Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 804

The rope is getting shorter and shorter, but also more and more.

The undead crew suddenly fell into trouble they had never encountered before.

The pirates on the Black Pearl were morale boosted. They discovered that the undead crew were indeed nothing great. Although they could not be killed, they could be caught with a rope!

Therefore, the pirates mustered up their courage, drew their swords, and constantly attacked the undead crew members, distracting them, so that the ropes could bind the undead crew members.

Seeing that the situation couldn't start, Salazar let out an annoyed roar, jumped up, jumped onto the deck of the Black Pearl, and instantly killed two pirates who charged up, and at the same time shouted loudly: "Jack S Palo! Come out!"

Chapter 512 Undead Valkyrie

Seeing that Salazar jumped onto the Black Pearl, Jack quickly shouted: "I'm not here! No way... Jack is not here!"

Salazar grinned and said: "Come on, don't be shy, my little sparrow! You caused all this to me, now is the time to pay it back!"

With that said, Salazar rushed towards Jack.

His speed is very fast, and the rope controlled by the sword of Triton cannot catch up with his speed.

Salazar rushed in front of Jack almost in an instant with the sword. Jack didn't even have a chance to hide.

"...Uh, it's a bit embarrassing." Jack said, raising the bottle in his hand, "Shall I have a sip? Salazar? Celebrate that you can finally get revenge."

Salazar laughed coldly: "Jack, I won't be fooled by you! I don't want to talk nonsense with you this time, I will kill you straightforwardly!"

With that said, Salazar raised the long sword in his hand and slashed at Jack fiercely.


With a piercing metal collision, Salazar's undead body involuntarily took two steps back.

He couldn't help but widened his eyes and saw that a cold-faced Eastern man was standing in front of Jack with a wide-bladed sword.

"……you again!"

The last time in Ogre Bay, Salazar released a ghost shark to chase Jack, but in the end it was this man who rescued Jack.

Now, the man stood in front of him again.

"Who are you!" Salazar asked in a deep voice.

Xu Feng said coldly: "I'm here to kill you."

The reward task of the fifth stage is to kill Salazar, so Xufeng said that he himself came to kill Salazar, which is naturally normal.

Salazar grinned and said: "Hahaha! No one! No one can kill me! No one! Boy, you don't even know what you are doing! I will give you one last chance to leave here, my goal It's not you, but Jack! You don't want to kill yourself."

Xufeng said coldly: "Your goal is Jack, and my goal is you. Jack, you go first and help Barbosa."

Jack grinned and said, "Good! Salazar, goodbye!"

Salazar roared angrily, and the sharp sword in his hand stabbed at Jack fiercely.

Xu Feng blocked it with a sword, and the two swords collided in the air with a dazzling spark.

The sharp sword in Salazar's hand has evolved into the sword of the undead after a long period of corruption by the undead aura. It stands to reason that a long sword of this level can cut any weapon, while Xufeng's The sword of Triton is a real artifact.

Although Xufeng could not kill Salazar, Salazar did not even want to cut off Xufeng's Triton sword.

The two of them fought their swords on the deck. Xufeng couldn’t attack and could only parry and block. After all, even if the sword of Triton could stab Salazar, it would not be possible to hurt Sara. The body of the undead of Cha.

Salazar fought with Xufeng for more than a dozen rounds, but instead of gaining any advantage, he was restricted by Xufeng.

And nearly half of his undead crew were tied up with ropes.

Salazar never thought of this situation.

Salazar flicked and attacked, then quickly jumped onto the ship's side, and laughed grinningly: "The pirate king is indeed well-deserved! No wonder you can defeat the English fleet with your own strength! But, after all, you are. It is impossible to defeat the power of the undead! Now, I will let you see what the real power of the undead is!"

With that, a lot of black blood poured out from the corner of Salazar's mouth, and his pupils became crazy and terrifying.

The entire undead ship was responding to Salazar's undead power, and the two-meter-high statue of the Valkyrie at the bow suddenly moved.


Although Xu Feng had been prepared for a long time, but seeing the double-edged giant spear in the hands of the undead Valkyrie, he couldn't help but breathe in air.

The bow of the Silent Mary among the Undead Valkyrie broke free, and then suddenly jumped towards Xufeng.

Xu Feng quickly dodged to avoid.

With his agility, the undead Valkyrie's first blow really failed.

However, the double-edged giant spear smashed heavily on the Black Pearl, smashing a big hole in the deck of the Black Pearl.

Jack jumped out and shouted: "My boat! Xufeng! Pay attention to my boat! Try not to hide if you can."

Xu Feng said in an angry tone: "It's easy to say! Didn't you see this guy two meters tall!"

Jack was about to speak when Salazar rushed towards him with a grin.

Jack hurriedly shouted: "Xufeng! Xufeng! Help! I can't beat Salazar!"

In this scenario, Jack's relative level is only 45, while Salazar's relative level is 50, with a gap of 5, which is a world apart.

Once caught by Salazar, Jack is bound to die.

Xu Feng was anxious, but she was weak.

The undead Valkyrie was chasing very tightly behind him, and every move was a fatal attack. Xu Feng must concentrate on dealing with it, and there was no way to help Jack.

More importantly, Xufeng did not want the undead Valkyrie to destroy the Black Pearl, so he could only lead the Valkyrie to the Silent Mary.

The Silent Mary is close to the Black Pearl, and the distance between the two ships is only about ten meters away.

Such a distance is definitely a very close distance for a warship traveling on the sea. If it is slightly offset, both ships may collide!

Driving on the Silent Mary was the Adjutant of the Undead. This adjutant had only one eye, and his pale face was full of ferocious and crazy expressions. He kept approaching the Black Pearl just to knock it over.

And driving on the Black Pearl is the experienced Barbosa.

Barbossa loves the Black Pearl as much as Jack, and Barbossa knows that if the Silent Mary overturns the Black Pearl, they will all be over.

Therefore, Barbossa always kept the Black Pearl and the Silent Mary at a distance of 10 meters, so that the Silent Mary could not hit the Black Pearl.

The ten-meter-wide distance is not difficult for Xufeng. With a stroke of the crane riding in the wind, it is easy to rush over, and for the undead Valkyrie chasing and killing Xufeng, it is also not difficult for her. Using the double-edged spear in his hand as a support, he jumped hard and jumped onto the Silent Mary.

In order to prevent the undead Valkyrie from destroying the Black Pearl, Xu Feng could only lead her out. In this way, Xu Feng also had a place to show his fists.

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