Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 582

Barbossa immediately waved to Lao Lei and Xiao Pi. Lao Lei and Xiao Pi ran into the bottom cabin, tied Coli Buso firmly with a thick cable, and then dragged the cable to the deck.

Colie Busso was full of anger and roared bitterly with a hoarse voice: "You guys, led me out like an animal! You are all guilty!"

The great pirate kings present bowed their heads to avoid their eyes, and no one dared to look at the former deity.

Xu Feng said lightly: "Coli Buso, do you want me to send you back?"

Colibso immediately lowered his head and said: "Sorry, your majesty, as your most humble servant, I will curb my temper, as long as you let me go and return the heart of the sea to me, I will immediately smooth it for you. Seven Seas!"

When other pirate kings saw that the former goddess of the ocean was so humble in front of Xu Feng, they immediately straightened up.

They are regarded as Xufeng's subordinates, and Keli Buso is regarded as Xufeng's servants. From this perspective, they are one level higher than Keli Buso!

Xu Feng said lightly: "Well, let's start the ceremony."

"Yes!" Barbossa immediately took out all the tokens of the nine pirate kings and placed them in a copper basin, so that Lao Lei held them in front of Colibso.

Gibbs asked: "Is it necessary any rituals to release Colibso?"

Barbossa said solemnly: "Of course! The first step is to gather all the tokens, and the second step is to burn all the tokens in front of Colibso, and shout: Colibso , I release you from the body!"

"And then?" Gibbs asked.

"Then it was released." Barbosa said.

"It's that simple?" Gibbs asked incredulously.

"It didn't have much trouble." Barbossa poured some whale oil on the Pirate King token, and then lit it with a torch.

The tokens of the nine great pirate kings immediately burned. What is amazing is that after burning, these messy things all gathered into plumes of blue smoke.

Barbossa shouted loudly: "Coli Buso, I will release you from your body."

Colibso's face began to twist, and the blue smoke penetrated her nostrils, but other than that, she herself had not changed much.

"Yes, the spell should be correct." Barbossa scratched his head.

"It has to be said by someone she can convince." Gibbs analyzed.

All eyes were focused on Xu Feng's body at once, and Colibso's blood-red eyes also looked at Xu Feng pleadingly.

Xufeng stood up from his seat, walked to Colibso, and said in a cold voice: "Coli Busso, I declare that you are free."

Colibso roared, the flames in the copper basin soared instantly, the tokens of the nine pirate kings melted into ashes in the fire, the green smoke was thicker, Colibso greedily smoked the green smoke, and his whole body Also uncontrollable expansion.

The surrounding pirates all dodged back in fear, and the ropes that bound Colibso could not be maintained.

Colibso's body swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye, and she punched the cable on her body hard, and the cable crackled and cracked!

"I'm free!" Colibso's roar was deafening, and the pirates covered their ears and crawled on the deck in pain.

"Mortals! You have to pay for imprisoning me!" Colibso's eyes became blood red.

Chapter 515: Pirate Spirit

"It's over! It's over!" Lao Lei shivered in the corner of the deck.

Xiaopi clutched his head and said, "I said long ago that you can't release this old witch, and none of her words is credible."

Barbossa quickly shouted loudly: "Coli Buso, we have an agreement! We released you, you can't hurt us!"

Colibso roared: "You self-righteous maggots! I am the goddess of the ocean, how dare you enslaved your god who imprisoned you! You must pay for it!"

"You are really ruthless." Xu Feng smiled coldly, "Fortunately, I kept one hand."

Colibso said angrily: "Xufeng! Give me my heart of the sea, otherwise, I will kill all your pirates immediately!"

Xu Feng smiled coldly: "Stop telling jokes, just with your ruthless personality, how can I return the Heart of the Sea to you?"

"Are you not afraid that I will tear your fleet apart?" Colibso roared.

Xufeng said coldly: "Okay, then you can tear it apart, but you have to know that we mobs are now the last force against the sun's unsettling fleet. We are destroyed by the regiment, and there is nothing in this world. Power can prevent the sun never setting fleet from controlling the seven oceans, even you can't stop it. After all, you don't have the heart of the ocean. You have to wait ten thousand years to fully recover your mana."

Colibso was startled, and then roared: "Give me the Heart of the Sea, I will kill them all!"

Xufeng shook his head, "Sorry, not giving it."

"You!" Colibso stomped angrily, and the entire Black Pearl shook.

Barbossa yelled: "Be careful of my boat!"

Xufeng said coldly: "Come on, Colibso, you can't scare me, but I want to remind you that your hatred of me shouldn't be in the first place. Before you take revenge on me, at least It should be thought of, who fooled you to the sinking bend, who asked the first generation of pirate kings to seal you! Who is it, keeps saying that his heart will always belong to you, but he is always betraying you!"

"...David Jones!" Colibso trembled.

"Yes!" Xu Feng said in a deep voice: "It is David Jones! Even if you hate the world, you must start with the people who betrayed you! And we, anyhow, are the ones who released you, one of us. There is no deep hatred in the meantime! Go, Colibso, go and finish your most deserved revenge first!"

Colie Busso clenched his fists, "Yes, Xufeng! What you said makes sense! I handed the flying Dutchman to David Jones, but he betrayed me! I want... ... Revenge! Revenge!"

With that, Colibso’s huge body suddenly burst, and countless stinky fish and prawns emerged from her body. These stinky fish and prawns rushed directly into the sea, leaving only an extremely strong stench on the Black Pearl. taste.

The pirates did not dare to stand up for a long time, until the sea was completely calm, a pirate king said cautiously: "This is... over?"

Barbossa looked at his body and found that he had not disappeared, and then he let out a long sigh of relief.

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "Well, it's over. Next, it's up to our own. Who of you wants to rush to the front with me and fight the first battle?"

The other pirate kings looked at each other, and no one dared to speak.

Barbossa stood up and said proudly: "Your Majesty, I am willing! The Black Pearl will obey your orders."

"Very good." Xu Feng said faintly: "My Queen is leading the battle with your Black Pearl, and other pirate ships are ready to support you at any time, can you hear?"

The other pirate kings said immediately: "I heard it, I heard it."

Xu Feng smiled faintly.

In fact, he knew that as long as the Empress and the Black Pearl were defeated, the other pirate kings would flee back to Shipwreck City, and then eat and die.

However, it didn't matter. Xufeng didn't expect these mobs to take the lead in the front battle. In this war, only if he kills the Endeavour and the Flying Dutchman can the battle be turned around.

Therefore, the most important thing is to rely on yourself.

After the other great pirate kings left the Black Pearl, they drove their respective pirate ships and parked far behind the Black Pearl and Queen.

They were farther away from the Black Pearl and Queen, even farther than they were from Shipwreck Bay.

This is of course easy to escape.

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