Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 821

As soon as the voice fell, a spray appeared on the sea, and the spray gradually expanded. In the end, a bald witch full of charms appeared in the middle of the spray.

Sansa is here.

Chapter 539

Sansa, the witch, was also quite wicked.

She obviously looks very good-looking, but she has no hair, and her whole body is covered with puzzling charms, even her face.

Those spells are not in any language, otherwise Xufeng would definitely be able to understand it.

Therefore, Xufeng guessed that those spells should be the curse in Sansa. This curse was extremely vicious and powerful. It tortured Sansa all the time and prevented Sansa from exerting her original ability.

And even in this situation, Sansa can still be teleported through the waves, which is enough to show that Sansa is by no means a little witch who knows a little spell.

Her true identity is even higher than that of the sea goddess Colibuso.

As soon as Barbossa saw Sansa, he shouted, "Witch Sansa, you promised to help us! Now, it's time for you to fulfill your promise!"

Sansa was standing on the turbulent sea, stiff like a rock, and the expression on his face was a little vague.

Her curse will obviously turn her into a real stone, and the time limit is tonight!

In other words, Sansa used the magic power to transmit, not really to save Barbosa, but to save herself!

If Barbossa and the others fail and fail to find the Sea King Trident, then she will not survive today!

This is a moment that concerns her own life, and of course she is going to come after her own life.

She did not waste her energy to speak, but forcefully raised her stiff arm and pointed at the silent Mary who was rushing towards the Black Pearl.

The Silent Mary speeded back immediately!

Salazar, standing on the bow of the Silent Mary, yelled: "No—"

Soon, his voice was completely inaudible, and the Silent Mary disappeared to the distant sea level.

Barbossa asked excitedly: "Sansa, did you solve them?"

Sansa said stiffly: "No, not at all. My current ability... can't release powerful magic, I can only... send them as far away as possible. But they will come back, I just fight for you more It took ten minutes."

"Only ten minutes!" Jack sighed and said, "This is far from enough!"

Henry looked at the one-eyed giant who was constantly absorbing the energy of the ocean, and said with a cold breath: "I'm afraid we will have to be killed by the one-eyed giant in less than ten minutes."

Jack said helplessly: "I'm sorry, brothers, it's all my doom curse relationship."

Barbossa said: "Jack, the situation is already like this, how bad can it be?"

The witch Sansa turned her head towards Xufeng with difficulty, trying to talk to Xufeng, but after she had just used magic once, half of her body was turned into stone and her tongue was knotted.

Xufeng knew that Sansa had something to say, so he rushed to Sansa's side and grabbed Sansa's stiff arm.

Sansa's lips moved slightly, and he said vaguely: "Master Xufeng, I have tried my best...I will leave the rest to you. Release me and let me sink to the bottom of the sea. If you can break the curse in time If you do, then I will not die, and if... you fail to break the curse in time, the ocean will be my ultimate destination."

Xu Feng asked in a deep voice: "Who are you? Why are you under such a strong curse? What kind of conspiracy are you involved in?"

Sansa reluctantly smiled at Xufeng, but did not answer, but closed his eyes slightly.

Her body is getting heavier and heavier, and the body below her heart has turned into a rock.

Xu Feng took a deep breath and slowly released his hand.

Sansa's body immediately sank into the endless deep sea.

"...She should also be a god, even higher than me." Colibso said in a deep voice: "Don't ask me why I say this, I don't know why, but I can sense that she is The curse of her torment comes from the first-class ocean god."

"What?" Xu Feng couldn't help his eyes widening.

A witch has actually endured the curse from a first-level ocean god?

And, when being cursed, can still teleport and repel the undead ship?

This also means that Sansa is also a first-level ocean deity?

How can this be?

Xufeng frowned and said, "Coli Buso, don't make a joke at this time!"

Colibso said quickly: "Master, I'm not kidding. I really feel the power of the curse. I am afraid that if it was me who cursed, I would become a reef and sink into the sea."

Xu Feng said coldly, "How many first-class gods are there in the Seven Oceans?"

Colibso shrugged, "At least thirty people."

Xu Feng asked in surprise: "So many?"

Colibso smiled bitterly: "There are more first-level gods on the continent, and the ocean clearly occupies 70% of the space, but there are only 30, which is already very small."

Xu Feng nodded slightly, "The first-level deity you mentioned includes Poseidon, right?"

Colibso shook his head, "No, Poseidon, Hades, Zeus, Athena, etc., they are all the main gods of the Olympus god system, and their level is super first. "

"So that's the case." Xu Feng frowned and asked, "So, who are the first-level ocean gods?"

Corribuso said: "The only ones I can determine are Sea King’s wife, Amphitrite, and Amphitrite’s two sons. One is Prince Arion and the other is special. The same prince here."

Xu Feng frowned and asked, "So, the first-level deities of the ocean are all people related to Poseidon?"

"It should be like this." Colibso said.

Xufeng said in a deep voice, "It seems that this is the battle in the Sea Emperor Poseidon's harem! Damn, Sansa got us involved in such a conspiracy. I am afraid that even if we kill the Cyclops giant, we will be A stronger first-level sea god came forward to stop us."

Colie Busau shivered suddenly, "Master...let me go, I don't want to die yet!"

She was only a fifth-level deity now, and she was seriously injured in the battle just now, and she couldn't help much in a short time.

Xufeng asked coldly: "Why, you don't want Heart of the Sea anymore?"

Colibso desperately shook his head and said: "No more, no more! If it's just dealing with a one-eyed sea giant, it's all right, but the Sea Emperor's family is still involved later, I don't dare to take this muddy water!"

Xufeng said coldly: "Okay, you go, I didn't expect you to be in the same boat with me."

"...I'm really sorry, Master." Colibso lowered his head ashamed, then slowly dived into the water, and finally disappeared.

In the distance, the one-eyed sea giant is about to regain physical fitness, and an ultimate battle is inevitable.

Xu Feng sighed inwardly.

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