Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 599

The senior members of the Hanguang Society immediately opened the way, and walked towards the guild gate arrogantly.

After pushing the door open, these high-levels were all dumbfounded.

The streets that used to be quiet and quiet are now full of people.

Not only were passers-by watching, but also people from the Abyss Guild were all present.

The whole street was densely packed, and Xu Feng was very powerful here.

Nicolas originally wanted to take advantage of his pomp to give Xufeng an offense, but...On the contrary, Xufeng gave himself an offense.

Sacco's face barely squeezed a smile, "Oh, brother Xufeng, you are welcome! Hey, brother Liqun, what brings you here?"

"Good idea." Zhan Liqun said with a smile: "Brother Nicolas, Xufeng is my brother and the honorary president of my Oasis Guild. I heard that someone was going to assassinate him and almost succeeded, so I'm a brother, If you don’t come and ask, wouldn’t you become the paper flower brothers?"

Saka laughed, "Misunderstanding! Misunderstanding! It's all a misunderstanding! How could I assassinate Brother Xufeng?"

Xu Feng smiled coldly and said: "You owe me twenty thousand shadow power points. You killed me for these two thousand shadow power points. You have a lot of motivation."

"You..." Nicolas suddenly grew louder.

Xufeng is so awesome!

In the presence of so many people, Nicolas suddenly felt that he shouldn't have come out after he settled the debt.

This time is good, it is hard to argue.

Gunther next to him sneered, "Xu Feng! Be careful when you speak! You are an ordinary survivor, and our president, Nicolas, is the president of the largest guild in the trading city."

"So, the president of the first guild can not pay the debt? So, the president of the first guild can hire murderers?" Xufeng still didn't give Sako any face.

He and the Hanguang Society are already in a de facto hostile relationship. To deal with the enemy, he must be as ruthless as the autumn wind sweeps the fallen leaves. What kind of sentiment is there!

Nicolas frowned and said, "Brother Xufeng, all this is a misunderstanding! How could this be possible if you said I hired murderers! In front of so many people, you dare not frame me, do you have any evidence?"

You Xiaoxi immediately stood up, "I'm the evidence. You took my boyfriend Li Jialiang and forced me to poison Master Xufeng."

Zhan Liqun frowned and said, "This... is too bad, right? President Nicolas, I don't think you can do this kind of bad things, right?"

This sentence, at first sound, seems to be exonerating Nicolas, but in fact, it is insinuating Nicolas.

Nicolas sneered, "A wild girl who didn't know where she came from, what is the credibility of her words? This incident is either a guild planted by someone else's intentions, or it is a self-directed and self-acted guild."

"You!" You Xiaoxi said annoyed: "It was the man named Fitz who took me Li Jialiang and forced me to assassinate Master Xufeng. Now that the matter has happened, do you still want to not admit it? Liang give it back to me!"

Chapter 322

Nicolas said coldly: "I don't even know this wild girl, and I don't know what she is talking about, but in front of so many people, I have to give everyone an explanation, right? Fitz, you come out and talk. What exactly is going on?"

Fitz hurriedly stood up from the crowd, cleared his throat and said, "President Nicolas, I am really embarrassed. I am responsible for this matter. In our guild, there is indeed a person named Li Jialiang who is indeed This You Xiaoxi’s boyfriend, however, this You Xiaoxi is addicted to drugs and often becomes unconscious, and then from time to time he thinks that someone else is persecuting her and persecuting her. His boyfriend Li Jialiang has no choice but to break up with her , As a result, the woman became more entangled with Li Jialiang, and threatened to retaliate against our Hanguanghui. As for me, I thought it was a matter between their little lovers, so I didn’t care, but I didn’t expect that this woman really did this. This is a shameful thing."

"What! No!" You Xiaoxi roared angrily: "It's not like this! It's not like this! They're turning black and white!"

The scene was also in an uproar.

Although Fitz's remarks are not highly credible, they can still be said logically.

After all, a mad woman deliberately assassinated Xufeng in order to retaliate against Hanguanghui, thus angering Xufeng to find trouble for Hanguanghui. This is also logical.

If Xufeng had not known the insidiousness of the Hanguang Society, he would have been persuaded by Fitz's remarks.

Xu Feng smiled coldly and said: "Okay, if that's the case, then bring Li Jialiang out, and we just have to face each other."

Fitz smiled and said: "I also have this intention-come, let Li Jialiang come."


A guard hurried away, and after a while, he walked out with a young man with a puzzled face.

This young man is still quite handsome, full of energy, and his eyes are piercing, so he can't see a problem.

When You Xiaoxi saw him, he immediately said in surprise: "Jialiang! Jialiang! Are you okay?"

Li Jialiang glanced at You Xiaoxi in disgust, and said coldly: "Why are you always lingering? Didn't I say it? We are over, I ask you not to be entangled anymore, no matter you I will never accept you again for anything."

You Xiaoxi was startled, and his whole person was completely stunned in place.

Fitz smiled triumphantly: "How is it? Master Xufeng, am I right?"

You Xiaoxi shook her head desperately, "No! That's not the case, Jialiang, are you being threatened? They must be threatening you? Don't worry, Master Xufeng is here, he will protect you! The Hanguang Club is a magic cave. If you stay there, sooner or later you will be killed by them!"

Li Jialiang stared at You Xiaoxi coldly, "You woman, it's really too much! I'm good at Hanguang, why are you spreading rumors and slandering my guild! If you are like this, I'm not welcome!" "

You Xiaoxi said painfully: "Jialiang, what's wrong with you Jialiang? Didn't you say that you will never leave me? Why... why did you change when you turned around? Become so cruel?"

Li Jialiang said impatiently: "You are endless? Do you believe what a man said when pursuing you? I am just empty and lonely, and you happen to appear again. I have no feelings for you at all! Don't be there! Are you nervous, okay? Master Fitz, you will grow up. I'm sorry to have caused you such a big trouble. Please two adults confess."

"Have you heard?" Nicolas said triumphantly: "This is the truth! This is just a woman who loves to hate, so she blames us on Hanguanghui, Li Jialiang is my Hanguanghui person , We Hanguang will naturally have the responsibility to protect Li Jialiang. No matter how this woman spreads rumors and slanders, we Hanguang will not bow her head. Master Xufeng, if you still insist that we are going to assassinate you, then we There is nothing to say, I can only say-justice is in the hearts of the people."

It's fair and comfortable.

You made up the reasons without leaking, you mastered the public opinion, and then you said that you are fair and comfortable?

Xu Feng smiled coldly.

The other survivors were all whispering at this time. Although everyone didn't believe in the Hanguang Society, Hanguang Society showed up and confronted each other. Even if everyone wanted to support Xufeng, there was no way.

Li Jialiang said: "Master President, Master Fitz, if there is nothing else, I will continue to go back on duty."

Nicolas nodded in satisfaction, "Okay, you go, I, as the president, will handle this matter properly."

"Thank you, Mr. President." Li Jialiang bowed and bowed, and then turned around, without any flaws.

...This is wrong.

This guy should be a drug addict, how could it be so peaceful?

However, since You Xiaoxi believes that he is Li Jialiang, he can't be wrong in thinking about coming.

It is very possible that Hanguang will temporarily give Li Jialiang some other pills, temporarily covering up Li Jialiang's state.

Xu Feng immediately said coldly, "Li Jialiang, don't leave."

Li Jialiang's body shook, but his expression was very calm and calm, "If there is anything else for Master Xufeng, please contact Master Fitz and President Nicolas Sacco. I am not worthy of a dialogue with Master Xufeng."

Xufeng smiled coldly: "You still know a little bit of yourself, but you don't have to talk to me, you only need to answer a few questions."

Li Jialiang looked at Fitz, and Fitz nodded at him slightly.

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