Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 801

The pirates beside them all drew out their sabers and muskets, but Karina was not afraid at all.

Barbossa also raised his hand, signaling other people not to intervene.

Karina said angrily: "My father is a great hero in my mind. Although I have never seen him, he is a hundred times stronger than you, a pirate who utters foul language!"

Barbossa tremblingly asked, "...Have you not seen him?"

Karina said: "I was placed in a monastery since I was a child, with ten title deeds and this "Diary of Galileo", and my name is written on the title deed!"

Barbossa asked: "...what's your name?"

Karina looked up at the starry sky, "Same as the name of the brightest constellation in the north."

Barbossa trembled and said, "...that is... Karina."

Karina said in a cold voice: "Yes, my name is Karina Smith. I didn't expect that you, a pirate, also understand astronomy."

Barbossa controlled the beating of his heart, and said with difficulty: "I am a captain, I know... which stars can guide us home."

Karina stopped paying attention to him, he walked weakly to the other side of the deck with a cane.

He quietly took out his wish compass, thinking of a thought silently in his heart.

When opening the wish compass, the pointer of the wish compass clearly pointed to Karina who was at the helm.

That's right.

This is his daughter and his...treasure.

In order to allow his daughter to live a stable and non-pirate life, he reluctantly placed his daughter in the monastery. Unexpectedly, his fate was such a coincidence. After more than 20 years, he saw his grown-up daughter again.

Karina Smith.

Barbossa's lips trembled, his voice stuck in his throat, and he couldn't say a word.

He suddenly felt that he had concerns in this world.

He didn't want anything about the Sea King Trident, the Sea King.

Even the captain of the Black Pearl is not interested...

He finally realized the true meaning of life, that is, family.

Family is the treasure.

Chapter 518 Fate Is Really Strange

Just as Gbagbossa's eyes were full of excitement and looked at Karina secretly, Jack took a bottle of rum and walked to Barbossa drunkly.

"Smith? Smith is a very special surname. We have an old friend in common, isn't it also Smith?"

Barbossa was shocked, and hurriedly covered Jack's mouth with his hands, for fear that Karina would hear his high volume.

Jack said without hesitation: "What's her name? That name is on the lips, but I can't say it."

Barbossa pulled out the pirate scimitar angrily, "Believe it or not, I cut your tongue off!"

"Aha!" Jack grinned: "I remember, Margaret Smith!"

Barbossa lowered his voice and shouted: "Shut up, otherwise I will really kill you."

Jack grinned and said, "Xufeng is on the ship. Do you want to kill his good brother in front of your pirate emperor?"

Barbossa said angrily: "How can Emperor Xufeng make such a bad friend like you?"

Jack smiled: "Because I have a personal charm."

Barbossa angrily put away the pirate scimitar.

At this kind of time, the arrogance of Jack will attract more attention.

Jack took a sip of wine, then wiped his mouth with his dirty sleeve, and grinned: "So, that girl named Karina Smith is really your daughter?"

Barbossa shook his head and denied: "She is not!"

Jack shrugged, "Well, after you find the trident, she will be useless. I won't help her when you encounter danger or trouble."

Barbossa quickly said: "Perhaps...probably..."

Jack smiled slyly: "Barbosa, Barbosa, I didn't expect that you and Margaret really have children."

Barbossa said in pain, "Jack! I can't tell you about this matter."

Jack smiled and said, "I'm just testing you. Actually, I'm not sure that you are Karina's father. But looking at your performance, you can't be wrong. I must admit that Hector, I am very I admire you."

"Admire me?" Barbossa frowned.

Jack laughed and said: "Yes, you are not ugly, but ugly, but you have given birth to such a beautiful and beautiful daughter. You see, she is fascinated by the little fools born to Will and Elizabeth. What happened?"

Barbossa was startled, and quickly glanced at Henry.

Henry was holding a telescope at this time, but his eyes were secretly glancing at Karina.

Barbossa said angrily: "That silly boy turned out to be Will and Elizabeth's cub?"

Jack smiled and said, "Yes, fate is really strange."

Barbossa said angrily: "Will is as stupid as a block of wood, and Elizabeth is not much smarter. The children born to these two fools are really fools! My Karina is so smart, how can he marry? For this kind of person!"

Jack nodded and said, "Yes, as an uncle, I also think this is not good, but they have been privately engaged. Karina has not consulted you as a father."

Barbossa opened his mouth, and then sighed heavily, "Fine, although I have a lot of perseverance in my heart, but it is Karina's own business after all. I was absent from her childhood and girlhood, I have already I'm so sorry to her."

Jack took another sip of wine, then handed the bottle to Barbosa, "Why is this? Barbosa, I thought you only like the sea, why do you have children, and why do you send them to the monastery?"

Barbossa took the bottle and took a swig, the expression on his face became extremely distorted and painful.

"I love Marguerite. Marguerite is the only woman I have ever loved."

"I once wanted to hide with her in the country and live the life of a normal farmer."

"Unfortunately, when Margaret gave birth to Karina, it was difficult to give birth... After Margaret died, I could not take care of Karina as a rough person. Moreover, my status as a pirate could not give Karina a safe place life."

"So, I left a property and sent her to the gate of the monastery. The name I gave her is Karina Smith. Karina is my favorite star."

Jack frowned and said, "Barbosa, you are so cruel."

Barbossa said painfully: "Yes, I am indeed a cruel person, and now I have been punished. I wanted Karina to be a carefree ordinary person, the property I left to her, If she is big enough to marry a decent person, she will not be ashamed of having a wicked father. However, I never expected that her destiny would be intertwined with mine. The same boat."

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