Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 813

Chapter 530

"Your Majesty!"

Barbossa immediately yelled: "All put down their weapons!"

Without order, the pirates consciously put down their weapons and saluted Xufeng.

Xu Feng said faintly: "Xuedi, we are safe, you can get off me."

Xuedi immediately released the hand that had hooked Xu Feng and walked to the side of the ship without expression. Then, holding the damaged ship's side with one hand and his stomach with the other, he vomited loudly.

It was the first time she experienced such a fast speed.

Xu Feng has completely adapted and got used to it, and for Xue Di, the dizziness caused by such high speeds is more uncomfortable than death.

When moving at high speed, her whole heart was mentioned in her throat, and she always wanted to shout out, but because she was the captain of the Xuedi team, and she set herself up to be high. The setting is chaotic, of course she can't call it out in front of Xufeng, otherwise, it would be too...too girlish.

She is the captain, and she has to let her teammates feel her courage.

This was what she thought in her heart, but her two arms involuntarily grabbed Xufeng's neck, and for a while, Xufeng almost couldn't breathe.

After Xufeng stood firmly on the Black Pearl, she wanted to quickly find a place to rest, but when she stood up, her whole body was dizzy and her stomach was upset.

Xufeng handed the unconscious Lin Hai to Gibbs and others to take care of him, and then walked behind Xuedi and gently patted her on the back.

Xuedi whimpered and roared: "Don't...don't...touch me!"

Xu Feng smiled lightly and said: "Okay, I'm all hug, what's there to help you pat on the back? Don't think of yourself as a woman."

Xuedi pursed his mouth and vomited out again.

Xufeng continued to help Xuedi pat the back, "How about it, is it more comfortable to pat the back?"

Emperor Xue said stubbornly: "No."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Oh, it seems that you look down on my technique? It doesn't matter, as a man, how can I only have one set of skills? Come on, I will change the technique to make sure you are comfortable.

As he said, Xu Feng alternated his hands and patted Xuedi on the back rhythmically.

Emperor Xue said annoyedly: "I'm done! You don't need to shoot it-vomit!"

"Look at it." Xu Feng grinned and said: "I am helping you. You still don't thank me. It's really conscience that the dog has eaten it."

"Let you eat it!" Xuedi said angrily.

Xufeng smiled and said: "Okay, if you can eat your heart, I will recognize you as a dog, come on, give me your heart, otherwise, I can get into your arms and bite myself."

"You!" Xuedi straightened up, wanting to scold Xufeng, but when he stood up, he vomited with the ship's side.

Xufeng touched Xuedi’s back and said, “It’s okay, I’m not teasing you, just keep vomiting, vomiting is fine, I didn’t get used to this speed at first, and I vomited several times before finally adjusting Oh, by the way, when you are vomiting, you'd better take off the mask on your face. This will also allow your face to breathe. If your face is breathable, you won't be dizzy soon."

Xuedi gasped and said, "Stop this set! I won't let you have a chance to see my face!"

Xufeng smiled and said, "I don't watch, I turned around."

Xuedi took out a white handkerchief and wiped his mouth, then straightened up and said, "No need, I'm fine."

"Awesome." Xu Feng couldn't help but gave a thumbs up.

Xuedi's physical fitness is indeed strong. If this is changed to Xufeng, it will take a long time to go through such a rapid first time.

"I'm going to take a rest in the room, nothing is wrong, so don't disturb me."

With that said, Xuedi pushed Xufeng away and walked towards the room with steady steps.

When he got to the room and closed the door, Xuedi's soft legs couldn't hold on anymore, and he collapsed directly on the ground, crawling onto the bunk.

After Xue Di entered the house, Jack, Barbosa and others gathered around Xu Feng.

"Your Majesty, your wise martial arts have once again saved us," Barbossa said excitedly: "Please allow me to pay you the highest respect."

With that, Barbosa took off his hat and bowed deeply to Xufeng.

Xu Feng suddenly felt a rush of heat in his heart.

Immersive performance is recognized!

Total shadow energy points +6885 points!

Barbosa’s any degree has increased from 40% to 50%!

Barbossa is not easy to convince people, even the most powerful George II, Barbossa did not take it seriously.

And now, he can have 50% trust in Xufeng, which is enough to show that in his heart, he truly regards Xufeng as a pirate.

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "Well, it's my own, there is no need to be so polite. Jack, how is your injury?"

Jack said quickly: "I need a whole ship of rum to recover!"

Xufeng took out a recovery pill, "This pill has a little side effect, but it's urgent and you should take it first."

Jack took the red recovery pill and asked in confusion, "What side effects?"

Xufeng smiled and shook his head, "It's completely random, but it shouldn't be a big deal."

With that, Xu Feng took out another cup of Xingyue tea, "Drink this cup of tea together."

Jack took the Xingyue Tea with a smile and swallowed the recovery pills.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for his slightly sallow complexion to return to ruddy. Not only did the wound on his shoulder heal, but his physical strength was almost completely restored.

Jack smiled and said, "Aha, this kind of thing is really amazing! Xufeng, we can open a drugstore and we will definitely get rich!"

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "So, you don't want to be a pirate anymore?"

Jack smiled and said, "Well, I still want to be a pirate-but again, you smashed my Black Pearl into this way. Should you give me some compensation?"

Xufeng said helplessly: "My compensation is to save your lives."

Jack said with a grin: "If this is the case, then I don't have to thank you."

Barbossa frowned and said: "Jack, you are speaking to your Majesty. It is too unruly. Your Majesty, please forgive Jack. After all, he is only the first officer of the Black Pearl. His words do not count. We are very grateful to your Majesty for us. Your life-saving grace, but your Majesty, please save people to the end. The speed of the Black Pearl is continuing to weaken. I am afraid it will not be long before Salazar and his undead navy will catch up."

Xufeng raised his finger to Karina, and said faintly: "It is not me who can save you, but her."

The eyes of everyone immediately focused on Karina.

Karina took a deep breath and said quickly: "Our current course has already shifted, but the general direction is correct. I will recalculate the trajectory of the star map and let the Black Pearl get back on track as soon as possible!"

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