Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 601

Li Jialiang's sword pierced You Xiaoxi's heart.

At this moment, Xu Feng suddenly made a move and kicked Li Jialiang’s wrist with a tiger’s tail, and directly kicked Li Jialiang into the air. The long sword in Li Jialiang’s hand was also kicked off, and the long sword rotated in the air a few times. , Inserted diagonally beside You Xiaoxi's face.

Nicolas frowned and shouted: "Xufeng! What are you doing?"


All the people in the Hanguanghui showed their weapons, ready to do it.


All the people in the Oasis Guild showed their weapons and prepared to fight.

Seeing that the situation was a little nervous, Fitz hurriedly stood up and said, "Calm down and calm down! Master Xufeng, it is wrong for you to do this. It is obviously just a matter between the two of them. You intervened in this way and were still present. The face of our Hanguang Club kicked the people from our Hanguang Club. You must apologize to us!"

Chapter 324

"Yes! Apologies!"

"Xu Feng! You deceived so much!"

"This is the door of our Hanguang Club, you treat our Hanguang Club like this, you are really too much!"

The senior members of the Hanguang Club called each one more fierce than the other, as if Xufeng had just kicked off and was really their brother.

Xufeng waited for them to finish yelling, then said coldly: "That's right, I'll just hit your Hanguanghui people, how about it? If you have the ability, don't call me there, go to the arena? Come?"

"..." The senior officials of Hanguanghui were silent.

Standing in the crowd yelling and cursing for a while, it was another matter to come out alone with Xufeng.

Xu Feng... really horizontal.

It is also so horizontal, and the more scary it is.

With the bonuses of the two masters of Mi Xiu and Qi Luo, who dares to provoke Xufeng easily now?

When Xufeng saw that the senior officials of the Hanguang Society did not speak, he immediately sneered and said: "President Nicolas, these subordinates of yours are not good, don't think you are the largest guild, in fact, it is very virtual."

Sacco's face suddenly couldn't hold back.

This is really too slapped face, and it's still a hard hit, without any preparation.

The point is...Sacco knew in his heart that what Xufeng said was right.

His subordinates are not at all committed to him, they are just pulling his tiger skin as a banner.

Xu Feng said coldly: "I kicked Li Jialiang that boy, but there is no reason. As the saying goes, a couple of days are graceful, and a couple of hundred days are like the depth of the sea. I have never seen this battle. You Xiaoxi, which you call a mad woman, made a move. I only saw Li Jialiang attacking You Xiaoxi like a mad dog."

"Everyone here is a discerning person. Everyone should be able to see that You Xiaoxi really likes Li Jialiang, but Li Jialiang is anxious to kill You Xiaoxi. You Xiaoxi didn't even fight back. , Let me ask, how could such a woman use the method of assassination to blame Hanguanghui?"

The survivors around nodded.

You Xiaoxi is clearly a woman who is heartbroken and has given up to survive!

But Li Jialiang is really frantic.

Seeing that the survivors supported Xufeng, Fitz hurriedly said loudly: "Mr. Xufeng, this is just an analysis, there is no evidence of dry goods!"

"Oh?" Xu Feng smiled coldly, "Do you want evidence? Yes! Li Jialiang, come here."

Li Jialiang's face was tense and trembling all over, afraid to step forward.

Xufeng sneered: "Look at your boring sorrow, You Xiaoxi, such a good girl, was really blind to see you at the beginning! Come on, in the face of your Hanguang President, I will not kill you!"

Fitz nodded slightly to Li Jialiang.

Only then did Li Jialiang clutch his broken wrist and walked to Xu Feng's face trembling.

Xu Feng looked at Li Jialiang's pupils carefully, and then asked Li Jialiang to stick out his tongue.

Li Jialiang can only do so.

The other survivors were also very curious, not knowing what Xufeng would do next.

After Xu Feng finished the inspection, he smiled coldly: "Li Jialiang, if I'm right, you should be on the verge of drug addiction? You are taking the brave pill. After taking it, it can boost you twice. However, this kind of medicine is also very dependent. Once the medicine is stopped, it will make people become restless. Liushen has no master, and only wants to take the medicine as soon as possible, right."

"No, it's not like that! No!" Li Jialiang said in a panic, his hands and feet already twitching inadvertently.

Xu Feng had already reached this point.

The reason why he asked Li Jialiang to fight You Xiaoxi was to let Li Jialiang consume the effect of disguising the pills as soon as possible, so that Li Jialiang revealed his original state of drug addiction.

When Fitz saw that something was not going well, he immediately stepped forward and said, "Master Xufeng, you are too much to do this. Even the people who I have learned, even if they are good, will be frightened by you! Jialiang, You can go back!"

Li Jialiang nodded like garlic, "Yes, yes! I'm going back!"

Xufeng smiled coldly, and took out a green pill from his arms, "Li Jialiang, I also have a brave pill here. The effect is stronger than the brave pill you have eaten before, and it can increase your attack power three times. , And the duration is a whole day! This is the work of master alchemist Mi Xiu, don't you want to try it?"

Li Jialiang suddenly straightened his eyes and drooled from the corners of his mouth.

Fitz shouted in a deep voice: "Jialiang! Go back! This is an order!"

Li Jialiang stood there and didn't move, as if he didn't hear Fitz's order at all.

Xu Feng smiled coldly: "Come on, if you want, I can give it to you."

Li Jialiang finally couldn't hold it back anymore, and he threw a plop to kneel in front of Xufeng, and said impatiently, "Master Xufeng! Give me pills! Give me pills!"

Xufeng said coldly: "Don't worry, you just need to tell the ins and outs of the whole incident, not to mention this pill. I can provide you with all the pills in the future for free."

Li Jialiang said in surprise: "Really?!"

Fitz roared: "Li Jialiang! Are you crazy? Come back!"

"What nonsense with this trash!" Gunther rushed straight up, trying to pull Li Jialiang back.

Zhan Liqun, who had been standing by and watching with cold eyes, immediately stood in front of Gunther, and said coldly: "You Hanguang Club, is that how you treat your members?"

Gunther saw that Zhan Liqun had taken the shot, and immediately retracted.

Li Jialiang said impatiently: "Master Xufeng! You can let me do anything, please, give me pills first! I can't hold it anymore! I feel that I can't hold it anymore!"

Xu Feng asked coldly, "Is You Xiaoxi taking revenge on you for assassinating me?"

Li Jialiang hurriedly said: "No, no! Absolutely not! You Xiaoxi is a stupid woman blindfolded by love. How could she think of revenge for me? In order to satisfy my uncontrollable drug addiction, she took all her own shadows. Give me all the points, she won’t be able to hand over the system’s mission impact points in the next round, she will be wiped out by the system! How could such a stupid woman retaliate against me? It’s because I stole the bravery of the Hanguang Society The pill, was caught by Hanguanghui, Hanguang would kill me, and You Xiaoxi came to save me again, Fitz thought of an idea, asked You Xiaoxi to pretend to be a novice to assassinate you! Can kill you the most Well, I can't kill you, at least I will use poisoned tea to destroy your body."


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