Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 833

"Hehe, only gods are worthy of possessing artifacts."

He glanced at the dignified Xufeng from the corner of his narrow eyes, and then sneered: "You also have an artifact that does not belong to you, hand it over. I can make you and your companion die a happy life, otherwise. , I have countless tricks to torture you."

Xu Feng smiled coldly, "You mean this sword of Triton, right?"

The man said, "Yes."

Xu Feng drew the sword of Triton, and the sword of Triton buzzed, as if he did not agree with the man opposite.

Xu Feng grinned and said, "It seems that you are not Triton."

The man sneered, "Terry is just a spoiled fool."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Dare to say that the prince Terry, you must be not low, let me guess, you should be the eldest son of Sea Emperor Poseidon, Prince Arion, right?"

The person on the other side raised his head proudly, "You guessed it, mortal, I am Arion, the actual master of the ocean. The Sea King Trident belongs to my father, and in the end, it will belong to me."

Xu Feng laughed coldly: "It's really lively today. I just killed a sea prince, and now another one is here."

Arion sneered and sneered: "You are talking about Cyclops, right? I have never regarded him as a brother. It would be better for you to kill him so as not to dirty my hands. From this perspective, I should be thankful. Yours, if it weren’t for you to kill him, I wouldn’t dare to step into this sea. Now, you make it all natural. As long as I kill you, I can inherit the Trident of the Sea King and be When my father was away, he ruled the ocean for him, and my mother, Hai Empress, and my stupid brother Triton, don’t even want to compete with me!"

Xufeng laughed, "It turned out to be a court battle. I'm sorry, Prince Arion, I must tell you that your wishful thinking was wrong. I am here this time to break the Trident of the Sea King."

Arion grinned with a grin: "Stupid mortal, you can't even touch the Sea King Trident, and you want to break it?"

Xu Feng flashed the sword of Triton, and said in a deep voice, "Yes."

"Very well, then I will use your blood to open the Sea Emperor Trident!"

As he said, Arian waved the Sea Emperor's Trident in his hand, and with the force of the tide, he immediately set off a huge wave hundreds of meters high and smashed towards Xufeng fiercely.

Xu Feng took a deep breath and opened the way with the sword of Triton. All his strength was concentrated on one point, breaking through a huge wave hundreds of meters high, and piercing the heart of Arion.

Arion sneered and didn't even move.

The sword of Triton pierced Arion's golden armor, making a strong trembling sound, and all the impact immediately bounced back into Xufeng's body!

Xu Feng only felt a sweet blood gushing out of his throat, and his whole body fell back uncontrollably.

The hammer rushed up to support Xufeng, while Xuedi stood in front of Xufeng to prevent Arion from further attacking.

Arian sneered proudly: "Don't you understand? Mortals can't kill God. For God, you are just lambs to be slaughtered."

Chapter 551 The Power of the Trident!

"Xufeng, how are you?" Iron Hammer asked with concern.

Xufeng wiped the blood stains from the corners of his mouth, and shook his head slightly, "It's okay...fortunately, I saved my hand."

The hammer said in a deep voice: "This guy is too arrogant!"

Xufeng said: "Ariane is the eldest son of Haihuang, and here is his territory. He does have arrogant capital."

"Then what should I do now?" The Hammer asked eagerly.

Xu Feng thought for a while, "Escape."

"Escape?" The hammer was startled, then said angrily: "We finally saw the Sea Emperor Trident, so we gave up? No, I'm not reconciled!"

With that said, the hammer was about to rush up to single out Arion.

Xufeng grabbed the hammer's hand, "This is the ocean. We must suffer a loss when we fight with the Prince of the Sea. We pretend to run away and lead him to the nearest land, so that we have the opportunity to follow him. Showdown."

Xuedi turned his head and said, "Xufeng is right. The one-eyed giant was killed by Xufeng after he escaped from the sea."

The hammer nodded and said, "Well, let's go back to the big iron ship. Only the big iron ship can resist Arion's attack."

Xuedi said in a deep voice: "I will stay here to defend, you two will go up first."

Xufeng shook his head, "No, you two will go first. His main goal is me, and I am faster than you, so there is no problem protecting myself."

The hammer said quickly: "Xufeng, you are injured! We can't leave you behind!"

Xuedi pondered slightly, "Okay, Xu Feng, let's go first."

The hammer said in astonishment: "Xue Di! Do you still have a conscience!"

Xuedi said coldly: "I am the captain of the Xuedi team, and I must be responsible for the entire team. Under this circumstance, staying by Xufeng is more effective than staying with you and me.

"You!" The Hammer said angrily: "I will not go, I will fight with my brother to the last minute."

Xu Feng said in a deep voice, "Iron Hammer, listen to Emperor Xue, we can't fight here, we have to wait for me to lead him to land!"

The hammer sighed helplessly, "Well, Xufeng, protect yourself!"

"Well, hurry up!" Xu Feng pushed Xuedi and the hammer.

Xuedi and Iron Hammer rushed towards the "I'm Really Better Than Xuedi".

Arion sneered and said, "Want to run? It's not that easy."

As he said, Arion raised the Sea Emperor's Trident high, and then smashed the sea fiercely.

This is the "power of ice crystals". When the Trident of the Sea King fell, the entire sea area was frozen and the sea surface was completely frozen!

The pirates all yelled in horror.

In such a situation, if it were on the Black Pearl, it would only have to be trapped to death. The Black Pearl was a wooden ship and could not break the sharp ice at all.

But... I am really stronger than Xuedi, but it is not a wooden ship, but a steel ship.

The hammer roared loudly: "Barbosa!"

Barbossa quickly responded: "Subordinates are here!"

"Order your people to go to the power house in the lower deck to shovel coal!"

"Shovel coal?"

"Yes, Duke Yang will teach them again!" said the hammer: "You go to the helm, let's break the ice!"

"...Yes!" Although Barbossa had no idea, since the hammer said so, he obeyed the order.

He arranged for more than 30 pirates to go to the power room and take turns to shovel coal. The kinetic energy of the steam engine quickly reached its extreme. I was really better than the Xuedi Qiang and broke the ice immediately and accelerated towards the land.

Arion frowned slightly, "Huh, the steel ship? It seems, you mortals, you still have so many troubles."

Xufeng sneered and said: "Arian, your opponent is me, you can't even kill me, are you ashamed to say that you want to inherit the position of Sea King?"

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