Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 583

As long as they see the Black Pearl or the Empress underwind, they will definitely run away without hesitation.

Gibbs said angrily: "These untrustworthy guys! Your Majesty Xufeng is the Pirate King! They dare to violate the Pirate King's orders!"

Barbossa's eyes rolled, "Your Majesty, the situation is very unfavorable for us now. With my years of experience in naval warfare, our two ships, let alone fight against more than 300 ships of the sunless fleet. Even if it is to face the Endeavour and the flying Dutchman head-on, it is very difficult to do. I suggest... ahem, it's just a suggestion. We are tactical... ahem, you know."

Xufeng glanced at Barbossa faintly, and Barbosa quickly lowered his head, not daring to look directly at Xufeng's gaze.

Xufeng said: "I know what you are thinking, and you are right. Using our power to confront the Sunless Fleet is a dead end."

"But I want to ask you, what do you live for?"

The pirates present all looked at each other.

They are not philosophers, or even smart people, they naturally never thought about this problem.

Xu Feng continued to ask: "Are you alive, do you want to be better, or to be able to drink and eat big pieces of meat?"

Gibbs said: "Of course it is to be able to drink and eat meat!"

The other pirates also nodded.

Xufeng smiled and said: "Very good, then I can tell you that if we choose to escape this time, we will have to run to the east and hide in Tibet. There will be no place for us pirates in the seven oceans. Now, we will live like soulless bereaved dogs, even dreaming that we are afraid of being known that we were once pirates."

"We dare not get drunk, dare not arrogant, dare not marry wives and have children because that will hurt them."

"We can only keep our secrets alone, and when we are bullied, we dare not pull out the knife to tell him what is the truth."

"We can only linger for a bite."

"Come and tell me, what's the point of this way of living?"

"You have chosen to be pirates, and you have chosen to drink and eat big pieces of meat, is it just to live like a dog?"

All the pirates bowed their heads.

Xufeng stood on a high place, glanced around with majesty, and shouted loudly: "Tell me! Are you dogs? Is the pirate spirit the spirit of survival?!"

Chapter 516

"No!" Xiaopi wiped a tear and roared loudly: "We are not dogs! We are not going to be dogs!"

Lao Lei also shouted loudly: "Yes, we are pirates! Real pirates! What we pursue is freedom and freedom! If only a dog can survive, then I will definitely not choose to live!"

"Yes! We are not dogs!"

"We are pirates!"

The other pirates also shouted loudly.

Xu Feng continued to roar loudly: "Yes! You are pirates! Dirty, cruel, and emotionless pirates! Which one of you has no blood on the hands of others? Which one of you has? , There is no life for innocent people! You are pirates who have killed people! You should not hide in a broken cave shivering and dying when you are dying! You should let the enemy kill you and return your life to death This is the greatest respect of the most dead god! You have chosen to be pirates, and you have chosen to be dirty, remnant, and unfeeling pirates. You can drink alcohol and eat large pieces of meat, even if you want to die, you must die. Like a pirate, not a coward, not a dog!"

"Now, all the pirates are looking at our Empress and the Black Pearl! What will they see? Frightened Rats? Abandoned broken ship? No! They will see real pirates! A group of people who can be named in history , The pirates that the future home will admire! They will see a group of pirates who dare to resist the hegemony of the great powers! The enemy will hear our guns, feel our angry gunfire, they will hear us pull out our swords and see Our bravery, and... the sweat on our foreheads! And... the strength of our backs!"

"They will understand that the pirates they have always despised are not a group of desperadoes who love life and death, but a group of desperadoes who love the ocean! The life of the pirates is already in the hands of death! We enjoy what we can enjoy , There is nothing unworthy in this life! It is them who should be afraid!"


"Your Majesty is right!"

"They should be afraid! We are not afraid of losing anything!"

"Fight in the name of a pirate!"

The pirates of the Black Pearl and Queen all raised their arms and shouted. Some pirates with shallow eye sockets even shed tears of excitement.

They lived for most of their lives in a muddle-headed manner, and they finally came to understand a little bit until today.

The other pirate ships didn't understand what happened to the Black Pearl and the Queen, but they heard loud shouts.

"...Are they crazy?"

"They don't really want to go to war with the sun never set fleet?"

"Crazy, crazy, really crazy."

The pirates on other pirate ships shook their heads and sighed. Now, they were waiting for a signal of rout, and then they retreated into the city of Shipwreck.

Standing on the high side of the ship, Xu Feng looked around the group of pirates who had fallen into fanaticism with majesty.

He knew that his speech worked.

Although it is not clear when Xue Di and Iron Hammer will arrive, this decisive battle can no longer wait.

Xu Feng said lightly: "Raise the pirate flag and sing the pirate ship song."


"Raise the pirate flag!"

"Raise the pirate flag!"

"Sing our pirate ship song!"

"Yo roar! Yo roar!"

The emotions of the pirates on the Black Pearl and Queen have been ignited to the extreme.

But at this moment, the sea was strong, and the sails that had just raised were blown up instantly.

Gibbs shouted loudly: "The wind direction is good for us! Colibso is helping us!"


The pirates on the two ships worked harder.

Opposite them, the sails of the Sunless Fleet were blown up, but not all the ships, but only the flying Dutchman and Struggle.

David Jones said: "It seems that Colibso wants our two ships to be two-on-two with Xufeng's two ships."

Beckett said triumphantly: "My Struggle is the largest flagship in the entire ocean. Every place is covered with thick iron plates. With their gunfire, it is impossible to penetrate me, and yours The flying Dutchman is also the fastest ship. Even if it is a two-to-two situation, they have no chance of winning."

David Jones smiled and said, "That's right! Since my goddess wants me to show it, I'll show it! Water ghosts, get ready to fight!"

Beckett also said to the adjutants behind him: "Get ready to fight, hurry up and get rid of Xufeng, let's eat early."

"Yes! Ready to fight!"

The flying Dutchman and Struggle began to attack the Empress and Black Pearl.

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