Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 569

To be a pirate king, everyone is a wolf, no one can pretend to be a little sheep.

Barbossa knocked on the table hard and shouted loudly: "As the convener of this meeting, I announce that the Fifth Pirate Kings Conference will now officially begin! Before starting, please show your tokens. It shows that you are indeed the fifth-generation pirate king."

As he said, he winked at Lao Lei and Xiao Pi. Lao Lei and Xiao Pi hurriedly held his big hat and asked for the tokens of the pirate kings.

"I am the Pirate King of the Black Sea, Armand." A captain with a beard said coldly, "However, I doubt Barbossa's actions to check our tokens."

Barbossa grinned and said, "This is also just in case."

Armand nodded, "Well, anyway, the token is not a valuable thing."

He dug out his pocket, took a horn tip from his pocket, and threw it into the hat in Lao Lei's hand.

Lao Lei owed respectfully, and walked to a man with a thick powder on his face.

The man frowned, and said coldly: "I am the Mediterranean Pirate King, Cheval."

After speaking, he took out a playing card with a clown pattern from his sleeve and threw it into his hat.

Madam Qing said coldly: "I am the pirate king of the East China Sea, Madam Qing."

With that, Mrs. Qing threw a pair of glass eyes into the hat.

Immediately afterwards, it was Vera Neva, the pirate king of the Adriatic Sea. The pirate token he took out was a broken rum bottle.

Next, Jocard, the black pirate king of the Atlantic, took out a broken chain.

Lao Lei walked in front of Xu Feng again.

Xufeng said faintly: "I just brought the ring of the Pirate King of Tang Dynasty. You can find them first. I'll talk about it later."

Lao Lei nodded and walked back to Barbosa.

Now, among the nine pirate kings, only Xufeng, Barbosa, and Jack have not turned in tokens.

In fact, it is completely unnecessary to hand in tokens. Barbosa just wants to take this opportunity to bring the tokens of the other pirate kings into his own hands. In this way, once the pirate kings do not agree to release Colibso, he It can also be released secretly.

Barbossa said coldly to Lao Lei: "Lao Lei, take out the token I gave you to keep."

Lao Lei said with a smile, "Captain Barbossa, I also want to take a little longer."

"No way!"

Barbossa patted the back of Lao Lei's head and punched out the fake eye in Lao Lei's eye socket-this is Barbossa's token of the Caspian Pirate King.

"Now, it's your turn Jack." Barbosa said.

Jack subconsciously touched the coin pendant on his headscarf, and then shrugged, "I don't think I need to prove that I am the Pirates of the Caribbean? After all, who else can be besides me? You guys. In, except I haven't had time to borrow money from Xufeng, everyone else is my creditor. If you don't admit that I am Jack Sparrow, haha, of course it would be best.

The other pirate kings all said, "Yes, this is Jack."

"I think we shouldn't be entangled in the issue of identity. No one has the courage to pretend to be the Pirate King and come here?" Jack grinned and said, "I think, since the Pirate Conference has been held, we have to talk about something more appropriate. The actual thing."

The other pirate kings nodded.

Jack continued: "It's no secret that we are gathering on Shipwreck Island. Beckett is coming to this place with his sun never set fleet."

"What? Were we betrayed?"

"We have a traitor!"

"Definitely not ours!"

The pirate kings quarreled again.

Barbossa frowned and knocked hard on the table, "Pirates! The crux of the problem is not how Beckett found us, but what should we do now that he has come here! "

The other pirate kings were speechless.

Xu Feng said lightly: "We want to fight."

The other pirate kings immediately laughed harshly.


"Who is going to teach this nasty kid?"

"How can we fight the sun never set fleet?"

"Of course we shouldn't fight, we should run away, the farther we escape, the better!"

"Idiot, what escape? We can stay in Shipwreck City. Shipwreck Bay is a self-sufficient fortress. We have unique terrain advantages. As long as we can't hold on, we can drag Beckett's fleet down alive!"

"Yes! That's right! We want to be turtles!"

The pirate kings all talked happily.

Xu Feng said lightly: "Do you think Beckett is a fool? No, he has a flying Dutchman."

Upon hearing the "Flying Dutchman", all the pirate kings closed their mouths, and the scene of cheering and laughing just now stopped.

Chapter 502

Is the flying Dutchman terrible?


The flying Dutchman is all made up of undead ghosts, and the fighting power of the undead ghosts can only be matched by the crew of the Black Pearl who has been cursed by the Aztecs.

What's worse, the flying Dutchman can dive. They can penetrate the spiral reefs and islands under the sea, and get directly into the shipwreck island, killing these pirates who gathered together by surprise.

Shipwreck Bay has a unique defensive advantage. All the defensive artillery are placed on the reefs and islands. However, there is no defense in the shipwreck city. This city is a pile of sunken ships stacked up, at least towards The ship at the bottom blasted fiercely, and the 18th-story Shipwreck City would collapse, and everyone in the shipwreck city would be buried in the wreckage and fire.

Therefore, when Xufeng said that there was a flying Dutchman on Beckett, all the pirate kings were scared.

After a long pause, the scavenger whispered: "In that case, we shouldn't fight with Beckett. Why not make peace with him, see what he wants, the big deal, we will share his interests."

This statement was immediately recognized by most pirate kings.

Xu Feng said coldly: "What other interests do you have?"

This question simply hit the face of all the pirate kings present.

Yes, although they are all known as pirate kings, in recent years, with the strength of the English Empire Navy, their living space has become smaller and smaller, and Beckett has also offered them a reward. Make bounty hunters ready to move.

If they are not careful, their heads will move.

Beckett has a powerful sun never set in his hands. He doesn't need to negotiate with the pirates. He wants to destroy the pirates and let the pirates make room for himself.

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