Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 590

And Xufeng's Queen is firmly on the center line!

The whole battle has been completely reversed!

Chapter 523

"Master Beckett! The situation, the situation, seems a bit uncomfortable to us!" the adjutant said eagerly.

Beckett looked at the three ships rushing from the opposite side in amazement, his entire brain was blank.

How could this be?

How did the flying Dutchman become the ship on Xufeng's side?

Was David Jones killed?

Damn it... The 300 battleships are too far away from the Endeavour, and there is no time to rescue them.

"What should I do now? Lord Beckett!" the adjutant asked nervously.

Boom boom boom!

The Black Pearl and the flying Dutchman had already opened fire, and the Endeavour's hull rumbled.

But fortunately, the Struggle is an iron-clad ship wrapped in iron, so there is not much problem for the time being.

Beckett almost fell to the ground. He awkwardly supported the handrails on the deck, took a deep breath and said: "Retreat, and at the same time order other warships to quickly support. We are ironclad ships, and we should still be able to hold them for a while."

"Yes! Retreat!" The adjutant quickly communicated the order.

The huge Endeavour began to panic turn its bow, speeding up and fleeing in the direction of the 300 sun never set fleet.

"Don't let him run!" Xu Feng roared loudly.

If the Endeavour was allowed to escape back among the 300 warships, then this battle would be difficult to fight.

However, although the Black Pearl and the flying Dutchman were fast, they had to slow down so as not to be penetrated by the powerful artillery of the Endeavour.

Although the battle was reversed and the Struggle began to flee, Xufeng still couldn't win the battle.

If all the pirates can unite as one, then no matter how strong the Artillery of the Struggle is, it will not escape.


At this moment, a mirror-like reflection suddenly appeared on the sea.

Xu Feng's heart shook, and then he took out his binoculars to check it-it was a periscope!


The Snow Emperor and the Hammer are finally here!

Xu Feng put away the binoculars excitedly, and shouted: "Strike with all your strength, don't be afraid! The Endeavour cannot escape!"

"Yes! Full attack!"

The three ships continued to chase the Endeavour.

Beckett sneered and said: "No one can stop me. In three minutes, I will be able to enter the realm of 300 sunless warships. When the time comes, chasing me again will be equivalent to giving me The sun never sets as a live target..."


With a violent tremor, the huge Struggle shook heavily, and then the hull began to tilt.

"What's the matter?" Beckett asked in astonishment.

"I don't know, it feels like I hit a rock." The adjutant replied while pressing his hat.

"Impossible, this is the deep sea area. When we passed here just now, there were no hidden reefs. How can there be reefs now?" Beckett frowned and shouted.

At this time, Mather hurried over from the bottom compartment, "It's not good, Lord Lord! Our bottom was hit by a shell shot out of the water, our bottom is not armored, and now the bottom of the boat is leaking seriously! "

"What? The shells fired in the water? Did the flying Dutchman do it?" Beckett asked.

"No, when the flying Dutchman is underwater, you can't use artillery, and it's in the wrong direction." Before Mather's words were finished, there was a bang, and the Endeavour shook violently.

The bottom compartment of the Endeavour was flooded, and there was no way to speed up the escape, and the Black Pearl and the flying Dutchman also doubled up, and the two ships fired artillery at the same time!

Boom boom boom!

Although the Endeavour was iron-clad hull, the hull suffered a lot of damage under such powerful firepower, especially the gun bay, which was almost completely destroyed.

Beckett was completely shocked.

He had no idea that things would develop into this way.

He had known that it was such a dangerous thing to charge into battle, he shouldn't have taken this risk.


The bottom of the ship was shaking again violently.

The huge hull of the Endeavour had sunk by one third.

If this continues, the Endeavour will be completely destroyed before Xufeng's Queen rushes over.

"Master Beckett! Our bottom tank is seriously flooded and has reached a state where it cannot be repaired. Hurry up and give the order!" the adjutant said loudly.

On the battlefield, soldiers cannot abandon a ship at will. Abandoning a ship at will is tantamount to a deserter.

But in this case, if you don't abandon the ship, you will die with the ship.

Abandoning the ship is tantamount to failure.

Beckett couldn’t figure it out. His grand plan for hegemony had already completed 99.99%, and he was just short of the last battle. As long as he wins this last battle, he will be known forever, but ...

What is going wrong?

Where is it?

Beckett stood stupidly on the boat, unable to believe what was in front of him.

He expects this to be a dream. I would rather go back to thirty years ago when I was a shipyard repairman. He would rather struggle again and climb up from the bottom step by step.

Unfortunately, this is not a dream after all.

The hull of the Struggle exploded beside him, and the flying Dutchman and the Black Pearl left no room at all, and all the shells poured down like a torrential rain.

"Master Beckett! Beckett..." Mather frowned. "Master Beckett is so stupid, we can't wait to die! Prepare the emergency boat! Abandon the ship!"

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