Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 600

Li Jialiang immediately smiled and said: "Yes, as long as it does not involve the internal affairs of my Hanguang Club, I can answer you."

Xu Feng asked coldly: "The woman You Xiaoxi next to me is indeed your girlfriend, right?"

Li Jialiang replied without leaking: “No, it should be said that it is an ex-girlfriend. In fact, we broke up a long time ago, but she has been pestering me. I admit that I was kind to her at first, but I just wanted to sleep with her. But isn't this the same for most men? Later, she became addicted to drugs, and I couldn't be with her. After all, I am a member of the Hanguanghui, and I have always been clean and self-conscious."

Xufeng said coldly: "You don't have to say so much to me, just answer my questions, you admit, do you have anything to do with this quiet stream?"

Li Jialiang thought for a moment, "Yes, there was a relationship before."

Xufeng said coldly: "You think that You Xiaoxi now has love and hate, so he uses the method of assassinating me and setting up Hanguanghui to avenge you, right?"

Li Jialiang smiled and said, "That's right."

Xu Feng asked coldly again, "So, You Xiaoxi is a very vicious woman, right."

"Yes!" Li Jialiang said firmly.

Xufeng asked in a cold voice, "If I give you a chance to kill this nasty little stream, would you like it?"

Chapter 323

Li Jialiang was startled, and a trace of panic appeared in his firm eyes.

Obviously, there is no such plan in the corresponding plan they planned.

Li Jialiang couldn't help but glanced at Fitz from the corner of his eye.

Fitz frowned slightly, "...Ahem, Master Xufeng, Trading City, you can't kill. You tell our Hanguanghui people like this, is it possible to incite him to commit a crime?"

Xufeng smiled coldly and said: "This is not a crime. Whether You Xiaoxi was motivated by revenge or sent by someone, she assassinated me. If I kill her, there will be no Any questions. Now, I give up this right. Since Li Jialiang says you hate You Xiaoxi, then you can kill her. If this matter is really misunderstanding, then You Xiaoxi is the source of this misunderstanding. Kill If you lose him, you will be done once and for all."

Li Jialiang's lips moved.

Fitz glanced at Nicolas secretly, Nicolas nodded slightly.

For Nicolas, it was a big trouble to keep this quiet stream. If you were sent to the special envoy by Xufeng in the future, Li Jialiang would not be stretched if the envoy came to investigate this matter thoroughly. .

Therefore, it is of course very good to find an opportunity to kill You Xiaoxi and let You Xiaoxi shut up completely.

With Nicolas's benefit, Fitz nodded at Li Jialiang.

Li Jialiang immediately said: "I... yes, as long as it is because the Hanguang Guild is not being framed by this woman, I am willing to kill her."

You Xiaoxi said sadly: "Jialiang, why did you become like this? How did you become like this! What did they eat for you? You have to wake up, I am You Xiaoxi, you used to You said that you want to accompany me to the end of the world. You once said that even if the plane of survival collapses, your love for me will never change. Why! Why..."

You Xiaoxi was already in tears, and she couldn't cry.

She is not afraid of death.

But she deeply felt the pain of betrayal.

She would rather give up everything for this man, but in exchange for this man's indifference.

Li Jialiang's eyes flickered, but his mouth said coldly: "You Xiaoxi, I have nothing to do with you. You deliberately framed our Hanguanghui. I must settle this account with you."

With that said, Li Jialiang slowly drew the long sword, ready to do it.

Xu Feng stood in front of Li Jialiang with his hands behind his back.

Li Jialiang was startled, "Master Xufeng, what do you mean? Didn't you let me kill her?"

Xu Feng said coldly: "I just give you a chance. You can choose to kill or not. If you are not asked to kill."

Li Jialiang gritted his teeth, "I kill! This way... once and for all."

Xu Feng sneered: "You are really ruthless."

He turned around and said to You Xiaoxi, who was already crying and breathless: "You Xiaoxi, tell me about you, don't you regret it now?"

You Xiaoxi cried and said, "...No, I have no right to regret, I will be responsible for what I have done."

Xu Feng said lightly: "Li Jialiang wants to kill you, don't you hate him?"

You Xiaoxi cried and said, "I hate it, but... I feel sad more in my heart. Compared with my sadness, hate is nothing."

"Sorrow is greater than death." Xu Feng nodded slightly, "You told me that you came to assassinate me because Hanguang would use Li Jialiang to threaten you, but Li Jialiang said that you are a drug addict. Crazy woman, he even wanted to kill you. It’s a hundred. Me, it’s a bit difficult to choose now. I think your words are credible, but Li Jialiang is standing there alive, his behavior seems more convincing than your words Be stronger. In order to solve this difficult situation, I decided to let you two make your own decisions."

Li Jialiang said in shock: "What do you mean?"

Xu Feng said coldly: "You can kill You Xiaoxi, You Xiaoxi, you can also kill this guilty man, after all, according to Li Jialiang, you originally wanted it and wanted to cheat him."

Li Jialiang couldn't help holding the long sword in his hand tightly, and the whole person became tense.

Obviously, his strength is not as good as You Xiaoxi's. If he really fights with his fate, he will definitely die in You Xiaoxi's hands.

Xufeng waved at the others, "Okay, let's get out of the way, let them set aside a place for a duel, so as not to splash all blood."

Fitz frowned and said, "Master Xufeng, this...isn't it good?"

Xufeng sneered: "If it doesn't, let's ask a special envoy to investigate this matter thoroughly, Li Jialiang, you come with me to see the envoy, okay?"

Li Jialiang hurriedly said: "No, I, I choose to fight!"

Xufeng sneered and said, "Okay, as you wish. Xiaoxi, do it."

While sobbing, You Xiaoxi showed his vine whip.

Li Jialiang raised his two-handed sword anxiously.

You Xiaoxi said painfully: "Jialiang, are you really going to kill me?"

Li Jialiang said: "Don't talk so much nonsense, do it!"

With that said, Li Jialiang roared, holding his long sword, and slammed towards You Xiaoxi.

He had already made up his mind to preemptively, so he recruited harshly, leaving no room at all.

You Xiaoxi never made a move, but kept dodge under Li Jialiang's sword.

Her side rib was injured by Xu Feng. This battle was already a bit difficult, and now she didn't take the initiative to take the initiative. The whole scene was completely crushed by Li Jialiang.

Li Jialiang fought harder and harder, the more he fought, the more smoothly he fought, and he had no mercy at all.

And You Xiaoxi had the opportunity to seize Li Jialiang's flaws several times and hit Li Jialiang in a fatal counterattack, but as soon as she raised her wrist, she let it go in pain.

Li Jialiang swept his legs and tripped You Xiaoxi, and then he jumped into the air, holding the long sword in both hands, and stabbing the You Xiaoxi fiercely on the ground.

You Xiaoxi could have avoided it, but her heart was dead. She didn't dodge anymore, but closed her eyes, and two lines of clear tears flowed down the corners of her eyes.

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