Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 570

Therefore, from this perspective, these pirate kings hiding in Tibet do not have the capital to negotiate with Beckett.

Barbossa took the opportunity to say: "Everyone, in fact, we still have a third way."

Everyone's eyes immediately focused on Barbosa.

Barbossa said in his extremely provocative voice: "Two hundred years ago! The first generation of pirate kings gathered together, captured the goddess of the sea, Colibso, and successfully sealed her to this day!"

Everyone nodded proudly.

Their pirate predecessors are all very powerful.

Barbossa smiled and said: "...But that was a mistake. They sealed Colibso at the time, in order to calm the sea, so that our ship could sail from Europe to America and then from America. To Africa, then from Africa to the Indian Ocean, Malacca, East China Sea, Arctic Ocean!"

"However, when they sealed Colibso, they only enjoyed the fruits of victory for a few decades. Then, the powers of various countries smelled a strong smell of blood, and they began to build ships larger than us. , Made weapons bigger than me, and then captured the colony, burned, killed, and looted! I robbed what we should have done! Compressed our activity space!"

"Especially in the last 100 years, the scale of pirates has not increased, but has fallen sharply!"

Barbossa said bitterly: "If this continues, we will have no room for survival! The pirates will die! No matter how calm the sea is, it has nothing to do with us!"

These few words touched many pirate kings, and several pirate kings have even begun to cry in their eyes.

Although some of these pirate kings are wastes themselves, after Barbossa's words, they suddenly felt that they were not wasteful of themselves, but that they were born in the wrong era.

If they were born in the age when the goddess of the sea, Colibso, they would definitely be able to flex their muscles.

"We used to conquer the ocean, not by squeezing tax revenue from the people of the country to build ships and artillery! But the great powers can!"

"We used to conquer the ocean, relying on ourselves to fight with a single shot. The head was tied to the waistband. Today we are dead, and today we are drunk to death! But the powers conquered the colonies by force. Capture the locals as slaves and let the weaker countries cede land for compensation!"

"We conquer the ocean because we love the ocean, love being unfettered on the ocean, and without the freedom of government control! We don't pay taxes, but live for ourselves! We betray others, and we are not afraid that others betray us!"

"We are famous pirates! We never claim to be a good person!"

"But what about the great powers?"

"They want to conquer the ocean, not out of love for the ocean, they just use the ocean as a channel, a channel that allows them to oppress humans on another continent! They are using the ocean! And in their mouths, On their faces, they made a polite look!"

"You all understand in your heart, what I said is true!"

The pirates below all echoed excitedly.

I have to say that Barbosa is really a master of inciting people. If Xufeng were not a traverser, he would also willingly follow a captain like Barbosa instead of a casual captain like Jack.

Barbossa took a deep breath and controlled the rhythm of his speech. "Gentlemen and ladies, the only thing we should do now, and what we must do, is to release the goddess of the sea-Colibso! Let Coli Buso’s anger engulfed those shameless powers! Let this ocean return to the age of stormy waves, let the ship song belonging to our pirates sing on the seven oceans again, and let our pirate flag never fall !"


"Free Coli Buso!"

"Barbosa is so right!"

"We want to release the ocean goddess and let the ocean goddess kill Beckett!"

"No! I don't agree! Colibso is too irritable. What if she kills us first when she releases her? After all, our predecessors sealed her back then, and this seal is 200 year!"

"200 years of hatred, she absolutely wants to tear us apart first!"

"Yeah, when the time comes, we won't lift a rock and hit ourselves in the foot!"

"I agree with Barbosa!"

"I am against Barbosa!"

The pirate kings were divided into two factions, one faction supported Barbosa's release of Colibso, and the other faction opposed Barbosa's release of Colibso.

So-called parliament, that's what it is.

There are very few things that make the parliament a unified idea, especially the meeting of undisciplined pirates.

Those who agree, some people really agree, and some people just don't have any ideas, just follow and agree.

As for those who oppose it, some people really oppose it, and some people oppose it for the sake of setting new standards.

Xufeng counted it roughly. Except that he and Jack hadn't made a statement yet, of the other seven pirate kings, four were in favor of the release of Colibri, and three were opposed to the release of Colibri.

Then, next, his vote with Jack is critical.

As long as there are more than half of the nine pirate kings, that is, five votes, the proposal to release Colibso can be effective.

Of course, the premise is if these pirate kings know about voting.

Chapter 503

"I support Barbosa, and you oppose Barbosa. I think you are not giving me face!"

"Bah, you little Adriatic pirate king, what face do you want?"

"You dare to despise my Adriatic Sea! Believe it or not, I shot you down!" Veraneva drew his gun.

Cheval, the Mediterranean pirate king who was arguing with him, was not afraid, and punched Veranieva's nose directly.

Vera Neva fell back, and the musket missed and shot to the ceiling.

The pirate entourage on both sides immediately began to do it, and the scene suddenly became chaotic.

Manager Adams knocked on the table and shouted loudly: "Gentlemen, you can fight here, but you can't open fire. Please keep your muskets away. Otherwise, I will deprive you of your pirate title. After all, you are listed as public enemy of pirates. ."

The two groups of people who were fighting immediately lost their muskets and drew knives to kill each other.

Elizabeth said with a shocked face: "Why did you start fighting after the meeting?"

Jack grinned and said: "This is politics, the most straightforward politics."

"Barbosa, don't you intervene?" Elizabeth asked.

Barbossa frowned and said: "How to intervene? In this case, the more you intervene, the more the fight will not stop. Let them fight. Anyway, when they get tired, they will stop."

Elizabeth sighed: "Our enemy is getting closer and closer, but we ourselves have a civil strife first, pirates... really can't become a mob of weather."

Barbossa rolled his eyes, "Maybe, our enemy has already arrived."

This chaotic scene lasted for nearly an hour, and the two fighting parties finally got tired, and then they sat back in their respective seats.

Obviously, neither side won, and every pirate on both sides was a winner.

Barbossa knocked on the table, "Everyone, listen to me, I have already talked to Colibso, as long as we release her, she will give us benefits and help us deal with Beckett!"

Jack grinned and said: "But please don't forget that Colibso is the most ruthless. If she promises, it will change in an instant. David Jones is the best example."

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