Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 828

Xu Feng cleverly dodged by hitting the water with the crane.

Salazar kept attacking, and Xufeng didn't stop at his feet.

Salazar was completely restrained by Xufeng, and there was nothing to do with Xufeng.

On the Silent Mary, the dead adjutant took over the entire dead ship.

Although the bow has been tied up with thick cables, the speed of the undead ship is still very fast.

"The general has an order, as long as Jack is dead! Sink them for me!"


The Silent Mary slammed into the Black Pearl.

With the current hull state of the Black Pearl, it could not withstand the impact anyway.

"Captain Barbossa! Silence Mary can hit our Black Pearl for up to three minutes!" Gibbs shouted loudly, "Think of a solution!"

Henry raised his binoculars and looked straight ahead, shouting excitedly: "It's an island! There is an island right in front of us! I saw it! It must be Starlight Island!"

All the pirates looked far away, and sure enough, at the end of the sea level, there was a low island standing there.

"Found it!" Karina burst into tears with excitement, "That is Starlight Island! Father! I finally found it."

Barbossa's lips moved, "...Unfortunately, we have no time to land on the island. At the current speed of the Black Pearl, it will take us at least ten minutes to reach Starlight Island, and within two minutes, we will be silent. The Mary crashed."

"Is there no other hope?" Karina asked unwillingly.

Barbossa shook his head, "No more, boy."

Just when everyone was in despair, there was a strange roar in the distance, and then, a big black smoked iron chimney appeared in the eyes of everyone.

"What the hell is that?" Jack asked in astonishment.

At this moment, the door of the captain's room was pushed open, and Xue Di, wearing a Medusa mask, stepped out and said coldly, "This idiot has finally come."


The pirates present were suddenly puzzled.

The chimney with black smoke was extremely fast, and within half a minute, the entire outline appeared in front of everyone.

This is undoubtedly a ship, but it is not a ship familiar to pirates.

The shape of this ship is close to that of a modern ship, and it's all made of steel...

The Queen Anne’s Revenge also had iron, but only the iron was nailed to the wooden board, and this ship was a real steel ship.

A clear line of ship's name was painted on the side of the ship: I am really better than Xuedi.

Chapter 546 Reassemble!


Jack cried out excitedly when he saw the name on the ship's side, "I am very impressed with the style of the name!"

Emperor Xue said coldly: "Huh, hammer an idiot!"

Barbossa said in astonishment: "A big ship made of steel? How do the hull parts fit together? How does such a heavy ship float? Why does this ship have no sails? What power does it rely on? Sailing? Magic?"

Lin Haidan smiled and said, "No, it relies on a steam engine as power. This is future technology."

Barbossa nodded without understanding, "Okay, but is it fast enough?"

Before he finished his words, "I am really stronger than Xuedi", he rang a sharp siren, and then rushed over at an ultra-high speed of 50 knots.

Jack exclaimed: "It's too fast! We will be knocked down!"

Karina quickly calculated the trajectory, and said confidently: "No, according to my calculations, after one minute and ten seconds, it will brush our stern and just hit the Silent Mary. ."

Emperor Xue said lightly: "This is in line with the character of the hammer."

Jack asked suspiciously: "Is it really that accurate?"

Karina said: "I have confidence in my calculations, as long as the speed is constant, we will be able to reduce the risk."

Barbossa said immediately: "I believe Karina's calculations, we can continue to move towards Star Island!"


The pirates were worried one by one.

At the same time, on the Silent Mary, the undead crew member in charge of the watch loudly reported to the adjutant's meeting: "Sir, we found a strange big iron ship on our flank!"

"What? Big iron ship?" The undead adjutant couldn't believe his ears.

He took out his binoculars and took a look, and he breathed in air-conditioning, "What kind of boat is this? Why is it so fast without sails!"

"Sir, what should we do now? If we don't slow down, we will be hit by it!"

"Huh, I don't think it's necessarily, it probably came to hit the Black Pearl too!" The undead adjutant said coldly, "The task the general gave us is to sink the Black Pearl. I will never change this task before Retreating! We are the dead ship, what are we afraid of! Continue to perform the mission!"


The Silent Mary continued to pursue the Black Pearl.

When she was about to hit the Black Pearl, the "I'm really better than Snow Emperor" brushed the black pearl's tailboard, and directly knocked the Silent Mary away!

As an undead ship, the Silent Mary has always been an indestructible existence, but under the impact of the steel ship, the Silent Mary almost fell apart!

The undead crew on the ship were all hit into the water. Although the Silent Mary did not sink, it was completely stopped!

After Xufeng heard the impact, he turned around and said to Salazar who was chasing him: "Old Sa, you look back, your ship is finished."

Salazar gritted his teeth and said: "Xufeng, don't come with me! My Silent Mary is a dead ship, an immortal existence!"

Xufeng sighed helplessly, and led Saracha to the front.

When Salazar took a look, she was suddenly taken aback, "What kind of ship is that? Why can I crash my Silent Mary?"

When he came back to his senses, Xufeng had already activated the crane-shaped body technique, quickly shook him off, walked on the waves, and returned to the "I am really better than Xuedi".

At this time, Xuedi and Lin Hai also jumped on the "I am really better than Xuedi".

The Xuedi team is assembled again!

The hammer walked to the deck triumphantly, "Haha, Brother Xufeng, what do you think of this big ship I built? I work day and night! I haven't closed my eyes until now!"

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