Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 807

The undead Valkyrie had no time to deal with Xufeng, turned around and rebounded the shells.

At this time, a silver light flashed across the sky, carrying a blue-purple lightning, and slammed toward the undead Valkyrie!

The undead Valkyrie exclaimed, and quickly raised the undead double-edged spear to block it!

Amidst the blue and purple lightning, a snow emperor in silver armor fell from the sky, and the Thunder Sword in his hand was heavily smashed on the undead's double-edged spear!

The undead Valkyrie sneered disdainfully, after all, mortal weapons could not hurt her at all!


After a powerful shock wave, the body of the undead Valkyrie was short, and her two knees were completely shattered!

How could this be?

The undead Valkyrie was horrified.

Chapter 524: For the Black Pearl

In theory, it is impossible for non-sacred weapons to injure the Valkyrie, but Xuedi’s one broke the world, but smashed the two knees of the undead Valkyrie. The calf below the knee was also It was completely defeated.

But in fact, this is not the power of the Xuedi Thunder Sword.

The Thunder Sword is very strong, and it also comes with the lightning effect of the natural element, but it is not enough to damage the undead Valkyrie at level 48.

It was Xufeng that really hurt the undead Valkyrie.

Xufeng's sword of Triton had already pierced the knee of the undead Valkyrie, and poured his power into the knee of the undead Valkyrie, waiting to detonate with external force.

Xufeng originally planned to hack the undead Valkyrie with external force, but Xuedi just jumped over, and Xufeng also exploded the undead Valkyrie's knee.

The two forces cooperated to directly shorten the undead Valkyrie.

When the undead Valkyrie came down, Xu Feng smashed her strength, and the autumn wind swept the fallen leaves, and the sword of Triton in his hand slashed at the undead Valkyrie's head.

Xuedi's jump split and Xufeng's autumn wind sweeping leaves are not bad. Just as jump split splits the undead Valkyrie's legs, Xufeng's autumn wind sweeping leaves cut the Valkyrie's neck.

The undead Valkyrie didn't even have time to react, and her head was chopped off by the sword of Triton.

Her huge head rolled down on the deck of the Silent Mary, and soon turned into a puff of black smoke, and the smoke disappeared.

After struggling a few times with her headless body, she also fell to the ground and turned into a plume of black smoke.

Xu Feng grinned at Xuedi and said, "It's just right."

The Emperor Xue had a sweet heart, but said blankly on his face: "Huh, I won't even say thank you."

Xu Feng smiled and said, "Don't say thank you for the great grace, OK?"

Snow Emperor panicked, and quickly said in a cold voice: "Who is rare! Go and save the people on the Black Pearl. Silence the undead crew on the Mary, and give it to me first.

"Alright." Xu Feng nodded, and jumped over to the Black Pearl.

With Xuedi's strength, although it was not enough to destroy the entire Silent Mary, it was not difficult to draw a tie with the undead sailors on the ship.

At the same time, on the Black Pearl, Karina has calculated the last navigation point. She connected all the previous navigation points together, and finally formed an accurate navigation.

Karina immediately told Barbosa about the route, and Barbosa immediately closed the route and moved on to the calculated route.

Salazar hadn't noticed that the undead Valkyrie had been killed by Xufeng, and he was still playing Jack with great interest.

He pushed the embarrassed Jack into the blind spot, and then grinned: "Jack, Jack, should I stab your eyes first or smash your teeth first?"

Jack smiled bitterly: "Can I not choose?"

Black blood poured out from the corner of Salazar's mouth, "Hahaha! No! Let me blind your eyes first!"

Jack quickly pointed to the back of Salazar and said, "Salazar, look behind you!"

Salazar looked back subconsciously, who was there?

Jack took the opportunity to turn around and slip away. Salazar put a sword on Jack's neck and laughed grimly: "Haha, want to use this method to escape? Jack, Jack, you are too naive!"

Jack hurriedly said again: "Salazar, you turned your head too fast just now, if you don't believe me, look back now!"

Salazar Haha sneered: "The same trick, do you think you lied to me twice?"

As soon as the voice fell, Xu Feng's Triton sword slashed behind Salazar's head.

Salazar possesses a powerful combat power of level 50, and immediately felt Xufeng's sword intent. In a panic, he quickly let go of Jack and turned around to block Xufeng's heavy split with the Undead Sword!


The two weapon blades collided, and the entire Black Pearl was almost torn apart.

Jack hurriedly hugged the mast next to him and shouted loudly: "Xufeng! Don't fight here! Otherwise we will all be buried with you!"

Xufeng was hit to the stern by this powerful hedging force, while Salazar was hit to the sea.

The unique ability of the undead is to walk on the water, so even if it hits the water, it is nothing to Salazar.

The two stared at each other, and no one moved further.

Due to the impact of the Black Pearl, the sails were damaged and the hull was still above the sea.

All the pirates on the ship were too frightened to move.

Gibbs and others finally drove the boat to catch up with the Black Pearl, and climbed up the ship with difficulty. As soon as they got on the ship, they were shocked by the huge impact and flew onto the sails.

Barbossa shouted loudly: "What are you doing in a daze! Repair the sails! Continue sailing! Sailing forward may not succeed, but if you stay where you are, there will only be failure and death! It is not a pity for you to die. However, the Black Pearl has given you everything! Now, it is time for you to report the Black Pearl!"

Gibbs shouted loudly: "For the Black Pearl!"

"For the Black Pearl!" The other pirates followed and shouted slogans.

Immediately afterwards, Gibbs commanded the pirates and reinstalled the huge black sails.

At this time, Xufeng and Salazar were still looking at each other.

It's not that the two of them don't want to do it, but that both of them are in poor condition.

Xufeng’s entire arm was aching, and he could barely feel the presence of his wrist. The sword of Triton was a divine weapon, but to kill Salazar, the sword of Triton was not enough. Xufeng himself The strength is the key.

The stronger the strength, the stronger the magical power of the Triton Sword, and the average strength, the Triton Sword is nothing more than a special effect long sword with an artifact business card.

Of course, it is also fortunate that this sword of Triton, if it is an ordinary sword, then Salazar's sword of the undead would have split Xufeng's sword in two long ago.

For Salazar, the impact he received was also very big, so big that his entire undead form was a bit unstable, and he had to stop and recover.

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