Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 803

"Now, are you going to take my revenge and sink me into endless regrets?"

"No, I didn't mean that, I mean, I can help!" Brigadier General Philip explained quickly.

Salazar said coldly: "I don't need your help. You stand in front of me, like a stone! All of them! Ready to fight!".


The undead crew on the Silent Mary immediately went into combat.

Chapter 520 Sea Battle!Black Pearl vs Silent Mary!

Brigadier General Philip was taken aback, "Wait! General Salazar! I did not show hostility to you! Moreover, I heard that your title of sea butcher is only for pirates!"

Salazar laughed coldly: "Yes, I Salazar only kills pirates! And you, the Royal British Navy, are the largest pirates! Do it!"


Before Brigadier General Philip could explain anything, the huge Silent Mary opened its "big mouth" and bit the St. Martin severely.

The undead crew also jumped onto the deck of the Saint Martin and slaughtered.

Those Royal British Navy rushed to fight, but their weapons could not harm the dead crew at all.

In less than three minutes, the entire Saint Martin sank completely, and no soldiers on board were spared!

The pirates on the Black Pearl were also completely dumbfounded by this battle scene.

The Saint Martin is also a new-style battleship. Its strength is not lower than that of the Black Pearl, but in front of the Silent Mary, it is only crushed!

The undead navy of Salazar is really too strong!

Barbossa drew the pirate scimitar and said loudly: "Don't be afraid, fight with all your strength! We have the Pirate King!"

The confidence of the pirates immediately improved a little, but it only improved a little. At this moment, in their hearts, there was more despair.

In terms of firepower configuration, the Black Pearl is naturally not bad, but compared to the dead ship Silent Mary, which is completely undaunted by gunfire, the Black Pearl has no advantage at all.

What’s more troublesome is that just now, the Black Pearl had half-closed the sails to face the Saint Martin, and its speed was reduced a lot-this was naturally to stabilize the hull and keep the artillery aimed, but in this way, I wanted to return to high speed The state of navigation is not so easy.

The Silent Mary has the advantage and can easily catch up with the Black Pearl.

The pirates on the Black Pearl were all brought by Barbosa, and the pirates brought by Barbosa were all on speedboats, not on the Queen Anne’s Revenge. In terms of numbers, they were only insignificant. Twenty or thirty people.

The undead navy of Salazar has at least more than two hundred people.

Once the two sides start a hand-to-hand battle, the Black Pearl will suffer a lot.

Xu Feng walked out of the captain's room, and said lightly: "The one that should come is always coming, greet it, and take the initiative to strike."

"Active impact?" Barbosa's pirate adjutant said sharply: "My lord, are you crazy?"


Without saying anything, Barbossa slapped the pirate adjutant with a loud slap, "You dare to be so rude to your Majesty! If it weren't for the imminent war, I would have cut off your tongue!"

The pirate adjutant was trembling with fright, dare not say a word.

Barbossa said in a cold voice: "You have all heard, your Majesty personally ordered! Go up and hit the Silent Mary!"

Xufeng said faintly: "Attention, you have to hit the left side of the Silent Mary. There is its weak point. After hitting there, it will not be able to open its mouth and swallow the Black Pearl in a short time. ."

Only then did the pirates understand Xufeng's intentions.

Indeed, rushing up to the dead ship is definitely a crazy thing that can no longer be crazy. Even Barbosa, who has very experience in naval battles, didn't understand it at first.

But what Xufeng said, everyone understood.

This is called offensive instead of defensive!

"Let's come! You rubbish stumbling blocks!"

Barbossa cursed the pirate who got in the way while running to the rudder.

He took the rudder wheel in Karina's hand and said gently to Karina: "Karina, you first calculate the route and let me control the ship."

Karina nodded quickly.

She didn't know why the cruel pirate didn't yell at her. She was actually fully prepared just now, but Barbossa was kind to her.

After Barbossa took over the rudder, he seemed to be a different person, his face full of concentration.

Under his control, the Black Pearl is also like a black swordfish, flexible and sharp!

The Silent Mary just opened the big mouth of the ship's bones and "eaten" a whole ship of St. Martin. Salazar wanted to control the undead ship's mouth again, but unexpectedly the Black Pearl rushed up directly.

Salazar grinned and said: "Haha, interesting! This group of pirates actually know that there is a time difference between hitting me? But, it doesn't make sense! I am immortal! Silent Mary is immortal! Hit them! Let them taste the undead The navy is awesome!"


The undead mate manipulated the Silent Mary and slammed into the Black Pearl.

In terms of hull size, the Black Pearl is smaller than the Silent Mary. A battleship of the same size as the Silent Mary, I am afraid that there is only Queen Anne's Revenge in the Seven Seas.

However, at the time of impact, it depends not only on the size of the hull, but also on the respective speed and angle.

The Black Pearl is much more flexible than the Silent Mary, and Barbosa is at the helm.

Without waiting for the Silent Mary to occupy the best position, the Black Pearl slammed into the Silent Mary sideways.


The two ships collided at sea, and the left side of the Black Pearl was seriously damaged.

The Silent Mary was unharmed.

However, the Silent Mary was unable to open its keel mouth anymore. They had to start a hand-to-hand battle if they wanted to conquer the Black Pearl.

Of course, for the undead, hand-to-hand combat is also their advantage-if their opponent is not Xufeng.

At the moment the hull collided, hundreds of undead crew jumped onto the Black Pearl, but as soon as they jumped up, Xufeng showed the sword of Triton.

The ropes on the Black Pearl rushed towards the undead crew like a snake.

Although the undead crew are immortal, they are definitely not unfettered.

A sturdy cable caught the foot of an undead crew member and hung him from the mast. The other undead crew members slashed the cable with a knife.

However, after a cable is cut, it will split into two, if two are cut, it will become four, and if four are cut, it will become eight...

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