Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 602


"Hanguang Club is really the next work!"

The survivors around shouted angrily.

The scene is also a bit difficult to control for a while.

Fitz shouted loudly: "He's talking nonsense! Nonsense! They are all premeditated, Li Jialiang and You Xiaoxi are premeditated, they are people with ulterior motives, hired to discredit us Hanguang Will do!"

Chapter 325

Zhan Liqun on the side sneered: "Master Fitz, what are you yelling at? The reason is not loud. Now the facts are obvious. You guys threatened You Xiaoxi to assassinate my Brother Xufeng!"

Fitz said again and again: "No, it's not! President! Look..."

Nicolas was already pale at this time, unable to get off the ground.

It was a good situation that Li Jialiang was addicted to drugs, and it collapsed.

"What else can I do?"

Nicolas sullenly said: "I should apologize and apologize! I have an unshirkable responsibility for this matter as the president, but to be honest, I don't know about this matter. It's just that I am not strict in discipline. The people below me are fooling around."

Zhan Liqun sneered: "Everyone was sent for assassination, this is still a fool? Lord Sako, your fooling is really awesome? Would you like our Oasis Guild to accompany you Hanguang Guild to fool around?"

Gunther shouted loudly: "The surname is Zhan, don't be too arrogant! What is your Oasis Guild? I think it was not worthy to even give us Hanguang Guild shoes!"

Zhan Liqun sneered: "Thirty years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi! You Hanguang Guild tried to suppress our Oasis Guild from the very beginning. I remember this account clearly!"

Gunther was still yelling, but Nicolas frowned and stopped him.

"Don't talk about anything else, let's just discuss the matter." Nicolas asked Xufeng, "Mr. Xufeng, what do you want?"

Xu Feng said faintly: "This matter is big and big, small and small, it is deliberate, it is deliberate, it is nonsense, or it can be nonsense."

This is negotiable!

Sacco raised his brows and quickly said: "Naturally, it's nonsense, my people, I will severely punish them. I don't know what I can do to compensate Master Xufeng?"

This is the first time President Nicolas Sacco has spoken softly in public, and he still spoke softly to his enemies.

You can't accept it.

This time, I was stealing the chicken but not eroding the rice, so I lifted a rock and hit me in the foot.

If this matter is reported by Xu Feng to the special envoy, the special envoy will look into it, then even if he, the president can keep from being expelled from the trading city, Hanguang Club will at least be washed out of most of the high-level.

In that way, the Hanguang Society would fall directly from the first guild in the trading city.

Those small guilds who were previously suppressed and bullied by Hanguanghui will rush up to bite Hanguanghui.

Therefore, starting from the overall situation, this softness must be accepted.

Not only had to be subdued, but he had to make every effort to satisfy Xufeng and promise that he would not report the matter to the special envoy.

As for Xu Feng, he also didn't want to report to the envoy.

Reporting to the special envoy is a last resort.

Although the special envoy smiled at him, Xu Feng always felt that the special envoy was a very dangerous existence, and if he could not have anything to do with the special envoy, he would try his best not to have anything to do with the special envoy.

In addition, as the actual controller of the Trade City, the Special Envoy also has the purpose of weakening the major guilds in the Trade City, lest the Guild grows bigger and affects the dominance of the Special Envoy.

Therefore, if Xufeng reports this matter to the special envoy, the special envoy will definitely take this to clean up Hanguanghui.

Hanguang Society is Xufeng’s enemy, and it is natural to clean Hanguang Society.

However, cleaning Hanguang will bring about changes in the layout of the trading city, and if the layout of the trading city changes, it may not be a favorable thing for Xufeng.

After all, for now, Xufeng does not have a guild.

If Hanguang will be purged, then the largest guild in the trading city will most likely become Zhan Liqun’s oasis guild.

After waiting for the Oasis Guild to take over, Xu Feng wanted to establish a guild and make a fortune. There was no good time.

Therefore, it is not that the Hanguang Club cannot be cleaned, but should not be cleaned at this time.

On the surface, the Hanguang Society is the largest guild in the trading city, but in fact, it is also the largest piece of fat.

The Hanguang Club is equivalent to an aging lion, while the other guilds are all wolves staring at it.

In the big situation, Xufeng didn't want to let Hanguang's aging lion fall down immediately.

Although it would be very happy to do that, but for my future development, other than a few seconds, nothing else is meaningful.

Now, the best way is to prevent other wolves from eating the old lion's meat, but Xufeng can eat it himself.

Xu Feng said faintly: "If President Nicolas is really sincere, then I can indeed let this matter go. My request is very simple. First, I must take You Xiaoxi away. He is not yours. People, you must never hurt her anymore."

You Xiaoxi gratefully looked at Xufeng, tears could not stop streaming.

Nicolas said immediately: "This is natural. I also want to apologize to Miss You Xiaoxi. It was our Hanguang who did something wrong before. Please forgive me."

You Xiaoxi completely ignored Nicolas's false apology.

Nicolas suddenly couldn't get off stage.

Xu Feng sneered, and then continued: "As for your Li Jialiang, after all, you are a member of the Hanguang Club, and I have no right to deal with it. Take it back yourself and treat it well."

Li Jialiang said in horror: "No! Master Xufeng! I will die! The people of Hanguanghui will kill me! Didn't you just agree, want to take me with you?"

Xu Feng smiled coldly, "You didn't agree before, do you want to be unswerving to You Xiaoxi's sea and dry rocks?"

"I..." Li Jialiang was speechless.

Xufeng said coldly: "Why, you allow you to lie, and don't allow people to lie to you? Why are you so awesome?"

"Then, then you said that you want to give me that brave pill!" Li Jialiang said eagerly.

Xufeng smiled coldly, "Oh, you said this? Sorry, this is also a lie to you. How can I have a brave pill, this is just an arcane resistance pill. Do you want it? 100 shadow points to sell you what."

"You! You!" Li Jialiang roared tremblingly: "Xu Feng! You bastard! You fool me! You fool me!"

Xu Feng smiled coldly and said: "Yes, I'm the one who is playing tricks. Don't you accept it? If you don't accept it, go heads-up with me in the arena. As long as you dare to say the word heads-up, I will accept it immediately."

Li Jialiang yelled: "I, what I said just now is lie! The assassination of Xufeng was the idea of ​​that stinky lady! She, yes, and Xufeng, they directed and acted by themselves! They are self-directed Self-acting!"

Zhan Liqun sneered: "Li Jialiang, do you think people will still believe you? You despicable and shameless villain, how could Hanguang make such a thing?"

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