Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 806

Xu Feng was also very anxious in his heart, but his face was still cold and calm.

He knew that at this time, it was useless to be anxious. He had to find a chance to kill the undead Valkyrie.

The undead Valkyrie attacks wave after wave, and other undead crew members are constantly attacking and harassing Xufeng. It is really difficult for Xufeng to find a chance to kill the undead Valkyrie.


At this moment, a heavy Cannon curved cannonball hit the Silent Mary!

Although the Silent Mary is an undead ship, it will not be destroyed by the shells, but the shock wave generated by the shells still shocked the hull of the Silent Mary!

"Where are the shells?!" The undead adjutant roared angrily.

Chapter 532

The undead crew were also dumbfounded, wondering where the shells came from.

It was already midnight, and the sea was so dark that the starlight overhead was not enough to illuminate the sea.

They could only judge that this shell was definitely not from the Black Pearl, because all the sailors of the Black Pearl were busy fighting the undead crew and had no time to fire.

As an undead ship, Silent Mary doesn't need shells at all. Even with shells, Silent Mary can't hit itself.

At this moment, another cannon sound came from the dark waves in the distance.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of cannons sounded continuously, and the sky full of cannonballs smashed down the Silent Mary like a rainstorm.

The undead crew suddenly exclaimed, and they didn't care about dealing with Xufeng, but scattered and avoided.

Although these shells will not kill them, the energy shock waves produced by the shells may still blast their undead bodies.

Two of the shells blasted heavily on the back of the undead Valkyrie, making two huge shocks on the back of the undead Valkyrie.

The undead Valkyrie turned her head in annoyance, raised her hand, and a powerful undead force blasted part of the shells back.

There were twelve or three of these shells, half of which fell in the turbulent waters, and the other half hit a looming big ship in the distance.

Boom boom boom!

The big ship was hit by the bounced shell, but it was not damaged.

The hull of that big ship was wrapped in thick armor, and the rebounding shells only dented the thick iron plate, and did not penetrate.

Because it was wrapped in thick armor, the speed of this big ship was not fast, but it was traveling very steadily under the gunfire.

"Who would dare to attack our Silent Mary?!" The undead adjutant poked his head out and shouted angrily.

At this time, another round of artillery fire hit, and the undead adjutant hurriedly retracted his neck.

The undead Valkyrie turned around again, waved the long undead double-edged spear in her hand, and bounced the rain of cannonballs overwhelmingly.

Xufeng took the opportunity to get a chance to breathe. She saw the empty space where the undead Valkyrie turned, and a crane flew over by the wind. The sword of Triton in her hand smashed into the undead Valkyrie's left knee. .

This is the first time that Xufeng has turned against the guest!

That big ship slowly coming in in the distance really helped him a lot!

Xu Feng didn't have time to think about who was coming, and just shot at the undead Valkyrie with all his strength.

The sword of Triton in his hand was named after Poseidon’s favorite son, the prince of the sea, Triton, and this sword of Triton was made of trident material An artifact forged.

Although it is not up to the point where the trident can dominate all marine life, at least it can be regarded as a trident.

Ordinary weapons can’t kill dead spirits, but the trident and the sword of Triton have been infused with divine power. Therefore, as long as things on the ocean, including the undead on the ocean, the sword of Triton can be used to kill them. Killed.

Xufeng slashed with a sword on the left knee of the undead Valkyrie, and the undead Valkyrie roared angrily, turning around and slashing Xufeng with the undead double-edged spear.

Xufeng's sword did not cause fatal damage to the undead Valkyrie, and when the undead Valkyrie turned around to attack him, he dexterously went around to the right knee of the undead Valkyrie.

When the undead Valkyrie's double-edged spear fell, Xufeng's Triton's sword pierced the undead Valkyrie's right knee.

However, the same did not cause fatal injuries.

The undead Valkyrie screamed at Xufeng, and the rotten undead breath sprayed on Xufeng's face.

Xufeng then withdrew.

The undead Valkyrie was about to take advantage of the situation to storm Xu Feng, but Xu Feng grinned and pointed at the back of the undead Valkyrie.

Behind her, shells roared!The big ship wrapped in iron plates is very close!

A line of gilded characters was engraved on the ship's side: Queen Anne's Revenge!

This is the flagship ship of Barbosa!

When Barbossa was captured by Salazar, he went to St. Martin to escort the funds for the Hammer shipbuilding. He took a speedboat and sent the Queen Anne's Revenge.

His Queen Anne's Revenge is supervised by Xue Di.

And now that the Queen Anne's Revenge appears here, it means that the Snow Emperor has arrived!

The confidence in Xu Feng's heart has greatly increased!

In the previous battle, there was almost no hope, but now that the Snow Emperor is here, everything is easy!

The undead Valkyrie turned around and bounced the Cannon shells with a double-edged spear. The Queen Anne's Revenge faced the bounced shells and continued to approach the Silent Mary.

On the Black Pearl, Barbosa also saw his Queen Anne's Revenge, and suddenly laughed loudly, "Karina! We are saved! Quick, continue to calculate the route!"

Karina said quickly: "It is still short of the last calculation. After the last calculation, we have been following the route and we can find Starlight Island!"

"Okay!" Barbossa said loudly to Jack: "Jack, you old thing, have you heard that, Karina said, Starlight Island is ahead of us!"

Jack's arms have been stabbed, and he can only endure the pain at this time, flashing back and forth on the deck of the black pearl, "Hector, did I tell you that Karina said she is a timed cock ?"

Barbossa frowned, and shouted angrily: "That's a watchmaker! You uneducated fool!"

Karina looked at Barbosa involuntarily.

She had become accustomed to the rudeness and ignorance of the pirates. She did not expect that Barbosa would help her fight the injustice, and she also accurately said the term watchmaker.

She didn't have time to think more, so she buried her head and continued the last precise calculation.

On the Silent Mary, Xufeng successively stabbed the left and right knees of the undead Valkyrie.

The undead Valkyrie has no way to get Xufeng, but can only roar angrily at Xufeng.

At this time, another round of cannonball rain smashed over. This round of cannonball rain was more powerful, and the distance of Queen Anne's Vengeance was closer.

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