Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 814

Chapter 531

Soon, Karina recalculated the accurate trajectory, and Barbossa took control of the rudder and corrected the Black Pearl to the correct course.

The Black Pearl stubbornly sailed on the rough sea, and the pirates on the ship didn't care about taking a break, and took the time to use everything available in their hands to repair the damaged Black Pearl.

Although this restoration is of little significance, it at least shows the attitude of these pirates towards the Black Pearl.

The Black Pearl is like their loyal old friend, not only loyal, but also reliable. In the battle of life and death, the Black Pearl has never lost the chain.

After correcting the voyage, Barbosa asked Karina: "How long will it take to find the Starlight Island you said?"

Karina shook her head helplessly, "The star chart only pointed out the route, but did not indicate how far away from the Starlight Island. However, according to Galileo’s diary calculations, we only need to sail along the correct route before dawn. I should be able to find it."

"Should it be possible?" Jack shook his head. "This is not a very encouraging word. My dear niece, the Black Pearl is getting slower and slower, and we are still chasing a group of people to kill. Undead monsters, if we can't find Starlight Island as soon as possible and get the Sea Emperor's Trident, then this sea will be our burial place."

Barbossa also said in a deep voice: "I can't disagree with Jack. There are still at least three hours before dawn, but with the current state of the Black Pearl, I am afraid that we will be overtaken by the Silent Mary for an hour. of."

Karina took out Galileo's diary, flipped through it quickly, and then shook her head helplessly, "Sorry, the great Galileo didn't record the distance to the Starlight Island, just a hint to use star maps to calculate navigation."

"In other words, we can't do anything but bite the bullet and go on?" Jack asked.

"I'm afraid it is." Karina sighed.

Jack shrugged, and said sarcastically, "Well, this thing is actually to blame. After all, I am a doomed person. I have been cursed by Angelica. For twenty years, my luck has always been very bad. No matter where I am, I’ll suffer. Look at the pirates behind me. They have suffered too much with me. I wanted them to enjoy the blessing, but in the end, I It will still kill them."

Gibbs said emotionally: "Jack, this can't be all to blame for you, we ourselves want to follow you."

Barbossa gave Jack angrily, "Jack, when I knew you, you were not like this. You are a fearless pirate king. No difficulty can knock you down. You are young. You defeated the mighty Spanish navy. You are the pride of the pirates. I once exiled you twice, and you finally returned successfully. You are not as tough as I can. The older you are, the more you are. Persuaded?"

Jack said with a wry smile: "Twenty years of misfortune, no matter how stubborn stones will be smoothed, let alone people?"

Barbossa smiled and said: "This is nothing! I mean, you are already so unlucky, where else can you go? Besides, there is the pirate emperor Xufeng by our side! As long as your majesty is there, nothing It's hard to beat us."

Jack nodded heavily, "You're right, Hector, I'm already so unlucky, where can I go? Hahaha—"

Before the laughter fell, I heard a harsh roar from the bottom of the sea.

Immediately afterwards, the sea in front of the Black Pearl suddenly rose, and the waves rose tens of meters high, and the Black Pearl shook in the huge waves uncontrollably.

Jack's face suddenly turned pale, "It's over, something worse is coming."

Karina said in surprise: "Salazar caught up so soon?"

Xufeng looked at the surging waves in front of him, and then shook his head slightly, "No, this should not be Salazar. Salazar is the undead on the water, and the waves and roars come from the deep sea."

"Deep sea?" Karina was so nervous that she dared not breathe loudly.

Jack cried and said, "Whatever it is, in short, it must be caused by my bad luck."

Barbossa nodded convincingly, then turned to Gibbs and said, "Gibbs!"

"Yes, Captain!" Gibbs stood up immediately.

Barbossa said in a deep voice: "Find a few people, tie up Jack and throw it into the sea to feed the sharks, so that he won't hurt our boat.

Gibbs said immediately: "Yes! Captain!"

Jack exclaimed: "Hector, are you too ruthless? I just considered you a good brother!"

Barbossa laughed coldly: "Jack, I also treat you as a good brother, but since I am the captain of the Black Pearl, I have to be responsible for the Black Pearl, and you don't want the monsters on the sea floor to take ours. Tear the Black Pearl to pieces, right?"

Jack nodded, "Yes, but, Hector, didn't you just say that we have Xufeng? Xufeng can help us turn bad luck!"

Barbossa said: "I thought about it. Although Your Majesty Xufeng can help us turn bad luck, but it is not good to always trouble your Majesty. You should sacrifice yourself, hurry up and tie him up!"

Jack hurriedly said: "Hector, I have a secret about you. You don't want everyone present to know?"

Barbossa's face changed, and he quickly said: "After my repeated consideration, my feelings for my brothers have overcome my reason. What do you guys do with the rope? We are good brothers who have difficulties together!"

Gibbs was completely confused and had to throw away the rope.

Karina couldn't help laughing: "Captain Barbosa, I didn't expect a character like you to have a handle in Jack's hand."

Barbossa sighed helplessly, and then said to Xufeng: "Your Majesty, what do you think about this?"

Xu Feng said lightly: "This incident seems to have something to do with Jack's doom, but it is not."

"Oh?" Jack opened his eyes suddenly, "Is there anything worse than my luck?"

Xu Feng smiled and said, "It’s not that bad luck, but good luck. I guess we should be very close to Starlight Island, and Starlight Island is the sacred island where the Sea King’s trident is stored. There must be super marine creatures around the island. Defense. As long as we defeat the defensive marine life, we can find Starlight Island."

Barbossa beamed with joy, "Haha, that's how it is! Your majesty, you can understand!".

Jack also grinned and said: "So it's not bad luck! Great! But...Look at the roar of the waves, the monster defending Star Island seems to be very strong."

As soon as the voice fell, the sea in front of the Black Pearl resented a huge wave again, and then, a huge black shadow gradually emerged from the turbulent water.

Chapter 532 Sea Giant!

"A mountain?" Jack rubbed his eyes and exclaimed.

All the crew on the Black Pearl were shocked and dumbfounded. They had never seen a scene of a mountain rising out of thin air in the sea.

As the mountain rises higher and higher, the head, shoulders, arms, and waist become more and more obvious.

"...Sea giant!" Barbossa took a deep breath.

"What kind of creature is this?" Karina looked at the dark blue-skinned giant like a hill in disbelief, her entire brain blank.

Barbossa explained in a deep voice: "The sea giant is a god in the ocean, much more powerful than the magical elemental creature like the water element. Ten thousand years ago, the sea city Atlantis angered the sea king Boss. In winter, Poseidon sent his son, Polyphemus, the one-eyed giant, to attack Atlantis. Yes, you heard that right, he went to fight a city alone, and Polyphemus one. Man defeated the entire Atlantis army, but Atlantis refused to surrender to Poseidon. In his anger, Poseidon used his trident and directly scuttled Atlantis. The continent where Landis is located has caused the entire Atlantis to sink to the bottom of the sea, and the original Atlantis residents have also become a family of mermaid living in the depths of the ocean."

"But, this is a myth!" Karina said in horror.

Barbossa smiled bitterly and said: "Yeah, I used to think so, until I saw the real mermaid, I thought Atlantis, the one-eyed giant Polyphemus, the sea king trident or something, These are just fairy tales, but now Polyphemus is right in front of us."

"What should we do?" Karina said eagerly, "Can you negotiate with him?"

Barbossa smiled and said: "Polyphemus is the sea god, don’t look at him as big and ugly, he only has one eye, but he is a serious god with the blood of the sea king flowing in his body, and the god sees us. , Just as our human race treats bugs. Will you negotiate with a group of bugs that break into your territory?"

Karina shook her head, "No...Why don't we concentrate firepower, blast him, and blast him away?"

Barbossa shook his head, "No, we have thrown away most of the artillery in order to increase speed, and even if we don’t throw away, the damage of those artillery shells cannot really hurt Polyphemus. ."

Speaking of this, everyone also understands the current situation, and everyone's eyes are focused on Xu Feng.

Now, no one can save the Black Pearl, except Xufeng.

At this time, Xuedi and Lin Hai also walked out of their respective rooms.

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