Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 836


No wonder the entire continent of Atlantis will be scuttled.

Fortunately, Arion Sea Prince was not strong enough to maximize the power of Sea Emperor's Trident. Otherwise, this blow would definitely flatten all the land in a radius of a hundred miles.

Xufeng and Xuedi quickly retreated to the depths of the coast.

Sea Prince Arion chased to the edge of the ocean and looked at the solid land with a little hesitation on his face.

As a sea prince, he wouldn't know that once he left the ocean, his power would decay rapidly.

Although he was protected by the sea god's armor, he would not be killed by a mortal, but the risk factor was still very high.

Seeing Arion stopped, Xufeng laughed and said, "Why, is the future Sea Emperor's heir a coward? I dare not set foot on land?"

Arion roared angrily: "Mortal, I want you to die without a place to be buried!"

With that said, Arion jumped out of the sea and landed on the beach.

His steps began to become heavy, and the Sea Emperor's Trident in his hand also became extremely heavy.

In the sea, he is the son of the sea emperor, a first-level deity blessed by the sea.

On land, even if he is still a first-level deity, his divine power will be greatly weakened.

Xufeng winked at Xuedi and Iron Hammer, and the two women immediately understood, and disappeared in no time.

Arion frowned, his hands clenched the heavy trident, ready to fight.

Xu Feng showed the sword of Triton and stood proudly in front of Arion.

Arion asked vigilantly: "What? Don't run away?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "My purpose is to lead you to the land. Now that you have been hooked, what am I going to run?"

Arion said in a cold voice, "Boy, you know how to take advantage of my disadvantages. This is indeed very smart, but your cleverness is meaningless in front of my absolute strength. I can crush you with just one finger. dead."

Xu Feng smiled coldly: "Really? Then come on!"

"Looking for death!" Arion suddenly waved the Sea Emperor's Trident in his hand, his movements were slow, and he didn't have the free and easy way of being at sea.

He tried his best to use "the power of the sea soul", but he could not cause a tsunami-after all, it was already land.

Arion couldn't believe it, and quickly used the power of ice crystals and the power of thunderstorms.

But the Sea Emperor's Trident seemed to have expired, and there was no response at all.

Xufeng sneered and said: "Prince Arion, the special effects of the Sea Emperor's trident don't work here anymore. Why don't you keep it here and run for your own life."

Arion roared angrily: "Mortal, you actually insulted me! As the eldest son of Haihuang's concubine, how can I not kill a small mortal like you!"

As he said, Arion waved the heavy Sea Emperor's trident and slashed towards Xufeng fiercely.

Xufeng held the sword of Triton in both hands and faced Arion's attack.

At the same time, the Snow Emperor and the Iron Hammer shot twice from the left and the right, and the Thunder Sword and the Forged Warhammer slammed into Arion's hands.

Arion was shocked, and subconsciously shrank his hands.

But Xu Feng took a step ahead and grabbed the handle of the sea king trident!

After boarding the land, the power of the Sea Emperor's trident diminished, and Xu Feng could completely hold it!

Chapter 554 Destroy the Trident!

"Do not!"

When Arion realized Xu Feng's intention, he was already weak.

He hurriedly reached out to grab the Sea Emperor's Trident, but Xu Feng had already quickly pulled the Sea Emperor's Trident out, and then flashed out of the safe area.

Xuedi and Iron Hammer also took the opportunity to return to Xufeng's side.

"Ocean Emperor Trident..." Xu Feng waved it in his hand and laughed coldly: "It is said that having a trident is equivalent to owning the entire ocean. That said, I can also be an Ocean Emperor. "

Arion roared angrily: "Mortal, you dare to overstep the artifact!"

Xufeng said coldly: "Arian, if you still respect your father's authority, then kneel to me and show your surrender!"

Arion roared in embarrassment: "Asshole, how dare you humiliate me like this!"

Arion was completely enraged and rushed up with his bare hands.

To be honest, although he is very reckless, he is definitely dependent on him. The Poseidon armor on his body, but the equipment of the first-level deity, is not only invulnerable, but also rebounds any attack damage below his level.

Even though Xu Feng had the Sea Emperor's Trident in his hand, with Xufeng's strength, the damage of the Sea Emperor's Trident could not be fully utilized.

Therefore, Arion dared to rush up with his bare hands.

And this is also within Xufeng's plan!

With Xufeng's own power, it was impossible to smash the divine tool of the Sea Emperor's Trident, even with the sword of Triton, it was impossible.

Although the sword of Triton was also forged from the material of the Sea Emperor's Trident, the Sea Emperor's Trident itself was infused with divine powers, which made the Sea Emperor's Trident indestructible.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for Xu Feng to smash the Sea Emperor Trident with his own strength.

Therefore, the best way is to use external forces.

Arion's Poseidon armor is a good external force.

Of course, if you use the Sea King's Trident to stab Arion's Seagod armor, you will definitely suffer the same damage. Xu Feng's strength is not defense, so when Arian rushed over, Xu Feng handed the Sea Emperor's Trident Give it to the Snow Emperor around him.

Arion was taken aback for a moment, and then continued to rush towards Xu Feng with full force.

Xu Feng avoids the reality and emptiness, Shi spreads out the crane-shaped side, retreating strangely.

But Xuedi roared, poured the power of his whole body on the Sea Emperor Trident, and stab Arion's heart fiercely!

The hardest part of Poseidon's armor is the heart!

Arion wasn't worried, and directly slammed his heart into the Sea Emperor's Trident!

The huge impact returned to the Sea Emperor Trident, and the entire artifact was humming and shaking!

Xuedi’s own attack power is not too high, but her defense power is absolutely strong. She used her own defense power to force the damage returned from the countershock into the Sea Emperor Trident, and the Sea Emperor Trident became extremely It became unstable.

Arion sneered, "It seems that you don't know how to use the Sea King trident, so give it back to me!"

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