Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 819

Xufeng smiled and said: "Yes, he is indeed the son of Sea King, but what about it? As far as I know, you are the god of the ocean worshipped by Indian civilization, and the same as the Sea King Poseidon worshipped in Europe. It's not a system. You are not as strong as Poseidon, but you have not surrendered to Poseidon."

"I don't want to be an enemy of Poseidon!" Colibso shouted.

Xufeng smiled and said: "I have blinded his one-eyed. In other words, he can't see anything now. I wanted to repel him. I didn't expect that he was still a soldier. , Then I can only find a way to kill him, and after killing him, he will definitely drop a third-level heart of the ocean. If you are willing to help me, the heart of the ocean will be yours."

Colibso's brows moved slightly.

It is impossible to say nothing.

Originally, Colibso hated the family of Poseidon very much. Poseidon had five pairs of twin sons, all of which were arrogant and domineering, and did not pay attention to the ocean gods of other systems.

After so many years, many sea gods of other systems were exterminated by them, and even the continent of Atlantis was scuttled by the Sea King with a trident.

Fortunately, super-level gods such as Sea Emperor, Pluto, and Zeus all have "Twilight of the Gods", and they must dormant once every ten thousand years. Otherwise, where is there room for Colibso in the Seven Oceans?

The last time Sea Emperor Poseidon was dormant was ten thousand years ago. After he scuttled Atlantis with the Sea Emperor’s trident, his divine power was lost too much, and he entered the dormant period ahead of schedule. Did not wake up.

Therefore, theoretically speaking, it is indeed a good opportunity to take down the one-eyed giant Polyphemus and seize the third-level heart of the sea.

Chapter 537 Polyphemus must die!

I'm not afraid that Colibso will be tempted, but I'm afraid that Colibso will not be tempted!

As long as you are tempted, things will be easier!

Xu Feng struck the iron while the iron was hot and said, "How about? Join forces? Kill the Cyclops, your power in the ocean domain will expand, and you will be able to return to the ranks of the three-level gods. At that time, unless it is the Sea King Poseidon came with a trident, otherwise, it would be difficult for him to kill you."

Colibso said coldly: "Hmph, if Poseidon knew that I had killed his son, how could he give up?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "No one will know. What's more, the purpose of our trip is to find the Trident of the Sea King! Colibso, don't tell me, you don't want to weaken the power of the Olympian gods, If you are only willing to stay in the Bermuda Triangle to be a little Poseidon who counts as a day by day, then when I didn’t say this, you can take my life and avenge yourself now, and if you are smart, you You will know that more important than taking revenge on me is that you yourself return to the status of a third-level god."

Colibso is naturally not a fool.

Although revenge is a major event, it is not too late to return to the third-level seagod to talk about revenge.

Colibso frowned and said, "Xufeng, what your kid said is very good, but based on your current situation, how do you make me believe that you can kill Polyphemus? He is still Olympus. Among the three-level gods, the one with superior fighting ability and fighting will!"

Xu Feng smiled and said: "No matter how strong it is, it is only level three. You don't know my ability. Besides, even if you don't believe me, you have to believe in yourself! The current state of the Cyclops is already extreme. Tired and weak, you help us block him and suck, I will go up and pierce his eyes a few times, and try to pierce his brain!"

Colibso rolled his eyes and said with a sneer: "Since Polyphemus has been injured, why should I make any extra effort to help you block the suction of the ocean?"

Xufeng said quickly: "Don't, Colibso, let's eat if you have meat!"

Colibso sneered: "Why don't I eat it myself if I have meat? After I kill Polyphemus and take his third-level ocean heart, I can still blame you, hahaha! This is really a trick that kills two birds with one stone."

Xufeng was horrified, "Coli Buso, don't do this! Do you remember? You once swore to be loyal to me forever! You used to keep calling my master."

Colie Busso grinned and said, "Thank you for reminding me of this humiliating past. As a deity, I actually have to bow to a mortal! This kind of day will never happen again! Xu Feng, his eyes widened. have a look!"

As he said, the huge sea monster at the feet of Colibso turned his head and rushed towards the one-eyed sea giant Polyphemus.

Polyphemus sensed the tremors of the sea, and immediately stopped the suction of the sea, stood up from the deep sea again, picked up the heavy anchor, and threw it towards Colibso.

Coli Buso was taken aback. Why is this one-eyed giant looking tired?

Oops, it was used by Xufeng again as a shield!

Colibso quickly evaded, and at the same time said loudly: "Master Polyphemus! We are both sea gods, I'm here to help!"

One-eyed-no, the eyeless giant roared: "I don't care who you are! No one can step into my father's holy land!"

As he said, the huge anchor in his hand slammed into Colibso heavily.

Now, it is too late to retreat, the arrow is on the string, and I have to send it!

Colibso gritted his teeth and urged the new sea god at his feet, and slammed into the eyeless sea giant.


Two shock waves exploded among them, and the entire ocean raised a huge wave of 100 meters high!

The huge wave smashed in front of him, and Xu Feng immediately hugged the exhausted Xuedi and retreated.

Xuedi wanted to struggle, but at this time he no longer had the strength to struggle, so he could only blush and let Xufeng push.

As Xufeng retreated backwards, he secretly said with emotion: The waist is really soft.

With such a soft waist, why is it so defensive?

"Xufeng, how do you know that the one-eyed sea giant body can recover?" In order to avoid embarrassment, Xuedi took the initiative to chat with Xufeng about the battle.

Xufeng smiled bitterly and said: "How do I know, I really thought that the sea giant had already run out of light! I wanted Colibso to take the lead, and then I took the opportunity to make up the knife and snatch the heart of the sea by the way. Forcing Colibso away, I didn't expect that Sea Giant's physical fitness would recover so quickly!"

"Then what to do now?" Xuedi asked eagerly.

With and without mask, Xuedi is like two people.

The snow emperor with a mask is cold and calm, and never panicked.

The Xuedi who does not wear a mask will have social phobias, even if he meets Xufeng's eyes, he will be embarrassed.

Xu Feng thought for a moment, "Although the sea giant has regained his stamina, but if you want to find the sea king trident, you have to kill the sea giant. I really don’t know how your brother and the others got through this level. It’s really too difficult here. Xuedi, you stay here to rest. I’ll go ahead and see if I can find a chance."

Xuedi quickly said, "No, it's too dangerous."

Xufeng grinned at her.

Xuedi's face turned red, his heart beating suddenly and suddenly, he couldn't control it at all.

Xufeng smiled and said, "Actually, you look good like this, why do you always wear a mask?"

Emperor Xue said angrily: "Can you solve the problem of the Sea Giant first? We still have Salazar's pursuers behind us!"

"Yes! Captain!" Xu Feng smiled jokingly, turning his head and rushing towards the sea giant.

Xuedi opened his mouth, trying to keep Xufeng, but Xufeng's speed was too fast, and he rushed hundreds of meters in the blink of an eye, and Xuedi had to give up.

She looked at Xu Feng's back with concern, and at the same time felt anxious and sad that she could not help.

In fact, she is already very strong.

She forcibly took two fatal attacks from the 60-level gods, and also blocked the ocean suction with the special effects of the barrier of faith.

Such a record is impossible for any level 40 survivor.

The rewarding plot of the fifth stage was really too difficult for their Xuedi team.

Back then, her brother Xueying had the entire God Killing Guild as the backing. What resources were needed and what resources, and her Xuedi team looked like a grass-roots team.

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