Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 800

"Brigadier General, we found a black sail pirate ship!"

"That should be Jack's Black Pearl." Brigadier General Philip said coldly: "Catch up and sink it."

The adjutant said helplessly: "However, the speed of the ship is so fast that we seem to be unable to catch up."

Brigadier General Philip frowned and said: "The St. Martin is the latest battleship! And the Black Pearl is at least 30 years old! Now you tell me that our St. Martin can't catch up with a 30-year-old ship. Boat? No matter what method you use, I must catch up!"

"...Yes!" The adjutant saluted, and then hurried over.

The sirens of the Saint Martin sounded, all the soldiers entered the fighting position, and even the guards who were in charge of the prison ran out to help.

"what happened?"

Gibbs looked out through the prison fence, "Something seems to be going wrong with the Saint Martin."

"Follow him." Captain Skom said weakly, sitting on the straw, "As long as they don't hang me anymore. Hey, you, give me a kick!"

Another pirate frowned and said, "Why?"

"Because I am the captain! I was beaten for you!" Scombe said angrily: "You, but you all have to talk about your conscience! You see me being beaten like this, your conscience will not hurt?"

Gibbs said to the pirate: "Go, give Captain Skum a thump and massage, so that he won't be able to hold it next time he gets beaten up."

The pirate sighed helplessly and did what Gibbs said.

"Oh, I'm comfortable." Scoom grinned: "Finally, I have enjoyed the privilege of being a captain."

Chapter 517 Barbosa's Treasure

Gibbs said: "Brothers, we can't stay here, we have to find a way to escape, otherwise, we will be hanged sooner or later."

A pirate said: "But how do we escape?"

Another pirate said: "There is no one to guard here. If there is something sharp for me, I can pry the lock of the prison."

"Sharp things?" Gibbs said immediately: "Everyone is looking for sharp things! Let him pry the lock and we can escape!"

The pirates immediately began rummaging.

Captain Skum grinned and said: "Don't bother, the guards have searched us just now, where are we still sharp? Hey, are you not full? Press harder."

The pirate who massaged Skom pointed to Skom’s toenails.

As a pirate who hasn't taken a bath for more than ten years, he naturally doesn't know how to cut his nails.

Skom's toes were sharp and hard, similar to those of a beast.

The eyes of Gibbs and other pirates immediately fell on Scom's toenails.

Skom said quickly: "No, wait! Don't even think about it! I am your captain!"

Gibbs frowned and said, "You guys hold him!"

Skom quickly struggled, "No! I am the captain! I am the captain! I have privileges! I just want to enjoy the privileges like Jack, and I don't want to sacrifice so much for you!"

Gibbs grabbed Scoom's dirty feet and wrinkled his nose and said, "Scombe, you are no longer the captain! The Dying Seagull sank! It sank under your leadership!"

Skom said annoyed: "Gibbs! It's all your fault! Don't—ah! It hurts! You can't pull out my nails! Come on! The pirates are going to escape! Come on! !"

Unfortunately, no matter how Scoom called, the guards could not hear.

Gibbs pulled out Scoom's toenails forcefully, and then handed them to the pirate who could open the lock.

The pirate who knew how to open the lock put the bloody fingernail in half, and then polished it on the iron door, turning it into two hard lock picking tools.

He took two lock picking tools and fiddled in the keyhole, and the door lock was opened with a click.

"Yeah! Unlock, you are great!"

"Elect you as the captain next time! If we have a boat."

The pirate who unlocked the lock suddenly shuddered, "Don't, let Scombe continue to be the captain, he is the captain, I am very convinced."

Gibbs also said: "Yes, I am also very convinced."

Scome cried and said, "It's not enough to pit me once. You still want to pit me for the rest of your life? I miss Jack very much now!"

Gibbs said: "Okay, okay, don't say anything, leave this ship first!"

"it is good!"

The pirates sneaked out of the cell, killed two guards who were guarding the boat, successfully seized a boat, and rowed out of the St. Martin.

"Look at the big black sail ship ahead!" Gibbs said excitedly: "I recognize that ship! That's the Black Pearl! My God! The Black Pearl is back! We have hope! Go rowing! Come on! We must return to the Black Pearl!"

The pirates struck off at the Black Pearl with all their strength.

At this time, on the Black Pearl, Karina calculated a wrong angle, resulting in a deviation of the direction. In order to return to the orbit, she turned the rudder drastically.

As a result, the Black Pearl turned a corner, and its speed slowed down relatively.

On the Saint Martin, the adjutant reported urgently: "Report! The Black Pearl has slowed down!"

Brigadier General Philip said triumphantly: "Very well, the shell is in the chamber, ready to fire!"

"Yes!" The adjutant ran down immediately to deliver orders.

On the Black Pearl, Barbossa opened his eyes when he felt the ship's speed drop and limped up to Karina.

Karina did not see the arrival of Barbosa and was still reading the "Diary of Galileo" seriously.

Barbossa looked at the "Diary of Galileo", and then he asked in a deep voice, "Little girl, where did you get this diary? I recognize this diary. This is Galileo's handwritten diary. This is the only one in this world One, it was stolen from an Italian ship."

"Steal?" Karina shook her head, "No, Master Captain, you must be mistaken."

Barbossa said coldly: "The cover of this diary is also inlaid with a ruby! I am very impressed!"

Karina pursed her lips, took out the ruby ​​from her pocket, and placed it on the "Diary of Galileo" again.

The expression on Barbossa's face became complicated.

Karina said: "This book was left to me by my father. Obviously he is a scientist."

When the monkey standing on Barbosa's shoulder saw the ruby, he immediately reached out and snatched it, then turned and jumped away.

Karina wanted to chase him, but Barbossa stood in front of Karina and said in a deep voice, "Then, your father is a thief."

Karina slapped Barbossa angrily.

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