Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 839

The adjutant said quickly: "No! General! We, we exhaled the frost!"

Salazar was startled at first, and then even more shocked!

They are undead!

The undead don't need to breathe!

No matter how cold the weather is, they won't exhale frost!

Salazar hurriedly tried to exhale again-sure enough, it was really cold!

The expression on his face was mixed with joy and sorrow, and his hands and feet trembled slightly from overexcitement.

More than forty years!

He finally felt the pulse of life!

Every time he takes a breath, he feels all parts of his body are working vigorously!

"Ah! Life!"

Salazar yelled to the sky: "We finally have life again!"

The other undead crew members also sobbed excitedly, hugging each other, celebrating that they finally got rid of the torture of the curse.

Suddenly, a flying hammer flew over without warning and directly smashed the head of one of the crew members.

The crew member came to yell before he had time to yell, his brain was smashed out, and the whole person was silent.

The relief of the curse is a good thing for the undead, but it may also be a bad thing.

Salazar was startled, and quickly looked in the direction of the flying hammer, only to see Xufeng rushing over with Xuedi and the hammer.

The flying hammer just now was thrown out by the hammer.

When Salazar saw Xu Feng, he was immediately angry, but he soon calmed down.

He fought against Xufeng many times and never really won.

Even if he hadn't had the power of the undead to protect the body, he would have been killed by Xufeng three times.

Now, the curse of the undead has disappeared, and they are gradually recovering their flesh and blood, but the flesh and blood can definitely not beat Xu Feng!

When I tried to understand this, Salazar suddenly sweated on his forehead.

Xu Feng rushed over like a gust of wind, and the sword of Triton in his hand pierced continuously, instantly beheading the crew members who stood in front of Salazar.

Salazar said quickly: "Master Xufeng! Have something to discuss!"

Xu Feng stopped and said lightly, "What do you want to discuss?"

Salazar said quickly: "Master Xufeng, I am the commander of the Spanish Royal Fleet. If you let me go, it is the greatest kindness to Spain. The King of Spain will remember your goodness, and I will also remember your badness. Killing grace! As long as you let me go, Spain will be your most steadfast friend, and Spain can give you whatever you want!"

Xu Feng smiled coldly: "I only want one thing."

Salazar asked in surprise: "What?"

Xu Feng said coldly: "Your head is on top."

The muscles on Salazar's face twitched slightly, "So, you are determined to kill me? I really don't understand, there is no grievance between us, why do you have to fight each other hard? Is it for pirates? But as a navy, killing pirates is justified!"

Xu Feng said in a cold voice: "I know that it is indeed right for you to kill pirates, but it has something to do with me? You did a righteous thing, is it a gold medal to avoid death?"

Salazar gritted his teeth, "It seems that there must be a death between us today. Well, let's have a fair showdown. I won't let my crew interfere, and you won't let your people interfere. ."

Xu Feng sneered, "Okay."

Salazar showed his general's sword-this sword was his original Undead Sword, but as his undead power retreated, the Undead Sword returned to its original form.

I have to say that this general's sword is still very beautiful, but as a weapon that has lost the power of the undead, it is more like a decorative sword than a sharp blade for battle.

Chapter 557 Reward Mission Completed!

Salazar held the beautiful general's sword tightly, half of his body was soaked in the cold water.

His fingers were stiff from the cold and low temperature, which was something he never felt when he was an undead.

"It's not fair!" Sarah looked at Xu Feng standing on the sea, gritted her teeth and said, "I can't walk on the water, but you can. It's totally unfair to say this!"

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "There is no fairness in this world. When you were in the undead state, did you ever want to fight in a fair manner? Why are you now paying attention to fairness?"

Salazar's complexion rose, "It is said that we are a fair match, if you fight like this, even if you kill me, I am not convinced."

Xufeng sighed helplessly, "Salazar, you know, I don’t need you to be convinced, I just want to kill you. But okay, in order for you to start quickly, I just need to stop walking on the water. ."

With that, Xu Feng jumped into the water when he thought about it.

As soon as he jumped into the water, Salazar suddenly got into trouble and pushed out a wave with one palm. Then, his general's sword was hidden in the wave and slammed into Xufeng's heart!

Xu Feng just smiled coldly, standing still.

Salazar was overjoyed, speeding up the afterburner!


Salazar cheered excitedly in his heart.

However, before the smile on his face bloomed, he froze in the water.

In front of him, it was just an afterimage, his sword stabbed in another wave, not Xufeng!

Where is Xufeng?

Salazar felt his heart miss a beat.

The hammer laughed, and pointed his finger behind Salazar.

Saracha's scalp was numb, and she turned around and chopped.

After all, he is a 52-level elite powerhouse. Even without the power of the undead, his own combat effectiveness is remarkable, so the reaction speed is really not slow.

After Xufeng flashed behind Salazar, he didn't rush to make a move, but slowly poured his power into the sword of Triton.

As Salazar turned and slashed, Xu Feng shouted, holding swords in both hands, smashing Huashan with one force, and slashing at Salazar fiercely.

Salazar was frightened, but his turning around and slashing was already very reluctant. He didn't need any strength at all. There was no chance to escape.

He can only bite the bullet.

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