Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 826

It just so happened that at this time, the Black Pearl came over.

Sai Ya went into the sea and smiled at Xufeng, "Xufeng, we will meet again, right?"

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "Perhaps."

After speaking, Xu Feng jumped on the Black Pearl, and the other murlocs also got close to the headless corpse of the sea giant, pushing the huge corpse of the sea giant to swim away.

"Commander, it's time to go," a murloc reminded.

"Yeah." Saiya then retracted his gaze, and a fierce man plunged into the sea and left the sea with her murloc troops.

"Finally..." Xu Feng stood on the deck of the Black Pearl and let out a long sigh.

Barbossa, Jack and others all rushed up and surrounded Xufeng excitedly.

"Your Majesty! You are amazing!" Barbossa said excitedly.

"Haha! Xufeng, you really deserve to be my good brother!" Jack said triumphantly.

"Xu Feng! I knew you could do it!" Lin Hai said excitedly.

The Snow Emperor could only say faintly: "Don't be too happy, we have just passed the first level, Starlight Island has not been found yet, and Salazar is behind us. In addition, the identity of the Sansa Witch is quite similar. As suspicious, we may have been dragged into the battlefield of the first-class gods, so we have to be very careful next."

"Ms. Xuedi, you are right!" Barbossa said immediately: "I will go to command the Black Pearl and find Starlight Island and the Seagod Trident as soon as possible."

Jack also said: "I will help too!"

Xu Feng said to Xuedi and Lin Hai: "Go, there are so many people here, let's go back to our room to rest."

Xuedi and Lin Haixin nodded intently, and followed Xufeng into the single room of the captain's room.

All the pirates are busy outside, they are talking here, naturally no one disturbs them.

After closing the door, Xuedi said coldly: "How is it? Does the mermaid look good?"

This is really a question of death.

Xufeng was startled, and quickly said with a smile: "I didn't even watch it at all. My attention is on the equipment."

Xuedi said coldly: "What is your guilty conscience? I just ask you if you look good."

Xufeng quickly took out Medusa's mask, "I think this looks pretty."

The smile on Medusa's mask immediately caught the eyes of Xuedi and Lin Hai...

"this is……"

"The reward of the mermaid, Medusa's mask." Xu Feng said with a smile.

Chapter 544

"Give it to me!" Xuedi directly reached out his hand.

Xufeng smiled and said, "Do you not wait for the hammer and Duke Yang to arrive before redistributing equipment?"

Xuedi said coldly: "In our team, no one except me needs a mask. Naturally, they can't compete with me when I need it."

Xufeng smiled and said: "That's what I said. Since you like to wear a mask, then give it to you. It is better than you wear a human skin mask full of scars."

After speaking, Xu Feng handed the silver Medusa mask to Xuedi.

The color of this mask matched the Snow Emperor's silver scale armor very well.

Xuedi took the mask and said coldly to Xufeng and Lin Hai, "You turn around."

Lin Hai quickly turned his head, Xu Feng also shook his head helplessly, and turned his back to Snow Emperor.

Xuedi took off the black cloth on his face and quickly cleaned up the broken human skin mask before taking a deep breath and putting on the silver Medusa mask.

The Medusa mask was immediately bound to Snow Emperor's soul.

Unless it is killed, the Medusa mask will not change ownership.

"...Okay, you can turn around now." Xuedi said coldly.

Xu Feng and Lin Hai turned around.

"This is much pleasing to the eye." Xufeng smiled: "However, I still like you without a mask."

Xuedi said coldly: "Don't worry, there will be no such situation in the future. By the way, did Cyclops still drop any equipment?"

"Yes." Xu Feng first pulled out a faint ocean heart.

"This thing?" Xuedi pursed his mouth slightly, "This thing is used to make advanced equipment and props. I remember you needed it before, right?"

Xu Feng smiled and said, "Heart Jue Sword only needs one material, so I don't need this one either."

Xuedi asked: "Then you mean, auction this heart of the sea in the team?"

Xufeng shook his head, "I think this kind of high-level material can't be found. What if someone in our team wants to make epic-level equipment in the future and also needs this stuff? Is it impossible, do you have to buy it at a higher price ?"

Xuedi nodded and said, "You are right. Although this thing can sell a lot of shadow power points, if we sell it, it will be difficult to buy it again when we want to use it in the future."

Xufeng said: "So I suggest that we should save the best materials like this temporarily unused material, and then take it out for internal auction when we need it."

Xuedi nodded and said, "Okay, then save it with me first."

Xu Feng then handed the Heart of the Sea to Xuedi.

Xuedi is the captain and has always been impartial, so other players will not worry about the material being swallowed.

Then, Xu Feng took out the belt of the sea god, "In addition to the heart of the ocean, the one-eyed sea giant also dropped this."

Xuedi and Lin Hai couldn't help their eyes widening.


After Lin Hai scanned with Ling Vision, he said with emotion: "Golden quality equipment! The attributes are too bad!"

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Yes, the level 45 golden equipment, the quality is probably better than the 50 blue equipment."

Lin Hai smiled and said, "This belt is very suitable for you, Xu Feng, and it is also your trophy. I think you can wear it yourself."

Xufeng smiled and said: "I think too, but since our Xuedi team has decided on the internal auction of the team, let's wait for the hammer and Duke Yang to come again. This kind of thing is naturally unnecessary for Duke Yang. , But Hammer and Xuedi should be able to demand."

Xuedi nodded and said: "His belt is too much than my belt, but I focus more on defense rather than output, so from the perspective of team optimization, this belt is more suitable for you or hammer. As for the starting price... to be honest, golden quality equipment is indeed rare. If this equipment is bought and sold at auction houses, it is estimated that it can sell for at least 30,000 shadow power points. I think we will only have three. Qianying can start shooting."

"Okay, put this belt with you temporarily, and wait until you see the hammer and the others before auctioning it." Xufeng handed the Seagod belt to the Snow Emperor.

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