Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 838

After Arion finished speaking, he gave Xufeng a fierce look, then jumped and jumped into the sea, disappearing without a trace.

Skoala smiled at Xufeng and said: "Xufeng, you saved me, and I can be considered to repay you. We are not in debt."

Xufeng smiled and said, "I knew that Witch Sansa was the sea goddess Skoala, I wouldn't have been so cold to you."

Skola laughed, "It’s not guilty if you don’t know. Since the matter here is finished, then I will leave. However, before leaving, I want to advise you a few words, you have offended Amphitrite. The leading deity, try to stay away from the ocean in the future. After all, next time Arion is caught, I won't show up to help."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Since you gave me advice, let me give you one too."

Skoala was startled, "Oh? You still give me advice? What advice?"

Xu Feng said faintly: "Hide yourself, don't show up again."

Skoala said coldly: "I am a dignified first-level deity who was entrapped by the hypocritical woman of Amphitrite. Of course I have to walk back to the Sea Emperor's Palace with confidence and question her."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Will she admit it?"

Skoala was startled, "Of course she can argue, but I will use my anger to prove it to everyone! She is a hypocritical woman."

Xufeng sighed and shook his head, "You still haven't figured it out."

"Understand what?" Skola asked suspiciously.

Xufeng asked: "Why does the Hai Empress curse you?"

Skola replied: "Because she is hypocritical! She is jealous of me!"

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Perhaps, but as far as I know, Poseidon has five lovers. Does Hai Empress treat them like that?"

Skola hesitated, "That's not true. She welcomes other mistresses with a smile."

"Then why do you harm you?"

"Because I... more beautiful than everyone?"

Xufeng shook his head helplessly, "You still haven't figured it out. Let me be more straightforward. The Hai Empress cursed you, but it's not against you."

"Curse me, but not against me?" Sikaola frowned and said, "Xufeng, do you know what you are talking about?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Don't worry, listen to me and analyze it slowly-you are under a curse. There are only two solutions to this curse. One is to find Amphitrite after the sea, and the other is to smash the trident. ,Right?"

"Yes." Skoala said coldly, "but my arrogance does not allow me to ask the queen of the sea, and even if I ask, she will not admit that it is her curse."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Yes, so the only way out for you is to smash the Trident of the Sea King. But you must also understand that the Trident of Sea King is the container for Poseidon to keep his soul when he is dormant. Once the sea emperor’s trident shatters, the ocean will be in a situation without human supervision. Although the curse is eliminated, the sea emperor himself, I am afraid it will be difficult to wake up from dormancy."

Skoala was startled, "This...I haven't thought about it, I thought...this is just a weapon."

Xufeng smiled and said: "The Empress Hai has taken advantage of your innocence and asked you to find someone to smash the trident. Although your curse is lifted, Poseidon will not stop for a long time. She will wake up again. And she also specially sent Sea King’s eldest son Arion to protect the Sea King trident. On the surface, she was indeed protecting the trident, but in reality, she was Then push Arion into the troublesome fire pit, because she calculated it, you and your people will definitely break the trident, then Arion may be killed by you, even if you don’t kill, Arion will do the job Disadvantageous, without the trident that can protect the Sea Emperor, he will not be entrusted with important tasks in the future."

"Wait! Why do I get more and more confused! Arion is the eldest son of the eldest son, and he is also the biological son of Hai Empress! Why does she calculate her biological son like this?" Skoola shook her head and said.

Xufeng smiled and said: "It's very simple. She likes her youngest son, Triton. Everything she does, including cursing you, including letting us break the trident, is to delay the Emperor Bosai Winter returns, and if the Sea Emperor cannot return in a short time, then the one in power should fall into Arion's hands. However, because of the fragmentation of the trident, Arion is not qualified to be in power, the power of the entire ocean. , Will fall into the hands of the second prince Triton. This is a conspiracy in the court."

Skola looked at Xufeng in horror, "...It turned out to be like this! This sea queen is really a good calculation! Xufeng, then what should I do now?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Hide it away, don't let the Hai Empress find you, otherwise, she will really kill you."

Skola thought for a while, "...I understand, thank you, you are good people, I wish you all the best. As for myself, I will hide."

After speaking, Sikaola leaned back towards Xufeng, turned her head and walked into the sea.

A wave turned up on the sea, and then Skoala completely disappeared.

Chapter 556

"It seems that gods are not so good to behave. You have to worry about it every day, not to calculate others, or to prevent others from being calculated." Iron Hammer sneered and said, "Compare, it's better for us."

Xuedi said blankly: "Xu Feng, you are so charming, even the goddess of the ocean has a heart for you."

Xu Feng said quickly: "No, no, we saved Skoala's life anyway, and he should be polite to us."

Hammer smiled and said: "By the way, this silk koala passed by Xufeng, so there should be nothing wrong with you, right?"

Xufeng shook his head, "I'm afraid it won't work. Although I reminded her to be careful of the empress, with her IQ, she can't compete with the empress. I think it won't be long before she will be attracted by the empress. Come out and be killed."

The Hammer exclaimed, "So cruel? In that case, why don't you tell Skoala more?"

Xufeng smiled bitterly: "We can save her for a while, but it is impossible to save her. After all, this is not our world. Our goal is not to make friends here, but to complete the reward task as soon as possible and leave this ghost place. ——There are too many first-level gods here, and if you delay it, I'm afraid Hai Empress will come to the door in person."

Xuedi said coldly: "Isn't that right? Hai Empress has been a widow for almost 10,000 years, you can just take the opportunity to subdue her."

Xu Feng said quickly: "Don't make trouble with Snow Emperor, I am a serious person."

Xuedi snorted coldly, and muttered softly: "Slag man."

Xufeng deliberately pretended not to hear, and cleared his throat and said, "Let’s do something serious. Now that the Sea Emperor Trident has been broken, the curse on the sea has been lifted. It’s time to turn around and hunt down. Salazar."

"Haha, I almost forgot about it!" The Hammer picked up his warhammer and said enthusiastically, "I'll go one step ahead!"

With that, she walked on the waves and rushed in the direction where the undead crew was frozen.

Xufeng glanced at Xuedi, "...Then what, are you okay?"

Xuedi said blankly, "Why, do you think I will be jealous? Xufeng! You look too high on yourself? Do you think that all women in the world are not in love with you?"

Xu Feng said quickly: "No, no, I didn't mean that, I mean, you just faced off with Arion, are there any injuries? Do you need recovery pills or Xingyue tea?"

"..." Xuedi suddenly looked embarrassed.

Fortunately, she was wearing Medusa's mask, and her expression was not visible from the outside.

"Hmph, I'm fine, let's kill Salazar first." Xuedi hurriedly dropped a word, and chased after the hammer.

Xu Feng shook his head helplessly, "A woman's heart is like an abyss."

After speaking, Xu Feng also followed.

At this time, the ice crystals on the dead crew members had just begun to melt.

Originally, with the power of the Sea Emperor's Trident, once it was frozen by the power of its ice crystals, it was basically impossible to get rid of it.

However, the Sea Emperor's Trident was smashed by Xufeng, and the ice crystal's power was naturally eliminated.

Salazar was relieved from the extreme cold torment, and spit out a long mouthful of frost.

The adjutant next to him screamed in dismay.

Salazar frowned and said, "What's your name? We were only temporarily frozen for a while, why are you calling like a woman?"

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