Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 840


Xufeng's all-out blow resulted in a fatal crit, and the sword smashed the general's sword in Salazar's hand!

Salazar exclaimed in disbelief, but his body was too late to make an evasive reaction!

The sword of Triton was like a broken bamboo. After cutting off the general's long sword, it struck Salazar on the head of Salazar!

Salazar screamed, his brain burst!

His body struggled a few times in the cold water, and then he was completely silent.

The scene was deadly silent, only the turbulent sea, beating rhythmically.

Like applause, but also like mockery.

The fifth stage reward task...completed!

Such a message flashed in the vision of Xufeng and others.

This also means that they finally got through this series and can quit the plot world of "Pirates of the Caribbean".

Those navy crews were all soaked in the water at a loss. They didn't know what their fate would be.

They did not dare to resist, after all, the other party was the pirate emperor, who could kill Salazar with a single shot.

They can only wait in place with horror, accepting their fate's trial.

The Hammer glanced at these trembling officers, "What do they do?"

Xu Feng said lightly: "Our mission is completed, let them fend for themselves."

The hammer nodded and said loudly, "Have you heard that, why don't you run?"

The navy crew members were immediately grateful to Dade and swam to the coast one by one.

"Go, let's stay away from the ocean as soon as possible." Xufeng jumped out of the sea and prepared to leave.

"Wait." Xuedi squatted next to Salazar's corpse. With a movement of his mind, he took out a blue glove from the corpse.

"Oh, the spoils are paid back!" The Hammer said with a smile.

Emperor Xue said coldly: "Somehow they are level 52 elites, and of course they will lose loot."

Xufeng scanned it with Ling Vision:

Extraordinary Item: Undead Bracers.

Item level: level 40.

Item attributes: +30 mental resistance, +10 life.

Item special effects: The wearer can use the Undead Blood Hand skill, which can form a magical damage force within 10 meters. This skill can only be used once every 24 hours.

"...Garbage!" The Hammer said angrily.

Xuedi put away the undead's handguards expressionlessly, "Okay, now you can go."

The three immediately left this sea area and returned to the "I am really better than Xuedi".

Lin Hai and Yang Gong greeted them again excitedly.

"Xue Di! Xu Feng! Hammer!"

"Hahaha! Great! I can't believe it, we actually got through the whole series of "Pirates of the Caribbean" plot!"

"Speaking of which, we can be regarded as the team second only to the God Killing Squad!"

Xuedi said faintly: "Don't be too proud, we are still far from the God Killing Squad, but everyone's performance this time is very good, continue to maintain, we will eventually become the strongest on this plane. Team."

Lin Hai confidently said: "It will definitely!"

Duke Yang smiled and said, "I, Duke Yang, again, are also strong!"

Xuedi took out the "Undead Bracers" just now, "You two, do you need this piece of equipment?"

Gong Yang scanned again, "...for free?"

Xuedi said coldly: "The starting price is 1,000 movie power points, the price you want."

Duke Yang curled his lips again, "Just add 10 life points to 1,000 shadow energy points, I don't want it!"

Lin Hai smiled and said, "I want it."

Xuedi nodded slightly, "Then give it to Uncle Lin Hai."

This piece of equipment is obviously a spiritual attribute equipment, more suitable for Lin Hai who uses resistance skills.

The price of 1000 shadow power points is really cheap. If it is sold at an auction house outside, it must be sold at least 5000 or even higher.

"Thanks everyone!"

Lin Hai allocated 200 shadow energy points to everyone, and then took the undead's wrist and equipped it on his body for soul binding.

This is also the rule of the Xuedi team. Any internal auction items are all soul-bound equipment on the spot, and they must not be secretly sold to the auction house to earn movie power points.

"Well, our tasks are all completed, and we can leave now." Xuedi said lightly.

Xufeng said, "Wait a minute, let me tell Jack and the others."

"...Alright." Xuedi nodded slightly, "Then give you one day."

After all, the "Pirates of the Caribbean" plot has been performed five times in a row, let alone Xufeng, even Xuedi has friendships with Jack, Barbosa and others.

It's really unreasonable to leave in such a hurry without saying goodbye.

Chapter 558 You can't be such a rogue!

At this time, Jack and others had walked out of the jungle and found their Black Pearl.

The Black Pearl was riddled with holes, but the overall boat bones were still intact, and with a little repair, they could sail again.

Xufeng and the others came to the side of the Black Pearl on the "I am really better than Xuedi".

When Xufeng boarded the ship, all the pirates on board knelt on one knee and respectfully welcomed Xufeng's arrival.

Xu Feng said quickly: "Get up, everyone is old friends, don't be so dismissive."

Gibbs quickly said: "Your Majesty, you are the pirate emperor who can defeat Arion. We have all witnessed your feat of breaking the Trident of the Sea King! We admire you from the bottom of our hearts! Such etiquette fits your identity. It also suits our mood!"

Xufeng smiled and said: "It’s not my credit to split the Trident of the Sea Emperor. That’s because after the trident came to the land, it lost more than half of its supernatural power, and the Snow Emperor would also rebound it. The force was resisted inside the trident, coupled with Arion's grip, and then I and the hammer smashed hard, and it was split."

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