Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 584

The flying Dutchman is extremely fast, and the speed of the Black Pearl is also extremely fast. Both ships greatly surpassed the other ships and meet first!

And at this time, the sky suddenly changed color, the wind and clouds revolved, lightning flashed and thunderstorms poured down!

The two boats passed through heavy rains and stormy waves, and they were about to enter each other's artillery range.

A dazzling lightning struck down vertically from the sky, and a huge sea vortex appeared on the ocean immediately. The vortex grew larger and faster!

Before the Black Pearl and the flying Dutchman waited for the exchange of fire, they were involved in the whirlpool, spinning at high speed in the whirlpool!

"Report! The flying Dutchman and Black Pearl have been involved in the whirlpool!" The adjutant immediately reported the news to Beckett.

Beckett picked up the binoculars to check it, and then said in a deep voice: "Turn the boat sideways, don't go over yet, stay here to see the situation."


Anyway, David Jones’ ship is not a battleship of the sunless fleet, even if it is lost, it doesn’t matter.

What is important is that his flagship of the Struggle cannot be involved in the whirlpool.

"Your Majesty, the Black Pearl has been involved in the Maelstrom! Colibso betrayed us!" a Tang pirate shouted towards Xufeng.

Xu Feng said faintly: "Well, Colibso is erratic. This is also something that can be expected. Continue to sail to support the Black Pearl."

"But Your Majesty! There is the Maelstrom in front of us. Should we bypass the Maelstrom and directly fight the Fight?"

"No, just go to the Maelstrom." Xu Feng said lightly: "I won't abandon the Black Pearl at this time."

The Tang pirates were moved suddenly, and then adjusted their course and sailed towards the turbulent and dangerous maelstrom.

Of course, Xu Feng went to the Maelstrom not exclusively for the Black Pearl, but also to complete his mission.

The division mission requires him to use arcane crystals to absorb the energy of the vortex. As long as the vortex is full, the vortex will naturally disappear, which is equivalent to indirectly helping the Black Pearl.

Another reason is that if Xufeng chooses to bypass the Maelstrom, it is impossible to single out the Struggle with the strength of the Queen. Then, it is better to unite with the Black Pearl and kill the flying Dutchman, and then deal with it. Struggle number.

Chapter 517

The huge vortex made the Black Pearl almost lost its power, and could only continue to rotate as the vortex rotates.

The flying Dutchman quickly adapted to the maelstrom. After all, the flying Dutchman is a ghost ship, and the crew of the flying Dutchman are all water ghosts, even if the flying Dutchman is all Soaking in the water has no effect on them.

After the flying Dutchman stabilized the hull, it tried to fire on the Black Pearl.

Will tried to adjust the rudder several times, but to no avail.

Elizabeth ran to Barbosa and shouted loudly: "Captain Barbosa! We need you!"

Barbossa looked at the depths of the deep ocean vortex, and then let out a long sigh, "Emperor Xufeng is right, even if he is dead, he must die like a pirate, not like a sick man. In the hospital bed!"

He pushed away the pirate who was in front of him, and waited for Will who was at the helm, "Take your clumsy blacksmith's hand away from my rudder!"

Will quickly stepped away.

Barbossa grabbed the rudder and roared loudly: "Raise the beams, you headless idiots! The Black Pearl is very capable! It's a good time to die!"

The crew of the Black Pearl immediately became busy in accordance with Barbosa's orders, and soon stabilized the hull, keeping the hull and the whirlpool at a relatively balanced angle.

Both sides showed their artillery.



The Black Pearl fired first, and then, the flying Dutchman fired a salvo!

Both ships are already in the danger of the Maelstrom, and they may be swallowed by the Maelstrom at any time, but no one cares about the two ships. On the contrary, they become more and more brave.

The helm of the Black Pearl is naturally the calm and steady Barbosa, and the helm of the flying Dutchman is David Jones.

David Jones has not personally taken the helm for a long time, and this battle is a very crucial battle. It was a battle he showed his love to the goddess of the sea, Colibri, so he must perform well.

The number of artillery and firepower of the flying Dutchman were much higher than those of the Black Pearl, so after several rounds of artillery battles, although the flying Dutchman was also damaged, the damage to the Black Pearl was more serious. .

The flying Dutchman lost only two-tenths of the total, while the Black Pearl lost four-tenths.

If the fight goes on like this, there will be at most five more rounds, and the Black Pearl will be sunk.

Barbossa steadied the rudder and said coldly: "Since I died, Jack hasn't taken care of the Black Pearl at all! We are a pirate ship! But our firepower is too weak! Monkeys, Aim hard and break their main mast! This is our only chance to win!"

On the other side, David Jones smiled sullenly, "No one can escape under my hand! The flying Dutchman is invincible in singles! Shoot them, water ghosts, blow them up! Take them! Salute to the sea goddess Colibso!"

Boom boom boom!

The two ships fired at the limit again.

At this time, Jack, who was held in the prison of the Flying Dutchman, found an opportunity.

The guards all went to the deck and gun position, and he was alone in the prison.

He found a bench, used the bench as a lever, and pried open the steel fence of the prison-this trick was taught to him by Will.

After opening the prison door, Jack slipped into the captain's room.

There were two guards in the captain's room, using artillery against the soul gathering coffin. When they saw Jack breaking in, they immediately pointed their guns at Jack.

Jack said quickly: "Don't be nervous, I just came in to get my own things-hey, it's you two, aha, I know you."

The two guards were thin and fat. They used to guard the Interceptor. As a result, they quarreled over who was the fastest ship. Jack took advantage of the gap. Later, Officer James returned to his post. , The two of them became James’ guards again, and James took the flying Dutchman to guard the Soul Gathering Coffin. Later, James died, but they were still arranged to guard the Soul Gathering Coffin.

"It's you! Jack Sparrow!"

"Your head is worth 500,000 gold coins!"

The thin man and the fat man became excited at once.

Jack grinned and said, "But, I am Beckett's now, haven't you heard of it? When we negotiated this morning, Beckett specially rescued me from the pirates."

"Well, I've heard of negotiations."

"So, you are not a pirate now?"

"No, I am." Jack laughed: "But you can't kill me, you can only stay here to guard the soul gathering coffin."

The thin man said: "I hate being a guard. I want to go out to fight. Only by fighting can we gain merit. Only by gaining merit can we improve. I haven't been promoted for a long time."

The fat man nodded and said, "Me too, guarding this and that all day, I'm so bored."

"However, we must guard. This is an order. If we violate the order, not only will we not be promoted, but we will be demoted."

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