Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 822

It seems that this time is really troublesome.

Chapter 540 There is still hope!

In the current state, a hard hit is definitely not possible.

Procrastination is not an option, after all, Sansa has sunk to the bottom of the sea, and Salazar will be back on the battlefield in 7 minutes at most.

...It's time to retreat.

Reason tells Xu Feng.

If you retreat, you can at least save the lives of Xuedi, Lin Hai, and Xufeng. Of course, you will inevitably pay a relatively heavy price.

The reward task of the fifth stage of the plot is to kill Salazar.

If you don't find the Trident of the Sea King, you won't be able to lift Salazar's curse of the undead, and if you can't lift the curse, it will be impossible to kill Salazar, so the reward mission will be a failure.

Even if the Xuedi team can safely withdraw from the fifth stage of the plot world, they will not get any plot rewards, and they will even be downgraded by two levels as punishment.

Moreover, they have to start again from the plot of the third stage. Even if they pass easily, there is no reward for the third and fourth stages, and they can only waste time for no reason.

Such punishment is not unimportant.

However, compared with the threat of life and death, such punishment is still acceptable.

Xu Feng took a deep breath and quickly rushed to the front of Emperor Xue.

Xuedi realized Xu Feng's intentions, and she sighed helplessly: "It seems that after all, we can't replicate the glory of my brother. Everything I have done is just useless."

Xu Feng said comfortingly: "Xue Di, a failure is not terrible, as long as we don't give up, we will definitely make a comeback in time."

Xuedi endured the pain and nodded, even if she was an ambitious and experienced captain, there was nothing to do at this time.

Polyphemus, the one-eyed sea giant, was too powerful, too powerful to deal with with just a few of them.

Xufeng stretched his arm around Xuedi's waist, and was about to take Xuedi back to the Black Pearl. Suddenly, a dolphin-like roar came from far away.

Xu Feng was startled slightly, and then his figure stayed in place.

Listen carefully, this is definitely not the sound of a dolphin, it is more like the sound of... a mermaid!

The fire of hope suddenly rekindled in Xufeng's heart!

Before fighting with the one-eyed giant Polyphemus, Xu Feng used his will to pass a word to Saiya of the mermaid clan!

The mermaid is a descendant of the Atlanteans, and the fall of Atlantis was given by Poseidon and the one-eyed giant Polyphemus!

The mermaid's hatred for the one-eyed giant can fill the entire ocean!

This will be a reliable ally!

Xu Feng immediately said to Xuedi: "There is hope, I want to try again!"

Xuedi said anxiously: "Xufeng, the mermaid is cruel and capricious, and that Saiya had a holiday with you..."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Don't worry, I will be careful myself. I will send you to the Black Pearl first. If you see the situation is not good, just leave me alone, you can just escape by yourself."

Xuedi frowned and said, "How can that work!"

Xu Feng said: "Xue Di, you are the captain, you must put the overall situation first!"

"But!" Xuedi blushed.

Xufeng said, "It's nothing, obedient!"

With that said, Xu Feng held the Snow Emperor, walked on the waves, and quickly rushed to the Black Pearl.

"Take care of Emperor Xue." After Xu Feng left a word to Lin Hai, he hurriedly rushed into the ocean and rushed in the direction of the one-eyed sea giant.

Xuedi tore off a piece of cloth and blocked it on her face-the social phobia disappeared, and her whole person became cold and calm again.

Lin Customs asked sharply: "Xue Di, are you okay?"

Xuedi said coldly: "It's okay, Uncle Lin Hai, ready to support Xufeng at any time. Even if this battle cannot be won, I will not leave any teammate behind."

Lin Hai nodded heavily and said, "Yes! Captain!"

——The dignified and reliable captain is back.

When Xufeng rushed to the vicinity of the Cyclops Giant, a large group of mermaids rushed over.

Seeing these stunners in the sea again, Xu Feng felt a little nervous.

When the mermaids saw Xu Feng, they all showed their hideous fangs, and they wanted to tear Xu Feng to pieces immediately.

"All back!"

A majestic female voice sounded, and the mermaids immediately separated and gave way to a passage.

A young and beautiful mermaid floated half of her body out of the water, looking up at Xu Feng who was standing on the water.

Xufeng said in surprise, "Are you... Saiya?"

The arrogant mermaid glared at Xufeng angrily and lifted her colorful tail out of the water.

On her caudal fin, there is a missing scale.

That was the scale that was pulled away by Xufeng.

Xu Feng hurriedly smiled and said, "Haha, it really is you, Saiya, you...you are still so young and beautiful, I dare not recognize you anymore."

Sai Ya said coldly and proudly: "Xu Feng, my mermaid clan has been aging very slowly. Twenty years is only twenty months for us, but you seem to be aging more slowly! As a human being, Your existence is totally unreasonable!"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Saya, it's not time to discuss age. You have received my message and you have seen it. The one-eyed giant Polyphemus is here, and his eyes have been blinded by me. , This is a good opportunity for you to shame your ancestors."

As he said, the one-eyed sea giant's physical fitness was restored. He emerged from the sea with a hill-like body and roared with a low and rough roar: "Mortal! Come and die! I Polyphemus I am the God of War of the Sea. I killed all the Atlantis troops alone! No one can defeat me at sea!"

Saiyan's beautiful face was suddenly distorted, "Sisters, give that bastard something to grow!"

The mermaid troops immediately rushed towards Polyphemus. They were swimming quickly while making a piercing squeal. The vibration frequency of the screaming sound was very high, which seriously affected Polyphemus's position judgment.

Polyphemus, the one-eyed sea giant, couldn't accurately locate the position of his enemy, so he simply picked up the heavy anchor and slashed at will with himself as the center.

The mermaid troops swim very fast in the water, and their maneuverability is also very strong. Every anchor attack makes them easy to avoid.

Of course, in the airtight attack of the Cyclops Giant, it is difficult for the mermaid troops to break in, and even if they rush in, it is difficult to cause fatal damage to the Cyclops Giant.

After all, the Cyclops are ultimately relative level 60 gods, and these mermaids are only level 50 no matter how powerful they are.

Commander Saiya couldn't help frowning, "...This guy is really hard to deal with!"

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