Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 585

At this moment, a stray bullet hit the captain's room, punching a large hole in the wall of the captain's room.

Jack glanced through the hole and saw that his Black Pearl was on the opposite side, and outside the Maelstrom, the Endeavour horizontal boat was anchored, but the Empress bravely sailed in.

A happy smile appeared at the corner of Jack's mouth.

At least, at this critical time, Xufeng did not abandon the Black Pearl, nor did he abandon him.

What else can boost morale more than this?

Jack grinned and said, "Remember the topic I discussed earlier? You used to say Interceptor was the fastest. Now what ship do you think is the fastest?"

The thin man curled his lips, "The Interceptor has been sunk, OK, and how can the Interceptor compare to the flying Dutchman?"

"Is it wrong?" The fat man frowned and said, "Although the Interceptor is not good, there is also the Black Pearl. The Black Pearl is faster than the flying Dutchman! The two ships had a race before, and they were flying. The Dutchman pursued the Black Pearl with all his strength, but could not catch up at all!"

"That's because there is wind! If it is in a state of no wind, or in a state of chaotic wind, the flying Dutchman can completely catch up with the Black Pearl!" The thin boy said plausibly, "Furthermore, light What's the use of speed? The combat effectiveness of the Black Pearl is completely inferior to the flying Dutchman! The flying Dutchman is an unbeatable maritime hegemon!"

Chapter 518 Xu Feng, So Strong!

Jack wanted to intervene to discuss a few words, but the fat man and the thin man did not give Jack a chance at all. The two were arguing over the issue of the Black Pearl or the Flying Dutchman.

Jack shrugged helplessly, walked between the two of them, quietly picked up the soul gathering coffin, and walked to the door calmly.



The fat man and the thin man shouted in unison.

Jack stiffened, "I surrendered, don't shoot, I will return the soul gathering coffin to you..."

The thin man frowned and said, "We want to ask you to comment on whether it is the flying Dutchman or the Black Pearl!"

The fat man also said in a deep voice: "Yes, wait...What are you holding in your hand is the soul gathering coffin? The soul gathering coffin we are responsible for guarding?"

Jack said quickly: "I'm actually helping you--you see, your responsibility is to guard the soul gathering coffin, so if the soul gathering coffin is gone, don't you need to guard it?"

"What you said makes sense, but...we can't let you take it away even though we know you're going to take it away," said the thin man.

The fat man also nodded heavily.

Jack smiled pompously, "Who knows I took it? Didn't a shell hit the captain's room just now? You can say that the soul gathering coffin just fell out of the hole in the hull."

"That's right."

"In this case, we can no longer guard the lost things!"

"We can go out to fight and make contributions!"


The thin and fat high-five excitedly celebrated, as if they had already gained merit and promotion at this moment.

Jack took the opportunity to flee the captain's room holding the soul gathering coffin.

At the same time, the rapids of the whirlpool were getting bigger and bigger, and the hulls of the Black Pearl and the Flying Dutchman had almost reached zero degrees, and the masts of the two ships were about to be twisted together.

A shell of the Black Pearl hit the steering wheel of the flying Dutchman, where a dozen soldiers who were responsible for guarding Operation David Jones were killed on the spot, and the one who was responsible for guarding David Jones was killed. One of his adjutants was also blown off, and he lay on the deck in pain.

"...Save me, I am your manager." The adjutant begged to David Jones.

David Jones smiled contemptuously: "Sad, you can't even save your life, what do you use to manage me?"

As he said, he stabbed the adjutant into the heart of the adjutant and took the key to the soul gathering box on the adjutant's neck by the way.

"Helmsman! Come and steer! The others continue to fight!" David Jones took the key to the soul gathering box and walked towards the captain's room.

As soon as he reached the door of the captain's room, he saw Jack walking out of the captain's room holding the box.

David Jones laughed, "Jack, Jack, I'm looking for you, but I didn't expect you to take the initiative to deliver it to the door, and, with what I wanted-hand over the soul gathering box!"

Jack grinned and said: "Your heart is with me, octopus face, you should listen to me."

David Jones sneered: "You don't have the key in your hand, and you can't hurt my heart! You have no way out. The Black Pearl is far across the road, and now no one can help you!"

Jack rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "That's not necessarily—"

With that said, he jumped onto the side of the ship, grabbed a rope, and shouted loudly: "Goodbye David Jones! I will take care of your heart!"

With that, Jack pulled the rope and swayed to the center of the whirlpool.

"No!" David Jones hurried to the side of the ship, and he saw Jack swing to the mast of another ship by the inertia of the cable.

David Jones breathed a sigh of relief, then took another breath of air-conditioning.

That ship is the Empress speeding into the Maelstrom!

Xufeng was standing on the bow, holding a bright white crystal in his hand!

The crystal seemed to be absorbing the energy of the maelstrom, and the flow rate of the maelstrom was gradually slowing down.

Xufeng solemnly shouted to Jack on the mast: "We have ten minutes to kill the flying Dutchman. Ten minutes later, the Maelstrom will disappear, and the Endeavour will rush over here!"

"Understand!" Jack shouted loudly: "All the artillery is in place! Bump him!"

The Empress’s artillery fired in unison, cooperating with the Black Pearl, and fired at the flying Dutchman.

Originally, the Black Pearl had been completely suppressed by the flying Dutchman, and would be wiped out in three rounds. However, with the support of the Queen’s firepower, the Black Pearl regained its combat effectiveness and the flying Dutch Renhao is suffering from the enemy.

As the strongest overlord ship in the ocean, the flying Dutchman is completely invincible in terms of heads-up.

However, the flying Dutchman was unable to hold it under the attack of the two flagships.

David Jones roared, using the teleport ability of the water ghost, teleported directly to the mast of the Empress, blocking Jack's path.

"Jack! Hand over my heart."

Jack grinned and said, "No way, if you want, just grab a sword from me!"

"Arrogant! Do you think you can beat me?" David Jones drew out his sword and stabbed Jack fiercely.

Jack stepped back on the narrow mast, able to avoid David Jones' stab, and then dexterously counterattacked.

The two fight on the mast to make you come and go. Although Jack's swordsmanship and strength are not as good as David Jones, Jack at this time has already shown all the courage and has no sense of fear.

Xufeng knew that Jack would not last long, so he then stuffed the arcane crystal in Lian and Pu's hands, "You two take the crystal, don't lose it!"

"Yes! Master!" the twin maid replied in unison.

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