Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 834

Arion suddenly became angry, "Mortal, I will send you to hell now!"

As he said, Arion waved the Sea Emperor's Trident again, and with a "thunderstorm force", Chao Xufeng smashed his head and face.

Without even thinking about it, Xu Feng jumped directly into the sea and swam to the depths of the sea.

The power of the thunderstorm blasted the entire sea to the sea, but it did not affect Xufeng, who was already in the deep sea.

"Damn mouse." Arion held the Sea Emperor's trident and plunged into the deep sea.

While Xufeng took advantage of the power of the thunderstorm to disappear, like a flying fish, rushed out of the water, sprinting on the sea.

"Fucked!" Arion roared angrily, and then jumped out of the sea. While chasing Xufeng, he attacked with the power of the Sea Emperor's Trident.

Xufeng didn't dare to stay and confront Arion at all.

After all, Arion is a first-level deity, with a relative strength level of at least 70, which is much higher than the one-eyed giant Polyphemus.

Xufeng's fight against Polyphemus was very difficult, and with the help of allies, he grasped the weakness of Polyphemus and killed Polyphemus.

But Arion has almost no weakness. He has a Poseidon armor with anti-injury effect, and a powerful Poseidon Trident in his hand. The ocean is his absolute home game, even if Xufeng has an extra Poseidon belt. It is also impossible to defeat Arion.

And Xufeng didn’t even think about killing Arion. Judging from the current situation, this goal is almost impossible to achieve. His real goal is to find opportunities and flaws to take away the sea in Arion’s hands. Emperor trident, and crush it.

As long as the Trident of the Sea King is smashed and returned, their reward mission this time is equivalent to completion!

Of course, it is definitely not an easy task to snatch the Sea King Trident from Arion, but it is more reliable than killing Arion.

Xufeng ran desperately on the sea, and behind him, Arion continued to release the power of the Sea Emperor's Trident to attack him.

After several rounds of attacks, Xu Feng found the rhythm.

Although Arion is well-equipped and is a direct blood of the Lord God, to be honest, he lacks combat experience.

If he were to be replaced by another first-level deity, Xufeng was afraid that he would be lost in a second. Where could there be a chance to escape?

Moreover, the attack effect of the Sea Emperor's Trident seems to be only three.

The first is the power of the tide, which can cause a hundred-meter tsunami, causing huge group damage to everything on the ocean.

The second is the power of ice crystals. The power of ice crystals can freeze the sea surface of several hundred meters of sea area. Once trapped by the power of ice crystals, you will really become fish on the chopping board.

The third skill is the power of thunderstorms. The power of thunderstorms can form a huge thundercloud storm, bombarding sea areas within a hundred meters with the power of thunder and lightning.

The weapon of the Trident of Sea King is three forks, and these three forks represent the effects of these three skills.

The sword of Triton also has the effect of triggering a small-scale thunderstorm, which is obviously inherited from the Trident of the Sea King.

Chapter 552

After understanding these three special effects skills, Xu Feng became more confident in his heart.

Fighting is not limited to Sea Prince Arion, but it can still be done without being killed by Sea Prince Arion.

Xu Feng ran dexterously on the sea, sometimes dived into the sea, and sometimes jumped out of the sea, perfectly avoiding every special effect attack of the trident.

Arion continued to chase and cut dozens of moves, but he still didn't hurt Xufeng, and suddenly became impetuous.

He is a first-class god!

He is the eldest son of Sea Emperor Poseidon and the first heir in de jure!

His father Poseidon once fought side by side with Zeus and defeated Gaia, the mother of the earth, and many Titan gods. He also used the Poseidon Trident to directly scuttle a whole continent of Atlantis. !

And he?

Obviously holding a heaven-defying artifact like the Sea Emperor Trident in his hand, he can't kill even a small mortal!

Where does this put his face?!

The more he thinks like this, the more impatient he becomes, the more impatient he is, the harder it is to hit Xufeng, and the more he cannot hit Xufeng, the more impatient he becomes.

The whole process is a vicious circle.

Prince Arion clearly had a level of 70 strength, but was led by Xufeng's nose, and at most he could only display his level of 50 strength.

While avoiding the attack of the Sea Emperor's Trident, Xufeng took the time to drink Starlight Tea to replenish his stamina.

When Starlight Tea didn't work, he activated the Seagod's Belt and used the special effects of the Seagod's Belt to restore his physical energy.

In this way, Xufeng led Arion to rush all the way, and soon he would reach the coast.

But Arion was unaware of this, his whole mind was focused on killing Xufeng, completely unaware that he was getting closer and closer to the land.

At the same time, the undead general Salazar, who had recovered his vitality, also chased up.

The undead adjutant saw Arian, the Prince of the Sea holding the Trident of the Sea Emperor, and he was frightened. "General, don't chase after him, that's Arian, the Prince of the Sea!"

Salazar said grimly: "What about Arion? I am immortal. He will only hurt me at most! Besides, our goal is the same as Arion! We help Arion intercept Xu Feng, that's a great achievement."

The undead adjutant was startled, "Yes! The general is too right, let's intercept Xufeng!"

The Undead Ship Silent Mary then ran horizontally in front of Xufeng, and the bow slowly opened its mouth like a crocodile.

Salazar held the sword of the undead and stood on the sea, waiting for Xufeng's arrival with a grinning face.

On top of his head, a huge undead blood hand was brewing with the power of the undead.

As long as Xufeng rushes into this range, he will release the undead blood hand and completely kill Xufeng!

After killing Xufeng, Jack naturally has no reliance on it!

His feud can be reported!

Xufeng had seen through Salazar's intentions long ago, but at this time, he could no longer change the route of rushing.

While rushing along the same path, he shouted loudly: "Salazar, my dear brother, you really came to save me! Hurry up, release the undead blood hand, let's kill Arion together! At that time, Haihuang The trident is yours! You can become the new sea king and rule the entire ocean!"

Salazar was taken aback, and said quickly: "Xufeng, what are you talking about? Your Royal Highness, I'm here to help you!"

Xufeng shouted loudly: "Aha, this is a good trick, but Sea Prince is not a fool. He must have guessed that you are going to ambush him, so let's just do it hard!"

Sure enough, Sea Prince Arion roared angrily: "Mortal, I said, how did you run in this direction? It turns out that there is a helper! And, it is a dirty helper for the undead! Hmph, don't think I can kill the dead, you can do it Sit back and relax!"

As he said, Arion concentrated his divine power and poured it on the Sea Emperor's trident, and the three sharp spearheads of the trident burst into orange light at the same time!

The power of sea soul, the power of ice crystal, the power of thunderstorm, three moves in one!

The entire sea caused huge vibrations, tsunamis, ice, and thunderstorms, and landed on Salazar at the same time.

Salazar exclaimed: "His Royal Highness, this is not the matter..."

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