Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 831

The Hammer frowned and said: "These bastards have actually bypassed the hard work I built, I am really better than Xuedi!"

Xuedi said coldly: "Don't be stunned. Get off the ship and intercept them. You must not let them get close to the Black Pearl."


Lin Hai immediately blessed the hammer with mental resistance to walking on water and breathing underwater. Without a word, the hammer jumped off the boat and pursued the undead crew.

Xufeng and Xuedi also jumped down, Lin Hai stayed on the boat, driving the iron boat to chase and crush.

There were a few undead crew members who were running slowly. They were first knocked out by a hammer and then crushed to the bottom of the ship by the big ship. The body of the undead was caught in the propeller before struggling.

Although the undead is immortal, this set basically loses combat effectiveness.

Those who ran fast did not escape the attack of Xu Feng and Xuedi.

Xufeng's speed was like lightning passing through a gap, and rushed directly to the front, slashing across the sea. The huge impact of the sword of Triton immediately set off a huge wave, directly slapped the dead crew into the sea. .

Immediately afterwards, Xuedi followed, and the shield in his hand slapped the undead crewmen one by one and fainted.

Salazar didn't care about protecting his undead crew. He immediately used his undead power to summon a huge bloody hand and smashed it to his back.

Once the blood hand fell, even if Xu Feng and others could dodge, the big iron ship could not dodge it.

Lin Hai immediately concentrated, formed a magical support with his own mind, and barely supported Salazar's undead bloodhand!

In fact, with Lin Hai’s current state and spiritual strength, he could not compete with a level fifty strong like Salazar, but Sarah found that his hand was too hasty, and the power of the undead blood hand was not enough, so he was actually caught by Lin Hai. I resisted abruptly!

Xu Feng shouted loudly: "Uncle Lin Hai, hold on!"

Lin Hai's nose bleeds, and he can't say a word. All the spiritual power is used to resist the bloody hands of the undead.

Xufeng activated the dexterous cloak, activated the wind stance, and rushed to Salazar in an instant, the sword of Triton in his hand was like an electric light across the back of Salazar's hand!


Salazar's arm was cut off again!

Black blood spewed out instantly!

Salazar let out a painful roar, daring not to love the battle anymore, and hurriedly turned and ran towards the dead ship.

The undead blood hand on the top of the head also disappeared!

Chapter 549 Sea Emperor Trident Appears!

"Pretty!" The hammer clenched his fists excitedly.

She hadn't closed her eyes for days and nights, her beautiful apricot eyes were full of bloodshot marks, but she was still so excited when she started fighting.

After the bloody hands of the undead disappeared, Lin Hai was also relieved, and he retreated to sit on the steel deck, blood pouring out of his mouth uncontrollably.

Mental power is overdrawn.

Lin Hai is now confused, and the whole person has fallen into a semi-conscious state.

Xu Feng rushed back quickly, supported Lin Hai, and fed a recovery pill and a cup of starlight tea into Lin Hai's mouth.

After a while, Lin Hai slowly opened his eyes.

"...I'm okay." He said with a wry smile, "I blame my inadequacy and make everyone worried."

Xuedi said in a deep voice: "Uncle Lin Hai, don't talk, and rest assured, thanks to you, otherwise we will all suffer."

Lin Hai smiled happily: "I am so happy to be able to help the team, ahem..."

Xu Feng said quickly: "Uncle Lin Hai, don't talk too much, just lie down in peace for a while, and we will leave the rest to us."

Lin Hai nodded and closed his eyes.

Gong Yang ran out of the bottom cabin again and helped Lin Hai to the lounge.

The hammer returned to the wheelhouse and sailed towards the direction of Starlight Island.

Salazar was already injured, and he was unable to attack for a short time.

More importantly, the undead on the sea cannot set foot on land, so as long as you go to Starlight Island, you don't have to worry about Salazar at all.

"I'm really stronger than Xuedi" quickly arrived at Starlight Island, and the Black Pearl arrived one step earlier.

The pirates of the Black Pearl jumped off the ship with great excitement. After they boarded the Starlight Island, almost everyone was stunned.

This island is like a platform.

There is no vegetation, no ridges, only obsidian all over the ground.

Among the many obsidians, there are also several clusters of red gems. Under the light of dawn, these clusters of red gems are like stars on the starry sky, dazzling and beautiful.

"This is Starlight Island..." Karina exclaimed: "It's so beautiful here."

Jack nodded and said, "Yes, pry all these rubies off, you should be able to sell a lot of money."

Karina glanced back at Jack.

Jack shrugged indifferently.

Henry scratched his head and said, "However, there is nothing but stones here! Didn't it mean that the Sea King Trident is here?"

Karina quickly searched for the "Diary of Galileo", and then shook her head in confusion, "There is no other record in the Diary of Galileo. It only says that if you find Starlight Island within a specific hour, you can find the Sea King Trident. Up."

"A specific hour?" Jack asked, "Have we missed the hour?"

"That's not true." Xu Feng walked over with Xuedi and others.

The pirates immediately bowed and saluted Xufeng.

No one knows how many times Xu Feng has rescued them. In short, it's the right time to meet and salute.

Karina asked, "Master Xufeng, do you know where the Sea Emperor Trident is?"

"In the enchantment." Xu Feng smiled faintly.

"Enchantment?" Jack laughed: "Haha, I know this, just like the old fountain, it is hidden in an enchantment that humans can't see."

Karina asked: "But, where is the barrier? How to open the barrier?"

Xufeng smiled and explained: "Actually, after we killed the Cyclops Giant, we already entered the enchantment. This is no longer our domain, but the seagod's domain. Have you seen the rubies on the island? If you If you look down from a high altitude, you will find that the location of the rubies on the Star Island corresponds exactly to the five brightest stars in Scorpio in the sky, and the shape of the five stars is the shape of the Sea Emperor's trident. "

Karina reacted first before the other pirates understood. She hurried to the first ruby ​​cluster to check, and then to the second and third ruby ​​clusters to check.

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