Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 835

Before the words were finished, his undead body was quickly frozen, and his undead ship Silent Mary was also torn apart by the tsunami and thunderstorm.

The undead crew members on the ship were also frozen into ice, unable to attack or escape.

And Xu Feng quickly dived into the deep sea before the three moves were combined into one, swimming quickly in the deep sea.

"Hahaha! Your helper can no longer help you a mortal! Come out quickly and die!" Arion continued pursuing triumphantly.

At this time, Xu Feng's physical stamina was almost at its limit.

The Hammer saw the timing and drove me really better than Xuediqiang, and received Xufeng, and then I was really really better than Xuediqiang and accelerated towards the coast.

"It's useless!" Arion said with a wild smile, "None of you can escape!"

With that said, he used the Sea Emperor's Trident to release the power of the Sea Soul, and set off a 100-meter-high tsunami on the sea, oppressing me, really stronger than Xuedi.

If it were only a wooden boat, it would be destroyed by this one.

But I was really stronger than the Snow Emperor, but in the turbulent waves, I forcibly supported it, broke through the top wave, and continued to rush towards the beach at high speed.

"Damn mortal!" Arion volleyed with the Sea Emperor's Trident, and the power of the Sea Emperor's Trident immediately hit the tail of I, really stronger than Xuedi, and the propelling propeller was instantly shattered!

However, fortunately, the impact of the Trident was very strong. With the inertia of the impact, I was really stronger than the Snow Emperor, and it soared on the sea and crashed down towards the beach.

The entire ship was hit by a huge impact, and several weak pirates fainted directly.

And a part of the pirates were hit and flew off the Snow Emperor, and fell into the frantic churning water.

Among them, there is Karina.

As soon as Karina fell into the sea, Barbosa suddenly jumped into the sea desperately.

And Xuedi also chased after him desperately.

Seeing such a scene, Arion immediately laughed happily. While grinning, he waved the Sea Emperor's Trident and hit the sea fiercely, forming an unprecedented tsunami.

In the tsunami, humans are smaller than bugs.

Karina struggled desperately, "Help! Help!"

Barbosa swam to Karina's side strenuously, grabbed Karina's hand, and tried to prevent Karina from being swept into the sea by the tsunami.

"Hold on to me, boy, no matter what happens, don't let go." Barbossa gasped.

Karina cried and said, "This time we are really over!"

"No! There is hope!" Barbossa took out a golden pearl from his pocket.

Chapter 553 I'm Sorry, My... Baby

Barbossa squeezed the golden pearl tightly, pinched it hard, and plunged into the turbulent sea.

Karina looked at Barbosa in surprise, wondering why Barbosa did this.

I saw the golden pearl swell with water, and quickly expanded into a floating ball with a diameter of one meter!

Barbossa pushed Karina into the first aid floating ball, and comforted him: "Wait here, Master Xuedi will come to rescue you soon."

Karina said in astonishment: "Wait! What about you?"

Barbossa gave a wry smile, "The floating ball can only hold one person. Leave me alone."

"No!" Karina exclaimed: "This is your floating ball, I can't deprive you of the right to survive!"

With that said, Karina wanted to get out of the floating ball.

Barbossa held her firmly, "Don't move, be obedient! Well, stay alive!"

A huge wave came, and Barbosa's face was covered with salty water.

Karina cried and said, "Why? Why do you want to be so good to me? Who on earth are you to me?"

Barbossa wanted to tell the truth, but in the end he smiled bitterly, "Perhaps, I have done too much in one act and want to pay you back."

Karina took Barbosa's hand and tried to prevent Barbosa from being swept away by the waves.

The turbulence of the waves made Karina extremely dizzy, but she still refused to let Barbosa go.

After a while of dizziness, she noticed a strange tattoo on the inside of Barbosa's arm.

This tattoo is exactly the pattern of the trident star!

Karina was shocked, "Why do you have such a tattoo? Who are you?"

Barbosa said with a wry smile: "I'm sorry, Karina, I'm sorry."

Karina wants to ask again, but Barbosa continues: "I have done a lot of evil things in my life, but God has treated me very well, so that I can meet you again at the last moment of my life and give I make up for your chance, you have to live well, my... baby."

At this time, another huge wave smashed down, Barbosa pushed away the floating ball, and he was caught in the stormy sea.

"No! Don't!" Karina wanted to get out of the floating ball madly, but her violent dizziness made her unable to move.

After several more bumps and shocks, the floating ball finally stabilized.

Xuedi ran over on the turbulent waves, picked up the floating ball, and quickly retreated towards the beach.

At this time, I was really stronger than Xuedi, and was overturned by a huge wave, and then rushed to the beach.

Fortunately, this ship was a steel ship, so it was not crushed and shattered, and the pirates in the cabin barely saved their lives.

"Karina! Karina!" Henry desperately rushed towards the floating ball.

Karina cried and said, "I found my father, Henry! I found my father! It turned out he was by my side, but I didn't realize it!"

Henry hugged Karina comfortingly, not knowing what to say for a while.

Jack sighed and said, "Barbosa is a successful captain and a great father. Goodbye, my old friend, I will miss you forever."

Prince Arion was chasing after him, and Xu Feng was too late to mourn Barbosa. He shouted: "All retreat inland! Hurry!"

Henry hurriedly picked up the frail Karina and ran to the jungle, and Jack also ran with the pirates.

Arion grinned coldly and said, "Mortals, you have no retreat!"

Standing on the beach, Xufeng said in a cold voice, "Arian, come and kill me if you have the ability!"

Arion waved the Sea Emperor's trident in anger, and the entire space trembled.

The Sea King's trident hit the beach and immediately divided the beach into two!

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