Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 820

Now, all hopes are pinned on Xufeng.

Polyphemus, the one-eyed sea giant, will not escape, so he must be killed if he wants to clear the route to Starlight Island.

Moreover, it must be killed today, not to retreat first, wait for a period of time to recover before rushing.

Starlight Island will only appear within three days of the appearance of the blood moon, and the blood moon will appear once every 100 years. If you miss this time window, you will have to wait a hundred years.

Polyphemus, the one-eyed giant, must die!

Chapter 538 Barbosa's Rescue

Polyphemus, the one-eyed sea giant, closed his bleeding eyes and judged Colibso's position as the ocean current changed.

As long as the big squid at Colibso's feet moves, the Cyclops will be able to sense it immediately.

As soon as he sensed it, the one-eyed giant's anchor smashed down fiercely.

Seeing that the matter had reached an irretrievable leeway, Keli Buso had no choice but to be cruel and fight with the Cyclops Giant.

The fight between the two sides was inextricably difficult, and the entire sea seemed to be overturned.

Although Keli Buso is currently only a fifth-level ocean deity, which is far lower than the third-level ocean deity of the Cyclops Giant, Keli Buso itself is also a third-level ocean deity, but without the Heart of the Sea, his strength has been greatly weakened. That's it.

In terms of combat experience alone, Colibso is absolutely worthy of a one-eyed giant.

Moreover, there is a huge squid at the feet of Colibso.

This is also her newly cultivated sea god.

With her combat experience, coupled with the strength of the new sea god beast, it is completely equal to the one-eyed sea giant.

Polyphemus, the one-eyed sea giant, was not in a good state. Although his stamina was restored, his one-eyed was eventually blinded by Xufeng.

Originally, one eye was missing, but now the only eyeball has been pierced. The perception of the enemy depends entirely on the surging of the waves, and the big squid has thousands of tentacles. Therefore, although the level of the Cyclops is high, it is here. In this case, it is very disadvantaged.

Of course, it is not so easy for Colibso to kill the Cyclops.

The attack method of the big squid mainly relies on the tangling and squeezing of the tentacles. In the face of ordinary enemies and even ships, the big squid can easily handle it, but in the face of the third-level ocean god Cyclops, its tentacles are useless.

The battle between the two sides fell into a stalemate for a while, Colibso couldn't kill the Cyclops Giant, nor could the Cyclops Giant.

The two sides fought for three minutes, each of which was very expensive.

At this time, Xu Feng stepped on the rolling waves and quietly approached the Cyclops Giant.

When the one-eyed giant had just finished a round with Colibso, Xu Feng suddenly rushed out from the side, using the sword of Triton, to stab the closed eyelid of the one-eyed giant fiercely!

He passed by the one-eyed sea giant like a shadow, and did not stay after the stabbing, but just drew away.

The entire eyeball of the Cyclops Giant was smashed, and a black hole was formed in front of his forehead. The blue blood could not stop flowing from there. He became violent with pain, and the entire ocean echoed his Roar.

"good chance!"

Colibso was overjoyed, thinking that this was the best time to solve the Cyclops Giant, so he rushed towards the Cyclops Giant.

The one-eyed sea giant launched a frenzy, and the damage caused by the frenzy instantly doubled!

The big squid of Colibso couldn't resist the madness of the one-eyed giant, and was directly maimed on the spot!

Keli Buso was also punched and flew into the air. If she weren't for the fifth-level ocean god, this punch would have killed him.

Xu Feng hid in the distance and said with a cold smile: "It's really looking for death."

Colibso fell into the raging sea and shouted at Xufeng loudly: "Xufeng, Master! Save me!"

The bones of her whole body were broken, she couldn't move at all, and she couldn't use her supernatural power.

The one-eyed sea giant was shaking his fists indiscriminately regardless of the enemy and me. If this continues, Colibso will definitely die.

Xu Feng thought a little, and then walked on the waves, and picked up the crippled Colibuso from the Cyclops Giant.

"...Thank you!" Colibso said gratefully.

Xu Feng said coldly: "If you obeyed me, it won't be what it is now."

Colibso said with shame: "Master, I was wrong. From now on, I will follow your instructions. I only ask you to help me kill Polyphemus and let me get his third-level ocean. heart."

Xu Feng smiled coldly, "Why is it so easy? You just saw that my sword almost pierced his brain, but he can't kill him. Moreover, this guy will absorb the power of the ocean to recover himself. It’s no wonder that 10,000 years ago, he was able to destroy all the troops of Atlantis alone. It seems that this is really not an exaggeration! As long as his feet stand in the water, he can By absorbing the power of the ocean to restore his physical strength, his strength will flow continuously."

Colibso said in horror: "Then what should we do?"

Xufeng said coldly: "Originally, if you obeyed me, I would let you try to lift the Cyclops giant out of the sea with a big squid, but your big squid has been abandoned, we are afraid there is no chance. Up."

Colibso said in pain, "Master, why didn't you say it earlier!"

Xu Feng said coldly: "Did you give me a chance? You are eager to eat meat, and you don't even want to give me the opportunity to drink soup."

Colie Busso suddenly felt very regretful.

Xu Feng sighed slightly, "Now, I can only wait for the opportunity."

The Cyclops is a guy who can destroy the entire Atlantis army with his own power. Such an opponent can never be defeated easily.

When the one-eyed sea giant finished his rampage, his physical fitness dropped sharply, and he immersed his body in the sea water as before, absorbing the power from the sea water.

All the surrounding sea water surged towards him.

Fortunately, the Black Pearl and Xuedi were prepared and retreated to a safe area early.

Xufeng grabbed Colibso and took her to a relatively safe sea area.

Although they were temporarily safe, the one-eyed giant's physical stamina was recovering a little bit.

In this way, even if his eyes were blind, it would be difficult for Xu Feng to get another shot.

And at this moment, something even more troublesome to Xufeng happened.

Salazar and his undead ship Silent Mary drove over at high speed and could catch up with the Black Pearl.

The Black Pearl did not dare to walk towards the suction area, and could only sail slowly against the edge of the suction area.

"Hahaha!" Salazar grinned with a big mouth full of black blood: "Run? Run? Why don't you run away? Want to find the Sea King Trident? That is the weapon of the Ocean Lord! There may be no deity guards! Now, you all have to die! Hahaha!"

With the Black Pearl in its current state, it is impossible to contend with the Silent Mary, and Xufeng is so far away, and the Snow Emperor is injured again. No one here can stop Salazar.

Karina said frustratedly: "It's over, this time we must be over. I didn't expect that I was dead with a group of pirates."

Barbossa smiled comfortingly, "Don't worry, the matter is not over yet, I just asked for help."

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