Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 815

After a short rest, their physical fitness has recovered a bit.

"This is troublesome." Lin Hai took out a cup of Starlight Tea, drank it dry, and recovered some of his mental strength.

The Snow Emperor said blankly: "The sea giant Polyphemus...This guy is the star of annihilation. Many teams have worked so hard to reach the fifth stage, and have not waited to find the Sea Emperor Trident. The group was destroyed by this guy."

Xu Feng frowned and said, "My spiritual vision can't even sense the relative level of this guy."

Xuedi said faintly: "You don't need to sense, I can tell you, this guy's relative level is 60, we can't kill him."

Xu Feng couldn't help taking a breath, "Level 60? Higher than Salazar?"

Emperor Xue said faintly: "Yes, after all, he is the son of Sea Emperor Poseidon, guarding the trident for Sea Emperor Poseidon."

"That's true." Xu Feng frowned and said: "The opponent is so tough, how should we fight?"

After all, Xuedi is the sister of the former president of the God Killing Guild, so in terms of rewarding tasks, he naturally has the rich experience of his predecessors.

It would be great if there was a clever way to kill the sea giant Polyphemus.

Xuedi said in a deep voice, "According to the experience of the predecessors...hard hit."

"..." Xu Feng almost didn't fall.

Lin Hai couldn't help asking: "Hard fight? Only the three of us! The average level of our three is not enough to be level 35. Compared with Polyphemus, this is a world of difference. I am afraid that when we go up, Will be beaten by Polyphemus."

Xuedi said blankly, "Yes, we will probably be smashed, but the only way to deal with the sea giant Polyphemus is to hit hard. Don't look at him because he is very big and he has a huge one in his hands. The anchor of the ocean, but his speed is very slow, and his weakness lies in his one-eyed, his one-eyed observation range is not very large, only limited to the fan-shaped angle of 120 degrees in front of him."

Xufeng said: "In other words, the closer you hit him, the less he can use his power, and he can even hide in the blind spot of his vision."

Xuedi nodded slightly, "Yes."

Xufeng frowned and said, "However, his defense value is very high. Even if we can attack in close quarters, I am afraid it is impossible to hurt him."

Relative to the defense value of level 60, it was almost like a copper wall and an iron wall. Even if Xufeng poured all his power on the sword of Triton, it was impossible to harm Polyphemus.

Xuedi said lightly: "I just said that the weakness of this big guy lies in his eyes. Of course, his skin and flesh defenses are very strong, but his one-eyed eyes basically have no defense. We only need to hurt him. With eyes, he can naturally retreat to the bottom of the sea."

"Okay." Xu Feng nodded and said, "As usual, Uncle Lin Hai added mental resistance to us. Xuedi, you rushed in front to attract his attention. I went to the side and took the opportunity to attack his one-eyed."

Lin Hai smiled and said, "It doesn't sound so difficult."

Xuedi shook his head, "Although the tactics are very simple, if you want to execute it, it is very difficult. We need helpers."

Xufeng looked back at Jack and Barbosa. Jack and Barbosa took a step back at the same time.

Xufeng smiled bitterly and shook his head, "The hammer boat has not been built yet. I am afraid that no one can help us now."

Xuedi said lightly: "I heard that you have a good relationship with a mermaid?"

Xu Feng was startled, "Who said that! I did it for a task!"

Xuedi said coldly: "I didn't say anything else, what are you nervous about? The mermaid clan of Atlantis has a feud with the sea giant Polyphemus. You can try to inject your mind into the ocean and call you The name of the mermaid I know, maybe she will come to help."

Xu Feng said helplessly, "Is this impossible?"

He really knew a mermaid, but that was twenty years ago. At that time, Blackbeard wanted to catch the mermaid and make mermaid tears. When the mermaid escaped, Xufeng intercepted a leading mermaid and pulled Lost a colorful scale on her tail fin...

He still remembered that the mermaid called herself Saiyan.

At that time, Sai Ya said that the account between them would definitely be settled.

Chapter 533

When Blackbeard slaughtered and captured the mermaid, Xufeng did not help Blackbeard, but he did not help the mermaid either. Instead, at the last moment, he intercepted the leader Saiya.

It's strange that Saiya doesn't hate him.

How could it be possible to rush over from the deep sea to help him deal with the terrifying sea giant Polyphemus?

I was afraid that Saiya would be recruited for no reason, and it would be even worse.

However, after thinking about it carefully, Xu Feng felt that this matter was feasible.

The Snow Emperor just said that 10,000 years ago, Polyphemus was appointed by the Sea Emperor Poseidon to attack the continent of Atlantis, and finally triggered the sinking of Atlantis. The inhabitants of Landis have also become long-tailed sea creatures, mermaids, and can only live on the bottom of the sea.

From this perspective, all mermaids hate Poseidon and his descendants, especially the one-eyed giant Polyphemus.

It might be really useful to ask a mermaid to help!

Snow Emperor said blankly: "You decide this matter for yourself-Polyphemus is walking this way. We can't let him get within 100 meters of the Black Pearl, otherwise, the Black Pearl will definitely There is a danger of being crushed. Barbossa, you park the boat here and wait until we have repelled the sea giant before continuing on the designated route."

Barbossa quickly asked: "Madam! If, I mean, if, if Salazar catches up during your battle, what shall we do?"

Xuedi said lightly: "I remember, you also have your own friends? Uncle Lin Hai will help you strengthen your mind and help you summon your friends."

Barbossa sighed, "It seems that this time, we are not lucky enough."

Originally, the speed of the Black Pearl slowed down a little bit. Even if they were not blocked by the sea giant Polyphemus, they would be overtaken by the undead ship within an hour. Now, there is no need to wait for an hour. After ten minutes, Salazar will be able to catch up.

A fierce battle is inevitable.

"All are ready for battle!" Barbosa shouted loudly.

The pirates woke up like a dream, and immediately became busy.

But Lin Hai concentrated his mind and gave Xufeng and Xuedi a mental resistance to walk on water and breathe underwater respectively.

After the application, he himself became exhausted.

Xuedi asked in a deep voice, "Uncle Lin Hai, can you still hold it?"

Lin Hai wiped the sweat from his forehead and smiled reluctantly: "It's okay, I can hold it! Come on!"

After speaking, he took another deep breath, and imposed another mental resistance to strengthen Xu Feng.

Xufeng suddenly felt that his thoughts were well understood, and his thoughts were uncontrollably extended.

Lin Hai took out a cup of Xingyue tea, drank it quickly, and then said exhaustedly: "Xu Feng, your strengthening mind can only last for a minute at most. You must hurry up and contact the mermaid.

Xuedi said in a deep voice, "I'll go against the sea giant first."

With that said, Xuedi jumped directly from the Black Pearl, and stepped on the billowing waves, showing his shield of faith barriers and the sword of thunder, and bravely facing the hill-like one-eyed giant Polyphemo Si rushed over.

After Xu Feng nodded slightly against Lin Hai, he also jumped off the Black Pearl.

However, he did not rush out in a hurry. Instead, he dipped his hands into the cold water and said in his mind: "All the citizens of Atlantis who can hear my voice, I am Xufeng, please Tell Saiya, I'm fighting your feud, the one-eyed giant Polyphemus, this is your best chance to shame you! If you still have the courage, come on! If you have confessed your fate and just want to If you are more concerned, then assume that I haven't contacted you!"

After speaking, Xu Feng felt his consciousness passed into the endless deep sea, and his own thoughts also relaxed.

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