Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 818

Under the huge suction force, Xufeng couldn't stand firmly, and his entire body seemed to lose control.

At this moment, Xuedi grabbed Xu Feng's arm and pulled him to his side.

With her other hand, she raised the barrier of faith and released the barrier defense special effects of the barrier of faith shield. A magical defense shield that is immune to any damage and special effects was formed around her and Xu Feng.

Sure enough, in this way, the ocean suction of the one-eyed sea giant could not have an inhalation effect on Xufeng and Xuedi.

However, this barrier effect consumes Xuedi's physical energy. Calculated based on Xuedi's limit physical energy, the barrier effect can last for two minutes at most.

However, the inhalation power of the sea giant is getting stronger and stronger, and it continues to flow.

Let alone two minutes and three minutes, I am afraid that it will last for a hundred minutes.

"Really," Xu Feng frowned, "This is troublesome."

The five-stage plot is really difficult.

Even if Xu Feng had prepared for it, he was still a little anxious at this moment.

Within two minutes, if there are no variables, they might really be killed by the Cyclops.

Even if he and Xuedi could survive, they would definitely not be able to save the Black Pearl.

Once the Black Pearl was destroyed, then there would be no Sea King Trident, let alone break all the ocean curses, then kill Salazar and complete the reward quest.

Emperor Xue said in a deep voice, "Xu Feng, you have many shortcomings, and I hate you very much in my heart. However, it is our fate to be able to fight side by side to Huangquan."

Xufeng smiled bitterly: "Xuedi, are you confessing this?"

Xuedi flushed, "I'll talk about his last words!"

Xu Feng grinned and said: "There is one and a half minutes left! Don't rush to make a conclusion!"

Xuedi shook his head, "After all, I can't reach the height of my brother. I can't even pass the first series of reward missions...I can't save my brother."


Xufeng's brow moved slightly.

The elder brother of Xuedi, but the current master god of the plane, the former president of God Killing, the courier of rubber raincoat, Xueying!

Xueying is so awesome, he is the master of this plane, why did Xuedi say "Save"?

Xu Feng was about to ask a few more questions, when he suddenly felt the Sword of Triton in his hand shake slightly, and then, a huge twisted vortex appeared in the sea near the Black Pearl.

Chapter 536: Long Time No See!

"What is that!" Karina stared at the huge whirlpool in shock, her face pale in fright.

A huge squid floated from the twisting vortex. The size of this squid was also as huge as a hill island.

On the head of the squid, there was a woman in luxurious clothes.

Jack recognized each other at a glance, and hurriedly smiled and greeted him: "Aha! Great Colibso! My most beloved goddess of the sea! Thank you for listening to my call and coming to help!"

Barbosa said in surprise: "Jack, you idiot, you actually summoned the devil, Colibso!"

Jack shrugged, "Hector, we are going to die anyway, so let's treat dead horses as living horse doctors."

Barbossa shook his head, "There is Salazar in the back, and the one-eyed sea giant in front. Now I have added a sea goddess Colibso who hates us so deeply-we are really finished this time."

The goddess of the sea, Colibso, swept the scene with a cold look, and a happy smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"God is clear, retribution is unhappy." Colibso said with a sneer: "After so many years, I finally let me see your retribution."

Jack said loudly: "Coli Buso, we have released you anyway! Now we need help, you should repay us! Protect our Black Pearl."

Colibso said coldly: "Protect? It's polite that I didn't help the Sea Giant overturn your Black Pearl, but you still dare to ask me to help you? Aha, Xu Feng is also there. Well! This is really a double happiness! Xufeng, you took away my heart of the ocean, and you lost me thousands of years of ocean power! Let me fall from a third-level god in the ocean to the point where I can only control Bermuda The fifth-level deity in the triangle area! This account should be settled! The sea god—"

The big squid under her feet made a piercing scream, and the tentacles of the squid also stretched out to the barrier.

"Crap!" Xuedi frowned and said, "I thought I could last for two minutes, but now it seems that I can't hold it for a minute! Jack, Jack, this guy who is cursed by doom is just a disservice. !"

Xufeng looked at Xuedi and laughed.

Xuedi's face flushed, and the whole person said uneasily: "You, what are you laughing at? Did I say something wrong?"

Xu Feng was startled: "Huh? Oh, I didn't pay attention to what you said just now. I just patronized to see your angrily expression."

"You!" Xuedi turned his head away, preventing Xufeng from seeing the shame and anxiety on her face.

Social phobia.

"It's all this time, you are still thinking about it! It seems that you have given up too, right?"

"Who said that?" Xu Feng grinned and said loudly to the approaching sea goddess Coli Buso: "Coli Buso, long time no see, I want to die!"

Colibso grinned and said with a grin: "Xufeng, don't come to this set! How cruel you were to me at the beginning, do you think I will forget? No! For more than twenty years, I remember it every moment. !"

Xufeng smiled and said: "So you have been thinking of me for 20 years! That's great, how about we make a deal?"

Colibso said coldly: "You are in this state, you are not qualified to talk to me about any deal!"

Xufeng smiled and said: "You just said that your ruled sea area is only the Bermuda Triangle?"

Colibso said in a cold voice: "Aren't you all killed by you? You have caused me to lose the heart of the ocean, and the ocean divine power for thousands of years. You have reduced me from a third-level deity to a fifth-level deity! Do you know? , How big is the difference between these two levels? I used to be able to control the seven oceans! I can control the life and death of marine life! But now, I can only control the messy reefs of the Bermuda Triangle! I, the goddess of the ocean, has long been a misnomer! "

Xufeng smiled and said, "Don't you just want to return to the glory of the past? This is easy to do, I can help you!"

Colibso sneered: "Help me? You can't even protect yourself now! What can you do to help me? Could it be...Can you return the Heart of the Sea to me?"

If he can regain the Heart of the Sea, Colibso will be able to return from the fifth-level deity to the third-level deity, and her relative level will reach the level of 60.

Cyclops is a third-level deity, and if Keli Buso returns to become a third-level deity, he will only be stronger than Cyclops.

Xufeng smiled and said: "Your heart of the ocean has been handed over by me, but I can give you another piece."

Colibso exclaimed angrily: "Xu Feng, you bastard! You actually gave my heart of the ocean to an outsider! You are so damned!"

Xufeng said: "Coli Buso, everyone is an adult, you have to control your emotions, I said, I will make you one more!"

Colibso exasperatedly roared, "Do you think the Heart of the Sea can be obtained so easily? The Heart of the Sea can only be owned by the ocean deity, and it must be a level 3 or above ocean deity!"

Xufeng laughed and said, "Coincidentally, isn't it? In front of us, we thought that there was a third-level ocean god."

Colibso was stunned, then raised his eyes to look at the one-eyed giant Polyphemus who was causing ocean suction in the distance.

"...Sir Polyphemus?" Corlibuso frowned and said, "Xufeng, don't be kidding, that's the son of Sea King!"

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