Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 571

Barbossa frowned and said, "So, you are against it? Then what better way do you have to deal with the Fleet?

Jack smiled and said, "Everyone, do you know something like squid? We are like squid, do you understand?"

All the pirate kings present looked at each other.

Jack is always crazy, his words are too jumpy, so it is difficult to understand.

Jack shrugged and explained: "When two squids are put together, they will kill each other. This is the nature of humans... Oh no, squids are not humans. It should be said that this is the nature of fish. So are we pirates. Similarly, even if we can't hold on to it, even if the Dutchman flying in a short while, we can't get into the Shipwreck City from the bottom of the sea. Those of us, within a month, will die half of them due to cannibalism. At that time, the other half of the people will not be able to stand it, sneaking out to surrender, and then being captured by Beckett mercilessly, hanged. And the remaining part, even if they beat the pirates, they will end up because they are gone. Support, but was eliminated by Beckett."

"So, if you can't stick to it, it's definitely impossible. As for Barbosa's release of the sea goddess Colibso, haha, assuming Colibso is not a capricious and angry woman, I think, release Coli Buso also doesn’t matter. But the question is, do you really think that a deity like Coli Buso will keep her compelling promise after being free? No, she will regard this promise as a kind of shame."

"So, my suggestion," Jack sighed helplessly. "I originally wanted to suggest that you don't get together for a meeting, so as not to be able to escape. Unfortunately, this suggestion is too late, so I can only suggest one. It’s more suitable for our current approach—even I can’t believe it myself, I can actually agree with this approach—"

Jack pointed his hand at Xu Feng, who was sitting on the sea wave seat, "I agree with Captain Xu Feng's opinion: Let's go to war with Beckett!"

Barbossa said in surprise: "Wait! Jack, are you really crazy? You have always avoided fighting!"

Jack said embarrassingly: "I don't have, well, I have a little bit of it, but I just follow the oldest pirate tradition. At this moment, the only way to solve our plight is what we must do, that is Fight... to facilitate escape."

The pirate kings present all sneered.

Sure enough, this guy was still trying to escape.

The first time I heard the saying that fighting is for a better escape, Jack is definitely a master in terms of escape.

However, when you think about it, Jack's words really make sense.

It is impossible to hide in the shipwreck city. In addition to killing each other, it is also possible to be breached by David Jones.

It is also impossible to release Coli Buso, because Coli Buso is inherently a cruel and changeable woman, and releasing Colibso can only make the pirates more dangerous.

In battle...If it is to defeat the sun never set fleet, no one wants to do it.

However, if fighting is for a better escape, then fighting is meaningful.

The pirate kings pondered for a moment and all raised their hands in agreement.


"I also agree with Jack!"

"We should run away, no, we should fight!"

"Fighting is for a better escape. It's the wise saying of pirates!"

Elizabeth sneered, "Jack, I think you chose to escape when you faced the sea god? Now, you are also trying to escape to encourage everyone to fight. So this is your pirate spirit."

Jack shrugged disapprovingly.

Elizabeth said coldly: "I originally regretted tying you to the mast to feed the sea god, but now, my guilt is gone."

Jack grinned and said, "Congratulations, a qualified pirate should not feel guilty."

The other pirates also laughed.

Xufeng frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice, "Elizabeth, do you think Jack left the Black Pearl in a small boat to escape?"

Elizabeth said coldly, "Isn't it?"

Xufeng said, "Do you know, at that time, what is the only way to protect you and keep the Black Pearl?"

"What is it?"

"It was to find the heart of David Jones and order David Jones to withdraw the sea god." Xufeng said in a deep voice, "Jack knew that David Jones' heart was with James, and at that time, James had not left the little boy. Island, he wanted to row a boat to find the heart. That was the most effective way at the time."

Elizabeth looked startled, and then said: "Are you just guessing?"

Chapter 504 Jack's Essence

Xu Feng said lightly: "No, I am not trying to defend Jack, but you people don't really understand Jack."

"You only saw his madness, but few people can see his true intentions through his madness. That's right, his madness is just to cover up and cover up his true emotions."

"A qualified pirate should not be emotional. It should be cruel, cruel, ruthless, and immoral. It should kill people for a little bit of profit, and it should be sold and betrayed for the sake of surviving."

"These are all acts permitted by the Piracy Code."

"However, Jack is not such a person. He just loves his sea and his unfettered life. Therefore, he expresses himself in a crazy manner and always talks about betraying others, but in fact, he I have never really betrayed a person."

"All his actions are calculated by his own rationality-of course, not all of these calculations can be successful, but he has worked hard at least."

Xufeng glanced around and found that the pirate kings on the scene were still disdainful, so he continued to say in a cold voice: "Do you know why Jack left when the sea god attacked the Black Pearl, and then why did he come back?"

Elizabeth said: "He left to escape, and came back because of conscience."

"No." Xu Feng said: "I just said that he behaves like a real pirate on the surface, but in fact, every step he takes is rationally thought. He is very clear in his heart. At that time, the most reasonable way to save is to go to the pirates to retrieve David Jones' heart!"

"If this is the case, why is he back again?" Elizabeth asked.

Xufeng said: "Because, when he watched the Black Pearl being attacked by the Sea God beast, he hesitated. He knew the most sensible way, but in his bones he was an emotional person. He took out his own. Wish Compass, and Wish Compass also pointed out what he wanted most at the moment, that is-to fight with you until death. Therefore, he faced death and returned to the Black Pearl."

"I would like to ask everyone, if a person who has always been timid and fearful of death, greedy for life and fear of death, how can he go and return after he has clearly escaped from the sea god's attack range?"

The pirate kings present nodded in agreement.

Cowardly people are cowardly in nature, and will only feel fortunate when they have fled, but will never muster courage.

Jack can go and come back, which only shows that he is brave in nature.

Xufeng continued, "Elizabeth, you tied Jack to the mast, right?"

Elizabeth flushed, and then said in a deep voice: "Yes, I thought he was going to abandon us at the time. I think that since the sea god is coming for him and the black pearl, we can only sacrifice him in order to save more. Many people."

Xufeng smiled coldly, "Look, this is the difference between the two of you. As I said, Jack just showed a madness, and then used exaggerated behavior to indicate that he would betray this and that, but in fact, He has never betrayed anyone, even if he was afraid of the sea god beast to death, he still chose to give up his rational approach and come back to face it with you."

"And you, Elizabeth? You seem to be an emotional person on the surface. You don't want to betray or attack others, but in fact, when facing the sea god, your sanity is the most terrifying thing. You I betrayed Jack, tied him to the mast, and then said with emotional reason that this was to save everyone."

Elizabeth lowered her head in shame, "I, I don't know, I just think..."

Xufeng did not listen to her weak defense, but continued: "In a sense, you killed Jack, and when you see Jack again, will Jack have trouble with you? Oh, yes, he won't let you Boarding his Black Pearl, but the result? In the end, you and Will still have Barbossa, or board the Black Pearl. Jack has never targeted you on a substantive issue."

Xufeng said coldly: "This is his generosity and carelessness. Do you know what I would do if I was betrayed by a woman like this? The first thing I did was to let him She tasted my rush of anger until she died in fear and regret. And you, now standing here, dare to accuse Jack of only running away."

Elizabeth was said to have no self-confidence, and wanted to find a way to get in.

"...I'm sorry, Jack, I... misunderstood you." Elizabeth lowered her head and apologized to Jack.

Jack grinned and said, "Don't listen to Xufeng's nonsense, I'm actually just a lunatic."

Xu Feng felt a warm current in his heart.

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