Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 832

Sure enough, the angle of the ruby ​​bush is exactly the same as the angle of the Emperor's Trident!

Of the five ruby ​​bushes, four are blooming with red brilliance, but one is bleak.

Karina asked suspiciously: "Is the problem here? It seems that a gem was chiseled off by someone."

Barbossa limped up to Karina, opened his palm, and revealed the ruby ​​in Galileo's diary.

Karina took the ruby ​​in surprise and placed the ruby ​​in the missing position.

Immediately after that, the five gem clusters bloomed with red brilliance at the same time, and the brilliance soared into the sky, echoing the stars in the sky that were about to disappear.

Immediately afterwards, an orange ray of light rushed down, causing the entire Starlight Island to rumbling and shaking.

The center of Starlight Island was bombarded by orange light into a huge submarine cave, and the blue water poured in. A huge trident about five meters long and as thick as a tree trunk slowly emerged from the submarine cave.

"Haha! We made it!" Jack said happily.

Xuedi also raised his head and looked at the starry sky, and muttered, "I finally found the trident."

The trident completely surfaced, and then stood firmly in the sea, as if it had taken root.

"What are we... waiting for?" a pirate asked quietly.

According to legend, whoever owns the Trident of the Sea King can rule the ocean.

It is not rule in the usual sense, but real rule. It is not only the management of the sea routes, but the management of all the creatures on the bottom of the sea, even the powerful first-level deities.

Everyone who is ambitious will be eager for the Sea Emperor Trident.

However, no one dared to be presumptuous.

With Xufeng, the pirate emperor, who dares to overstep?

Xu Feng frowned slightly and glanced at the huge trident, but was not in a hurry to get it.

Anyway, the trident is already present, and it's there if it's urgent or not.

Xufeng turned around and walked to a ruby ​​cluster, knocked a ruby, and put it into his spiritual table inventory.

This is his system task, and if he gets this ruby, he has completed the system task.

The other rubies on Starlight Island dimmed immediately, the shining power of the starlight weakened, and the brilliance shrouded in the Sea Emperor's Trident was also diminished a lot, but the Sea Emperor's Trident still shone with orange light for a long time.

Xu Feng scanned the Sea Emperor's trident with his spiritual vision, and suddenly felt that his brain was blank, his headache was splitting, and the whole person seemed to be thrown into the Bingyuan!

What a powerful artifact!

It didn't even allow Lingshi to scan!

The Snow Emperor said in a deep voice, "Xu Feng, don't mess around! The Sea Emperor's trident is not only an offensive artifact-level weapon, but also a soul container for the Sea Emperor's deity. After Sea Emperor Poseidon entered the dusk of the gods, The body is preserved in the Palace of the Sea Emperor, but the soul is infused in the Trident of the Sea Emperor. If you scan the trident, it is equivalent to glance at the soul of the Sea Emperor. Sea Emperor Poseidon is one of the twelve gods of Olympus. The third place, his relative level is at least level 90! Even if he falls into deep sleep and only relies on his subconscious to defend himself, he will have at least level 60 strength!

Xu Feng rubbed his painful temples and said with a wry smile: "A trident is so much stronger than Lao Tzu."

Chapter 550: The Lamb To Be Slaughtered

Xuedi said in a deep voice: "Yes, the trident is the strongest artifact in the ocean, there is no one."

Xu Feng sighed faintly, "It's embarrassing now."

Finally found the Sea Emperor Trident, but couldn't do anything. What should I do?

The task of the special envoy of the trading city is to let him bring back a piece of trident.

Only by smashing the trident can all the curses on the ocean be lifted and Salazar can be restored to flesh and blood, so that Salazar can be killed and the reward task of the fifth stage can be completed.

And now, the Sea Emperor's trident is standing there, you can't even touch it!

The Snow Emperor said in a deep voice, "The Sea Emperor's Trident is standing in this Starlight Island. We have to destroy the Starlight Island to let the Sea Emperor's soul radiate, so that we can touch the Sea Emperor's Trident."

Xufeng asked, "Is this the experience of your brother Xueying?"

Xuedi paused for a while, "...Yes."

Xu Feng immediately smiled and said, "It's great, then let's follow this method."

"Wait first." Xuedi said in a deep voice, "I want to remind you that once Starlight Island sinks, Salazar can take advantage of the vacancy and enter, and more importantly, once Starlight Island sinks, Sea King The soul will attract the attention of the first-level ocean gods. Therefore, we must quickly smash the Trident of the Sea King."

"Understood." Xu Feng took a deep breath, "Barbosa, blow up Star Island!"

Barbossa quickly said: "Yes! Your Majesty!"

Barbossa immediately ordered the pirates to remove the only remaining gunpowder barrels on the Black Pearl, and Xufeng put gunpowder pills in several key positions.

After all this was arranged, all the pirates boarded "I am really better than Snow Emperor". As for the Black Pearl, they were dragged away by "I am really better than Snow Emperor". Star Island.

Xufeng, Xuedi, and Iron Hammer stayed on the Star Island.

They stood in three different positions. After the Black Pearl arrived in safe waters, the three shot at the same time, detonating the gunpowder barrel and gunpowder pellets.

Boom boom boom!

The obsidian on Starlight Island flew up, the whole island rumbling and shaking, the surface of the island cracked, and the sea king trident also made a harsh buzzing sound.

When the fragmented obsidian was sunk in the sea, the orange light of the Sea Emperor's Trident weakened a lot.

Xu Feng took a deep breath and approached the Haihuang Trident again.

As soon as he entered the range of ten meters, he felt that his body was experiencing a tsunami of magnitude ten.

His whole person was tightened to the extreme, and his consciousness was on the verge of being destroyed.

However, Xu Feng gritted his teeth and continued to approach the Haihuang Trident.

He stretched out his hand, struggling to grab the handle of the sea Emperor's trident.

Suddenly, he felt an electric current pierce his arm, and his whole person was also knocked back several meters!

Xuedi rushed over, using his body to cushion the sudden impact, and this helped Xufeng stand firm.

A light of dawn shone, and then, a man wearing a golden helmet and golden armor and a blue and white cloak behind him appeared in front of them.

"A mere mortal, dare to touch the things of the gods! You all deserve to die!" The man glanced coldly.

"It's so fast!" Xuedi whispered secretly, "Xu Feng, we have to be careful, this guy should be a first-level god."

The man walked on the waves, gracefully walked to the five-meter-high Sea Emperor Trident, and raised his hand quite casually.

The trident sensed the strength of the person, and then shrank into a two-meter-long form, and fell into the hands of that person.

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