Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 589

The Maelstrom gradually subsided and returned to calm. The Empress and the Black Pearl came out of the vortex safely because there was someone at the helm, but the flying Dutchman without anyone at the helm was engulfed in the vortex.

Elizabeth held Jack and burst into tears.

Jack patted Elizabeth comfortably on the shoulder, "It's okay, it will be okay."

Chapter 522

After the maelstrom subsided, the crew of the Empress and the Black Pearl excitedly raised their arms and shouted.

They defeated the mighty flying Dutchman!

The flying Dutchman is the absolute maritime overlord. They can defeat the flying Dutchman even in the presence of the Maelstrom. This is an unprecedented record!

In the distance, the pirates who were watching had their eyes widened in disbelief.

They thought that the Black Pearl and the Queen would be torn to pieces, but they defeated the flying Dutchman and successfully quelled the Maelstrom!

After the vortex disappeared, the entire sky returned to a clear state, and the fog gradually dissipated.

The resentment of the goddess of the sea, Colibso, had been subdued at the moment David Jones died, and Colibso will no longer be mixed for the rest of the battle, that is, the pirate and the sun never set fleet. Time.

"Should we...should you support it?" a certain pirate king asked in a low voice.

"Are you stupid?" Another pirate king sneered, "Even if Emperor Xufeng really defeated the Maelstrom and the flying Dutchman, what would it be like? Endeavour is an iron-clad ship! Moreover, the fleet is still not set. There are more than 300 excellent warships! We are supporting this time, aren't we going to die?"

"Right right! Wait and see again!"

The pirates chose not to move.

"These bastards, they should all be drowned!" On the Black Pearl, Barbosa shouted angrily.

On the Queen, Xu Feng was not angry.

The performance of the pirates was completely in his expectation.

Now that he has solved the Maelstrom and the flying Dutchman, the whole battle has actually been turned on his side.

"Stop the ship! Waiting for the opportunity!" Xufeng shouted loudly: "The repairman quickly repaired the hull!"

"Yes!" The Empress immediately conveyed the order to the Black Pearl, and the Black Pearl immediately stopped the ship and began urgent repairs.

The crew of the Black Pearl and Queen were still happy to defeat the flying Dutchman, but now they are nervously engaged in the next round of preparations.

"Huh, these mud legs actually defeated the flying Dutchman?" On the Struggle, Beckett put down the coffee cup in his hand and said calmly: "But it doesn't matter, the Maelstrom has disappeared, and the Black Pearl and the Queen The ship was also ripped apart in the Maelstrom. We rush up now and fire a few shots. They will be sunk. Once the Empress and the Black Pearl are sunk, the pirates will be scattered. ."

The adjutant next to him asked in a low voice, "Master Beckett, shall we wait for the large troops behind to catch up? Now the fog has cleared and the strange wind is gone. The large troops can meet with us in ten minutes. ."

Beckett sneered, "Fighting two broken fishing boats, do I need to wait for other boats? Can't the Endeavour even do this?"

The adjutant said quickly: "Yes! I'll give orders here!"

The Endeavour straightened its hull and charged towards the Empress and Black Pearl.

"Your Majesty! The Struggle is coming! What should we do!" a Tang pirate asked loudly.

Another Tang pirate said: "Your Majesty, your subordinates suggest that we first save the victory and return to Sunken Ship City to rest. When the rest is complete, we are fighting the sun never set fleet!"

To be honest, this is indeed a good way.

After all, the flying Dutchman is no longer controlled by the Sunless Fleet, so if the Sunless Fleet wants to attack the Shipwreck Island, it will not be able to attack it without ten and a half months.

But the sun never sets the fleet's consumption so great that it can't last ten and a half months at all.

If Xufeng is a person in the story world, he will definitely adopt this method.

However, Xufeng was a traverser, and he also brought a reward mission for traversing, which was to completely eliminate the sun never set fleet.

Xufeng pondered for a while, took out his binoculars, and looked at the vast ocean.

There is still no trace of the periscope.

He sighed faintly, then put away the telescope, and said coldly: "Wait, don't worry."

"...Yes." The Tang pirate flag bearer immediately passed the semaphore signal to the Black Pearl.

Barbossa frowned and said, "Why didn't Your Majesty Xufeng let us retreat? Our current conditions have been for a long time against an iron-clad ship like Endeavour!"

Jack said in a deep voice: "He is right, we need to wait."

"What are you waiting for?" Barbosa asked suspiciously.

Jack pursed his mouth, did not speak, but looked firmly at the vast sea.

"They stopped. They didn't move forward or retreat." The adjutant standing next to Beckett asked in surprise: "What do they want? Do they really want to use two broken ships to attack our Struggle?"

Beckett smiled triumphantly: "Today will be my day in the annals of history. Historians will record in the history books that Lord Beckett took the lead and personally destroyed the two flagships of the pirates and completely crushed the world. Pirates on the world."

The Endeavour accelerated towards the Black Pearl and the Queen.

"Master Beckett, the opponent has entered our artillery range!"

"Very well, the gunner is in place, listen to my orders—"

More than 300 cannons on the Endeavour were all pushed out, and the muzzle of the black hole was ready to go.

At this moment, the seabed was tumbling again, and then, the flying Dutchman jumped out of the sea again and appeared behind the Empress and the Black Pearl.

"Hahaha, the flying Dutchman is still there, and it also cut off the pirates. Very good! The pirates have nowhere to escape this time!" Beckett said triumphantly.

I saw the flying Dutchman adjust its course and slowly approached the Black Pearl and Queen.

The water ghost crew on the ship have all been reborn. They have been transformed into marine creatures before, and they have regained the appearance of human flesh—because their captain did not perform the task of extraditing dead souls at sea, but the new captain decided to travel at sea. The mission of the dead souls.

The new captain, Will Turner, was standing on the bow, smiling and waving at Elizabeth, who was standing on the Black Pearl.

Elizabeth cried happily.

Xu Feng roared loudly: "The artillery is in place!"

Barbossa on the Black Pearl also yelled: "Hahaha! I understand! The Great Emperor Xufeng is really powerful-the artillery is in place!"

Will Turner also turned around and shouted at his reborn crew: "The artillery is in place!"

Originally, Xufeng only had two ships capable of fighting. Now, Xufeng has one more ship, and it is also the ship of the marine hegemon, the flying Dutchman!

Two ships may not be able to beat the armored ship, but it must be possible for the three ships to flick together!

The Black Pearl and the flying Dutchman were the fastest, and they flew towards the Endeavour.

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