Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 827

Xuedi asked, "Are there any others?"

"No more." Xu Feng shook his head.

Xuedi said, "Then we will find Starlight Island next."

Xufeng said: “It’s probably that easy on Starlight Island. We have to take time to rest and restore some combat power so that we can deal with more troublesome situations.”

"Yeah." Xuedi said quietly: "I don't know what happened to the hammer. We need the support of her steel battleship too much now."

The Black Pearl continued to ride the wind and waves. Although the hull was damaged and its speed slowed down a lot, after witnessing the scene of Xufeng killing the gods, the whole ship was full of confidence and the efficiency of travel was very high.

"...It's getting bright soon." Henry walked to Karina who was calculating, and whispered: "Karina, you said that this is the last chance. If you can't find Starlight Island, then It will be found in the next hundred years."

Karina said without raising her head: "I know Henry, I'm sure this voyage is okay, we will definitely find Starlight Island, we will definitely be able to."

Gibbs, who was in charge of the lookout, shouted: "Captain Barbossa! The dead ship Silent Mary was found behind us! Salazar is following it!"

Barbossa immediately took out his binoculars to check, "Damn! Salazar, this fellow is really lingering! Quickly, go and inform Your Majesty Xufeng!"


"No need to notify, I'm here." Xufeng walked out of the room with a cup of steaming starlight tea.

Barbossa respectfully saluted, "Sorry, your Majesty, we haven't found Starlight Island yet, but Salazar has already caught up."

Xufeng said in a deep voice, "It's okay, you continue to drive on the established route, and I will deal with Salazar."

"Yes! Your Majesty!" Barbosa shouted to his men loudly: "Have you all heard that! With your Majesty, Salazar is not a threat at all! What we have to do now is to find Starlight Island before dawn! Give me strength!"


The pirates were all busy, and the speed of the Black Pearl increased by one more level.

At the same time, on the Silent Mary.

The undead adjutant reported to Salazar: "General, the Black Pearl is accelerating!"

Salazar stared at the Black Pearl and said in a cold voice: "A broken ship that is already broken, where can it go? Continue chasing! Smash them for me! I no longer struggle with whether I can kill it myself. Jack is lost! I only want him to die!".

"Yes!" The undead adjutant saluted, then ran down to deliver the order.

The Silent Mary speeded up, and the terrifying bow slowly raised, like a crocodile with an open mouth.

Chapter 545 I'm Really Better Than Xuedi

"Captain Barbossa! The Silent Mary is only ten nautical miles away from us!"

"I know, ignore him, go ahead!" Barbosa held the binoculars and stared at the front of the route.

"...Captain Barbosa, the Silent Mary is only five nautical miles away from us!"

"...Captain Barbosa, the Silent Mary is only two nautical miles away from us!"

"...Captain Barbosa, the Silent Mary is approaching our stern!"

The observation information was passed on like snow flakes.

Barbossa frowned and asked, "Where is Starlight Island? Has anyone observed the existence of Starlight Island?"

No one responded from the lookout.

Barbossa thumped his fist angrily.

Karina bit her lip and said guiltily: "Is my calculation wrong?"

She has always been confident in her calculations, but in this situation, she can't help but doubt herself.

Barbossa said softly: "It's none of your business. Even if there is an error in your calculation, we have chosen you. The responsibility lies with us, not you."

Karina couldn't help asking: "Why are you... why are you so good to me?"

Barbossa opened his mouth, "...nothing."

At this time, the bow of the Silent Mary was raised high, and it was about to "bite" the Black Pearl.

Xufeng took a deep breath and jumped directly from the Black Pearl to the Silent Mary. The Triton Sword in his hand had been pulled out, and countless thick cables followed.

These cables are directly wrapped around the "big mouth" of the Silent Mary, like the mouth of a crocodile.

"Damn it! It's you again!" Salazar roared, while stimulating the power of the undead, trying to make her Silent Mary break free from the special effects of the Sword of Triton.

However, the sword of Triton is ultimately an artifact level, even if it is only the childhood toy of Sea King Triton, it is finally made of the material of Sea King Trident.

Salazar's level is higher than that of Xufeng, but in this respect, he was firmly suppressed by Xufeng.

Salazar said grimly: "Xufeng, I have no grievances with you, why do you always aim at me!"

Xu Feng smiled coldly: "It's very simple, you must die."

Salazar said grimly: "Don't you understand? Even if you can kill the Cyclops Giant, you can't kill me! I am the body of the undead! I do not belong to the ocean, I exist in the two realms of Yin and Yang. Don’t suffer from reincarnation!"

Xufeng sneered: "I know that when I find the trident, all the curses on the sea will be lifted. At that time, you will be restored to flesh and blood, and I will be able to kill you."

Salar Chahaha laughed and said, "I advise you to die of that heart! The trident is an artifact that awakens Poseidon, you think you can find it so casually? You think there is only one guarding the trident. One-eyed giant? Take ten thousand steps, even if you can really find the trident, do you dare to be an enemy of the gods of the entire Olympus system? Xufeng, you are seeking your own death! If you get lost and know how to return, I can let you go, as long as you let me kill the Black Pearl and kill Jack."

Xufeng shook his head, "No way."

Salazar roared angrily: "Okay, then you go to death!"

With that said, Salazar drew out his undead sword, sprayed black blood at the long sword, and then hurriedly stabbed towards Xufeng.

Xufeng had been prepared for a long time. Seeing Salazar's figure move, he immediately jumped off the Silent Mary and sprinted on the waves.

He hasn't worn the Poseidon belt yet, but he still has the spiritual effects of Linhai's water walking and underwater breathing, so he can still walk on the waves.

Salazar followed, and as an undead, he could walk on the water.

Xu Feng did not stop, leading Salazar and ran in the opposite direction.

It can’t be beaten. After all, Salazar has the devastating skills of Undead Bloodhand. Moreover, no matter how powerful Xufeng’s Triton Sword is, it only hurts Salazar, but it cannot really kill Sa. Racha.

Therefore, Xu Feng didn't bother with that effort. He just ran all the way and took Salazar around in circles in the sea away from the Black Pearl.

While chasing after, Salazar shouted angrily: "Xu Feng! If you have the kind, stop and challenge me!"

Xu Feng sneered and said, "If there is a kind, you can catch up with Lao Tzu!"

"Damn it!" Salazar started ruthlessly, slashing at Xufeng.

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