emphasized: "Attention, he is not just guarding a book. In fact, the Code of Pirates is the most majestic symbol of pirates. Its status is even higher than that of the Pirate King, and it can even be equal to the Pirate King. Therefore, " The guardian of the Pirate Code is actually equivalent to the regent in the pirate empire. Of course, what pirates don’t like most is politics, so don’t look at the guardian of the Pirate Code as the regent, but in fact Teague has never used his right as the regent."

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "This Teague Sparrow is really a powerful character. He himself is the strongest pirate king, but he asked his son to sail for the English country."

Adams smiled and said, "No, Teague can control all the pirates, but he can't control his son. Jack was a free and unfettered, unfettered pursuit, disliked punctuality, and disliked all kinds of rules. He felt that If his father is a pirate, he shouldn’t be a pirate, not because he opposes pirates, but because he feels that he should experience a different life."

"That's why he joined the East Indu Trading Company when he was young. In the end, he discovered that he had just jumped from a pirate to another bigger pirate."

Adams laughed and said, "It was also from that time when Jack had accepted his fate. After re-acquiring the Black Pearl, he officially took over the inheritance of the Pirates of the Caribbean-of course, from the data of destroying enemy warships and plundering supplies. He is also the worst generation of pirate kings."

"Let’s go back to Barbosa. Barbosa served as a mate under Teague Sparrow for five years. When Teague Sparrow retires, he arranges for Barbosa to go to his son. Jack Sparrow was the first mate on the ship, and Barbossa promised to assist the young Jack for two years in return."

"So, in the past two years, Barbosa strictly followed the rules of Teague Sparrow to request the Black Pearl. However, Jack's undisciplined performance made him very annoyed and headache."

"What's more terrible is that Jack doesn't like robbery, he only likes expedition, and expedition requires human cost and capital cost. Therefore, in less than a year, the Black Pearl just wandered around the Caribbean Sea without catching anything. This, on the contrary, allowed the fleet of the English Empire to develop smoothly, and it also led to the decline of the pirate power."

"From this perspective alone, Jack is really not a good captain." Adams smiled: "However, I still like Jack very much. I treat Jack as a friend."

"After Barbossa served Jack as first mate for two years, his agreement with Teague Sparrow also expired, so he unceremoniously launched a mutiny and won the Black Pearl. , Exiled Jack, and took charge of the Black Pearl for ten years."

"These ten years have also been the most invincible time for the Black Pearl. Of course, it is the curse on the Aztec gold coin."

"The above is the inextricable relationship between Barbosa and Jack. These two people are enemies, they are also enemies, they are friends, and they are friends. The relationship between pirates is so strange. ."

Adams smiled, "Well, everyone, the Shipwreck City is in front of you, please be careful of the steps under your feet, and continue to follow me-Shipwreck City welcomes all pirates, but the 17th floor is the exclusive area of ​​the Pirate King, only pirates Only the people around the king and the pirate king can go in. Each pirate king can bring 10 followers, but no more. Therefore, please also ask Captain Xufeng to arrange a list of followers in advance."

Xu Feng nodded, "Lian Pu, you two, or Elizabeth, plus you."

Xu Feng pointed to the best performing captains of the Tang Dynasty.

Those Chinese captains were immediately ecstatic, and they were able to participate in the Pirate King Conference. This is the capital that can be boasted in the future!This also indirectly proves that they are all qualified to compete for the Tang Dynasty Pirate King!

The other Chinese captains who were not named, lamented with all their faces, each complaining about why they didn't do their best before.

Fortunately, this is not the final decision. They still have a chance to compete for the Pirate King.

Adams took Xu Feng and them all the way up.

Shipwreck City has opened up every accumulated ship, but unfortunately, there is no elevator here and you can only climb up on foot.

It seems that physical strength is the key to being a pirate king.

After walking for twenty minutes, Xufeng and his entourage finally reached the huge ship hall on the seventeenth floor through the crooked rotating steps.

The ship hall was magnificent and magnificent, and the floor was covered with thick Persian carpets, just like a palace.

In the very center of the ship hall is a huge round table. Next to the round table, there are nine seats, each of which has a different shape.

Some seats have the shape of a rudder, some have the shape of an anchor, some have a cannon, some have a wave shape, and some have a pirate hat shape Some seats are in the shape of a pirate treasure box, some are in the shape of a seagull, and some are in the shape of two crossed pirate machetes, and there is a seat in the shape of a sea shark.

At this time, eight of the nine seats were already seated, and only the waves-shaped seats were left unattended.

Obviously, this is the seat of the Pirate King of Tang Dynasty.

The boat hall was noisy and almost everyone was expressing opinions, but no one could hear what was said.

Xufeng saw Jack and Barbosa sitting next to each other, Jack was sitting on the rudder seat, and Barbosa was sitting on the crossed pirate scimitar seat.

Neither did they see Xufeng's arrival, but were arguing with each other.


Xiao Feng is right. Every pirate king here, if taken out, is a king-level existence, but put together, it is a mob.

Chapter 501

Manager Adams cleared his throat and shouted loudly: "The last pirate king, the pirate king of Tang Dynasty, come here!"

As soon as he said this, the noisy scene immediately fell silent.

Every pirate king focused his attention on the door.

But... everyone did not see Xiao Feng's shadow.

Barbossa stood up and walked over, "...Master Xufeng, you are here too, which is really great, but...how about Xiaofeng?"

Jack hid behind Barbosa, "This is the pirate convention, I am not afraid of howling wind! Let him come out."

Xufeng said quietly: "Sorry, Brother Xiaofeng lost his hero in the battle against the sun never set fleet."


"Xiaofeng is dead?"

"It's over!"

"Let me just say, we must not go to war with the sun never set fleet! Not even howling wind, let alone us!"

There was pessimistic discussion in the ship hall.

None of these pirate kings were mourning Xiao Feng, all of them were feeling their own destiny.

In fact, Xiao Feng did not die in a brave battle, but was bombarded to death by an artillery shell that accidentally hit the captain's room.

However, this does not prevent Xu Fengzun from calling Xiaofeng a hero.

Xu Feng said faintly: "Although Big Brother Xiaofeng is dead, the spirit of our Tang people's pirates is not destroyed. I Xufeng temporarily takes over the position of Big Brother Ke Xiaofeng. I am the new Tang people's pirate king."

With that, Xu Feng showed the inheritance token in his hand to the pirate king present.

Barbossa was still a little worried before, as soon as he saw the token in Xufeng's hand, he grinned and said: "Good! Good! Great! Welcome to the last pirate Captain Wang Xufeng! Our pirate conference can finally begin. !"

Xufeng nodded slightly, walked towards the sea wave seat, and sat down steadily. His two personal maids stood behind him one by one, looking around coldly.

The other pirate kings were all over half a hundred years old, and they looked down upon a pirate as young as Xu Feng.

It was the lady Qing who nodded slightly towards Xufeng, her eyes full of friendliness.

Madam Qing is also from the Tang Dynasty, but the Southeast Asian pirate group that Xufeng belongs to is not in the same region and does not conflict with each other.

As the same Chinese people, greeting each other on such a scene can be regarded as a tacit affirmation and alliance.

However, Xu Feng knew very well, what kindness, what tacit understanding, among pirate kings of this level, there is no such thing.

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